18 April 2024

Worship With Us at Trinity Church

Sunday, 21 April

The Fourth Sunday of Easter

8:00 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church

10:00 AM

Holy Eucharist Rite II in the Church

and live-streamed via YouTube

Trinity Church YouTube

In This Week's eVoice













Trinity's Sunday Guest Presider / Preacher

The Rev. Cecil Tengatenga


Church by the Pond - 20 April

What's different about Episcopalians? - ACF - 21 April

Birdsong Concert - 21 April

Memorial Service for Ruby Grant- 27 April

Cystic Fibrosis Walk - 18 May

Trinity Book Club -31 May

Prayer List Requests

Special Prayer Requests


News from the Diocese

During this time at Trinity we will be blessed to welcome visiting priests as presiders and preachers for our 8:00 am and 10 am services. In order for you to get to know a bit about them before they arrive on Sunday, please take the time to read their biographies.

Please Welcome the Rev. Cecil Tengatenga


Trinity is delighted to welcome The Rev. Tengatenga as today’s presider and preacher.

Rev. Cecil Tengatenga is a trained educator with over a decade of teaching in public schools and running public health program for local and federal government. Rev. Tengatenga is also a health systems scientist whose research and pastoral clinical work focuses on addressing the complex implementation of health programs across multiple systems and providing bioethical consultation on health equity matters. Cecil is a cradle Episcopalian raised in the Anglican Church in Malawi and Zimbabwe. Cecil trained for ministry at Yale Divinity School and was ordained for the priesthood in January 2024. Rev. Tengatenga lives in New Haven with their partner Lindsey, daughters Sekai and Shamiso, and pets.



Trinity Church notes with sorrow the recent death

of Yvonne Clark, mother of Marcus Clark, mother-in-law of Leslyn Clark, and grandmother of Sam Clark. The prayers and sympathy of the congregation are extended to Marcus and Leslyn in their time of mourning and to all Yvonne’s family and friends.


Father of all, we pray to you for Yvonne

and for all those whom we love but see no longer.

Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them.

May her soul and the souls of all the departed,

through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


Notes of condolence may be sent to: Marcus and Leslyn Clark

                                                               183 Mohawk Dr

                                                              West Hartford, Ct 06117

Church by the Pond - April 20


Trinity's next opportunity to participate in this ministry led by Christ Church Cathedral is Saturday, April 20.

- We'll meet in the Trinity kitchen at 12:30 to prepare bag lunches, entering through the outside door to the kitchen.

- At 1:45 we'll bring those lunches and new socks to Bushnell Park, where we'll participate in the worship service by the pond.

- We'll distribute our lunches and socks following the service, and finish around 3:00.


All parishioners and families are welcome! Please contact me if you have any questions, or to let me know that you are planning to participate.


Penny Pearson, convener: pennypearson@comcast.net, 860-243-0020

Adult Christian Formation

Sunday, April 21, 2024

What’s Different about Episcopalians?

Whether you are a “cradle Episcopalian” or were raised in a different denomination, you may not be entirely sure how to answer that question.


  • What makes Trinity Church different from other Christian denomination parishes?
  • What does it mean to be “Episcopalian?”

While these questions may not keep you awake at night, they take on particular importance as we enter a time of transition in our leadership. Calling our next priest-in-charge will not involve posting a “help wanted” ad on job posting services.

On Sunday, April 21, after the 10 o’clock service, Trinity Church member Donald Romanik will answer some of these questions. In his capacity as president of the Episcopal Church Foundation, Donald has met with Episcopalians all over the country, has learned of the many ways Episcopalians practice and express their faith, and has influenced the current and future picture of the Episcopal Church, USA.

Please plan to join us for a lively discussion on what it means to be Episcopalians.

Memorial Service for Ruby Grant

Trinity Church notes the passing of Ruby Grant, a former and faithful member of the congregation. Our sympathy and prayers are with her family and friends. A memorial service for Ruby will be held at Trinity Church on Saturday April 27th at 11 am. All are welcome to attend.

Cystic Fibrosis Walk on May 18, 2024

Hello all! Kate and Drew Smith’s Cystic Fibrosis walk will again be held at Riverfront Park, Glastonbury, on Saturday, May 18th, 10 am.


Our granddaughter Sarah was born 14 years ago with Cystic Fibrosis and is doing quite well now. She has started taking the new drug Trikafta, has grown several inches and 2024 has a purple streak in her hair!


Team Strolling for Sarah does its annual walk, about 3 miles or one hour, to support the Great Strides program which raises research dollars for this genetic lung and digestion disease. The new drug Trikafta treats some of the causes for her illness and not just the symptoms.


If you cannot walk we hope you will support us at our website http://fightcf.cff.org/goto/Kate-Smith

or mail us at1898: 106 Vista Way Bloomfield, CT 06002.   


Visit our website: http://fightcf.cff.org/goto/Kate-Smith

for more information. Any questions? My email is: Kate48smith@comcast.net or call



Thanks so much, Kate and Drew Smith

Trinity Book Club

Trinity's Book Group will gather on Friday, May 31st to discuss Up Home: One Girl's Journey by Ruth J. Simmons. "Simmons’s evocative account of her remarkable trajectory from Jim Crow Texas, where she was the youngest of twelve children in a sharecropping family, to the presidencies of Smith College and Brown University shines with tenderness and dignity.” All are welcome to attend! The meeting will be hosted by Martha Freimuth at her home; please let her know if you plan to attend. (lems.cove@yahoo.com; 860-605-0703) It promises to be an evening of sparkling conversation and delectable treats!

Prayer List


Should you like a name added to the Prayer List, please contact the office at office at Trinityhartford.org or 860-527-8133 ext. 204.


Please note that unless the office is otherwise notified, the name will be on the list for 4 weeks and then removed.

Special Prayer Request

A member of our parish, Jacqui Lucier has advanced kidney disease and is in need of a transplant.

As we pray for Jacqui, we also ask that you prayerfully consider being screened as a potential kidney donor. For more information about living organ donation and to sign up to be screened, please visit nkr.org/SBB483. Please encourage your friends and family to consider donor screening.

To hear Jacqui talk about her illness and need for a transplant, watch this clip that has aired on local news.
Weekly Calendar
Find upcoming events HERE .

News from the Diocese

Click the link below to read up on what's going on in the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.


ECCT Newsletter - April 10, 2024

eVoice Deadline

All announcements should be submitted to the office at office@trinityhartford.org by Wednesday 9am for publication that week. Announcements that are submitted late will be held until the following week’s edition.

120 Sigourney Street
Hartford, CT 06105
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