Protect, Preserve, & Interpret 
Alabama's  Historic Places

468 S Perry St, Montgomery, AL 36104   ( 334) 230-2690
In This Issue
Calendar of Events
Guided tours are offered by appointment only, Monday - Friday at 9:00, 10:00, 11:00, 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00. Self-guided tours anytime Monday-Friday, no appointment needed. Call Lisa Franklin, 
Site Director, at 
334-242-3188 for more information.
April 29-30
Up close and personal living history demonstrations performed by authentically uniformed, equipped, and trained Civil War reenactors.
For more information call  205-755-1990.
May 7
1814 Militia.
For more information call  334-567-3002.
May 7
B.Y.O. (Bring Your Own) Bike Tour. For more information call 334-872-8058. 
May 20-21
The public is invited to join us for a series of events to honor and commemorate the 55th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides. For more information call 334-414-8647.
May 20
Alabama Historical Commission Quarterly 
Meeting ----
Scheduled for 1:00pm at Troy University-Montgomery Campus (Whitley Hall - Gold Room). For more information call 
May 21
1750s French Garrison.
For more information call  334-567-3002.
May 28
Memorial Day Tribute. Special-guided tours will be conducted throughout the day by historical interpreters dressed in U.S. Army uniforms from different eras of the Fort's occupation. Demonstrations will also be conducted. For more information please call 
Recent Press Releases

In the News

Legislative Update Week 13

House Bill 62 (State Tax Credit)    
Sponsor:  Representative Gaston
We report with much regret that this bill is effectively dead for this legislative session. The legislature has only two meeting days left and will adjourn sine die on May 3. The Alabama Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program will expire on May 15. Complete applications (Part A and B forms) will be accepted through May 13, 5:00 p.m. 

For more information please visit 

Senate Bill 13 (Moving or renaming Monuments)
Sponsor: Senator Allen
The bill is ready for a 3 rd reading in the House of Representatives.
No change since last update .

House Bill 3 (Moving or renaming Monuments)    
Sponsor: Representative Beckman
This bill was referred to a subcommittee of State Government. No change since last update.
Senate Bill 15 (Unearmark Bill)     
Sponsor: Senator Ward
This is the bill that originally removed Confederate Memorial Park from the Soldiers Fund and then put them back in at a higher rate.  This bill was amended in committee to remove Confederate Memorial Park. The bill is awaiting third reading in the Senate. No change since last update .
House Bill 313 (Prison Transformation Initiative Act )   
Sponsor:  Representative Clouse
This bill puts Confederate Park back into the Soldiers funds at its original place and rate. No change since last update .
Senate Bill 287 (Companion Bill to HB 313)     
Sponsor:  Senator Pittman and others
This bill passed the House on April 27 and was sent back to the Senate to concur.
House Joint Resolution 26 (Bill of Rights Monument)      
Sponsor: Representative Mooney and others
This House Resolution encourages the AHC and the Division of Construction Management to approve and permit the construction or acquisition of a monument on state property to commemorate the Bill of Rights. This resolution was introduced and referred to the Rules committee.  No change since last update.  
Bills that Passed the Legislature

Senate Bill 51 (AHC Sunset Legislation)  Sponsor: Senator Bussman
Senate Bill 125 (General Fund)                Sponsor: Senator Pittman
Senate Bill 133 (Adding representatives from the Black Heritage Council and one at-large member from the Tennessee Valley Authority service area to the AHC Board)                                         Sponsors: Senator Figures & Bussman
House Bill 117 (Education Budget)         Sponsor:
 Representative Poole
Congratulations to AHC Commissioner Douglas Purcell

Douglas Purcell, who now serves as the Historic Chattahoochee Commission representative on the Alabama Historical Commission board, was honored with the prestigious Historic Preservation Medal from the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The award recognizes individuals who have done extraordinary work in historic preservation. According to the DAR, only about 30 of these awards are presented each year throughout the United States.

As the founding director for the Historic Chattahoochee Trace Commission, Commissioner Purcell served for 39 years bringing attention to the vast contributions of individuals and communities of east Alabama and west Georgia. Upon retirement, he did not cease to serve. Instead, Commissioner Purcell continues to serve the public by promoting ongoing initiative such as the Eufaula Pilgrimage. 
2016 Historic Preservation Awards

The Alabama Historical Commission and the Black Heritage Council are seeking nominations for the 2016 Historic Preservation Awards. Recipients will be honored during the Alabama Preservation Conference being held in conjunction with the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions (NAPC) in Mobile, July 27-31.

Distinguished Service Award
Since 1969 the Alabama Historical Commission has celebrated achievements in preservation by presenting the Distinguished Service Award to individuals and groups whose contributions demonstrate excellence in historic preservation.

Roy Swayze Award
This award recognizes outstanding achievement by a private owner in the restoration of a major Alabama landmark.

Idella Childs Award
Each year the Black Heritage Council recognizes outstanding preservation projects that highlight Alabama's African American history and culture. The late Idella Childs established an enviable record as a preservationist of Alabama's black landmarks.

Click here to download the nomination form. The deadline for submissions is May 15. 

The Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation also seeks nominations. Deadline is June 1.  For more information and a nomination form, click here
May 2016 Marks the 55th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides

On May 20, 1961, an integrated group of courageous, nonviolent college students arrived in Montgomery to peacefully desegregate the Greyhound Bus Station. There, the Freedom Riders were met with a violent mob. This effort, put into motion by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) on May 4, 1961, was planned in order to desegregate interstate facilities in the Deep South following the U.S. Supreme  Court's ruling in Boynton v. Virginia.

The Freedom Riders efforts led to the desegregation of all interstate facilities across the South and resulted in the federal government taking an active role in the fight for civil rights.

On May 20-21, 2016, we invite the public to join us at the Freedom Rides Museum and other sites in Montgomery for a series of events to honor and commemorate the 55th Anniversary of the Freedom Rides. A list of events will soon be available online at and on the Freedom Rides Museum Facebook page
AHC Outreach 

Bill Rambo, Site Director of Alabama Historical Commission's Confederate Memorial Park, participated in the living history demonstrations at Shiloh National Military Park.

Jennifer Bailey, Alabama Historical Commission  Coordinator, Alabama Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program presented a general overview of the AHC at the Southern Cross Chapter Meeting for the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Collier Neeley, Alabama Historical Commission National Register Coordinator, gave a presentation to the Ramer Library and Senior Center on April 13th. He discussed the developmental history of Montgomery through its Architectural History up to 1940.  Collier presented the overall development of the city and the county by highlighting architectural styles and developmental patterns between antebellum Montgomery and the city after Reconstruction into the 20 th  century. 
Where in the State are the AHC Staff?

Alabama Historical Association

Staff from the Alabama Historical Commission and the Alabama Department of Archives and History attending the Alabama Historical Association's 2016 Annual Meeting in Montgomery.

Alabama State Capitol

The AHC Preservation Division visited the dome of the State Capitol to discuss future preservation needs.

Overton Farm

The AHC staff was invited by State Representative Johnny Mack Morrow to visit the historic Overton Farm near Hodges, Alabama (in the bend of Bear Creek), in Franklin County. The purpose of the visit was to see an intact, early American homestead which will become the centerpiece in a hiking and equestrian trail built by the Rock Bridge Canyon Equestrian Park and supporting community members.

Oyster Farm

AHC staff visited an oyster farm to learn more about this growing industry.

Middle Bay Lighthouse

AHC staff visited Middle Bay Lighthouse.
Happenings at #AHCsites  

Fort Toulouse-Fort Jackson Park's French & Indian War Encampment

Living History at Belle Mont Mansion

Bernardo Galvez Marker Dedication held by the Sons of the American Revolution (General Galvez Chapter) at Fort Morgan State Historic Site.

Children from Greensboro Elementary and Southern Academy participated in the Black Belt Quilt Project at Magnolia Grove.

A tour group from Australia visited Gaineswood.
Gaineswood welcomed over 300 students to the annual Heritage Days.

Have You Checked Out the Map for the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage?

If you are visiting Montgomery, be  sure  check out the places listed on   the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage by  visiting

If you use this on your smart phone, it will show your location on the map and you can ask for directions to a property!

Employment Opportunities with the Alabama Historical Commission

The Alabama Historical Commission (SHPO) seeks to hire a Cultural Resource Specialist whose primary responsibility will be to review and comment on Alabama Department of Transportation projects undertaken pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. This position will review and comment on architectural reports/documents pursuant to federal historic preservation laws and regulations. Knowledge of Alabama history, a specific understanding of the regulatory review process, and experience in evaluating properties for the National Register of Historic Places is preferred. 

To apply, visit Search for Class 30422, Option 175, 176, and 177. Applicants are encouraged to apply for each option for which they are qualified.

Fort Toulouse-Fort Jackson Park in Wetumpka, Alabama, is accepting applications for a Parks Worker (half time) position. The selectee for this position works a twenty hour week (four hours per day), Wednesday through Sunday, at a starting rate of $8.58 per hour and works in both the Visitor Center and the Fee Booth. Candidates for this position should possess basic computer skills as well  as the ability to operate a cash register and maintain electronic/paper files. 

Please submit applications to the Fort Toulouse-Fort Jackson Visitor Center no later than 4PM, Friday, 8 April 2016. For more information call the park at 334-567-3002.

Happenings Around the State  

May 17 - Main Street Refresh Webinar. Registration opens April 4.

May 23-25 - National Main Street Conference, Milwaukee, WI


July 27 to 31 - The National Alliance of Preservation Commissions is proud to present the 10th Biennial NAPC FORUM in Mobile, Alabama . As the only national conference focused on the issues facing local historic preservation boards and commissions, FORUM 2016 includes dozens of educational sessions and discussion panels, mobile workshops and tours, and five days of non-stop networking for commission staff and volunteers representing local, state and national organizations and government agencies.                 

August 22-24Mark your calendars for the 3rd annual aLABama Downtown Laboratory Conference held in historic Five Points in Birmingham, AL. The conference is highly anticipated and attended by downtown revitalization experts, historic preservationists and economic development professionals from across the state.  Main Street Alabama is planning a packed conference with the focus on Design - one of the four points of the Main Street Approach.
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Please mark as "Attention: E-News."

468 South Perry Street
Montgomery, AL 36130-0900