July, 2022

Time to mark your calendar for

The Next Stop's 16th Annual Golf, Dinner and Wine Event!

More details to come

A Day at The Next Stop

A Day at The Next Stop

This short video describes a typical day at The Next Stop where we seek to "enrich and expand the lives of adults with special needs through social, recreational and life application learning opportunities and experiences".  

Accepting New Members

The Next Stop is accepting new members. All who would like more information regarding our member requirements please visit our WEBSITE. If interested in applying, fill out the INTEREST FORM and you will be contacted.

Employee of the Month

Meet Brian, an employee of Flowery Branch Chiropractic and a member of The Next Stop. Brian was selected the Employee of The Month at his job in March of this year. The employee of the month chooses a local charity to benefit from Flowery Branch Chiropractic's GIVE BACK MOVEMENT program.

THE GIVE BACK MOVEMENT is their "philanthropy program that allows a way to use our first patient fees every month to benefit and do good in our community". The Next Stop is very proud to be the recipient of this generous donation and very honored that Brian chose us.

A big congratulations to Brian for being chosen their Employee of the Month and kudos to Flowery Branch Chiropractic  for your support of charities in our community!

We're Creating Stars!

The videotaping of members preparing Next Stop recipes alongside Program Director Ms. Kathy is ongoing.  As with anything new, the process is becoming somewhat easier--at least a bit more predictable.  The "stars" (aka members) of these videos have been awesome! They are very good at just being themselves, which is the absolute intention.  

Let the Good Times Roll

Volunteer Mr. Steve always begins our Wednesdays by loudly asking the entire group the question "What day is it?" and members enthusiastically reply "HUMP DAY!". Then all together we recite "our favorite day with our favorite people". Mr. Steve began this tradition while we were on zoom....and it continues.  This fun way to start the day inspired Tubular Tuesdays and Terrific Thursdays -- also "our favorite days with our favorite people"!

Cinco De Mayo gave us a good reason to make virgin margaritas. And what's a celebration without chips and Mexican dip. 

Who doesn't like a personal pan pizza on National Eat What you Want To Day?

Filling our homemade birds' nests with candy eggs -- a delicious Easter dessert.

Looking Forward

The Next Stop will soon be in what we call our "Fundraising Season". You will have the opportunity to help us raise money for The Next Stop even before the fundraiser on October 3rd!

We also are preparing for a silent auction. If anyone would like to donate items (only brand new), gift certificates, original artwork, vacation opportunities, etc., please contact vicki@thenextstop.org.

Finally, if you are interested in volunteering at The Next Stop, please visit this page on our website - GET INVOLVED .

And as always, THANK YOU :-)

DONATE to The Next Stop

The Next Stop Foundation, Inc.



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