An Open And Affirming Community Of Faith -
We Welcome All Beliefs!
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Sage meets every Friday at 1 PM. Check here for the church calendar for the link.
- April is Autism Acceptance Month
- If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to update our video greetings for the Passing of the Peace! A short (5-10 seconds) video is all that’s needed, and phone recordings are fine! Or Rox can record you after church! Send your recordings to and she will add it!
- Meditation on Wednesday, April 24th at 7 pm
- Pot Luck 4/28 after service - see below
- Saturday, May 4 is World Labyrinth Day. Holy Covenant will be open from 12 pm to 3 pm for those who would like to walk our labyrinth. We will have explanatory materials and music to accompany your walk.
- Pints With the Pastor, Thursday, May 9th at 6pm
- Next Board Meeting is May 16th via Zoom
- Looking ahead to May and June, if you would like to add or update a photo of your mom (Mothers Day in May) or father (Fathers Day in June), or of someone who was a parental figure to you, dig those pictures out to send to Roxann.
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Support Holy Covenant MCC
with Your Generosity Today!
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Giving Needed Weekly
(4 WEEKS) $1,170
The monthly difference is $1,025
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Our bills are listed for the month of
APRIL 2024.
Your generosity helps us pay the bills. Any amount helps us meet our obligations.
If you would like to pay one of the bills,
please designate that in your donation.
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Join us at Pub 78 in beautiful downtown Brookfield for no-host dinner and/or drinks. conversation and good times from 6 pm - 8 pm.
Time: 6 pm, Thursday, May 9th.
Pub 78
3733 Grand Ave
Brookfield, IL 60513
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APRIL 28, 2024
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Our fourth potluck of the year is all about eco-friendly foods. Join us on Sunday, April 28th, immediately following church to enjoy a plethora of foods prepared by the blessed hands of our congregation!
What can you prepare that uses eco-friendly foods? These are dishes that are minimally processed and/or are organic.
Eco-friendly food products include:
- Pasta
- Vegetable oils
- Nuts and dried fruits
- Natural canned goods
- Dairy products
- Sweets
- Chocolate
April Potluck Signup Link
Here is a link to some eco-friendly recipies!
To ensure we have a variety of dishes, we have a sign-up sheet downstairs and a link above. Don't miss out on this opportunity to share a meal and fellowship with your church family. See you there!
Future dates for potlucks are:
May 19 (something that reminds you of summer) May Potluck Signup sheet
June 30 (fancy/fabulous for Pride)
July 26 (cool for summer)
August 25 (picnic theme)
September 29 (breakfast)
October 27 (pizza and a donation for Share Food Share Love)
November 24 (Native American)
December 29 (cozy)
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APRIL 27th
Hey there, Brookfield buddies! The moment we've all been waiting for is finally here - the Brookfield Community Wide Yard Sale is making its grand return for the 3rd year running! We're beyond stoked to announce this fantastic event and none of it would be possible without our amazing community.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 27th from 9am to 3pm (and keep Sunday, April 28th on standby in case of rain). It's time to de-clutter your spaces, hunt for treasures, and make some sweet deals! See you there!
We are accepting donations of clean clothing, books, clean kitchenware, craft material, small furniture, etc. We will not be accepting any electronics such as TV's, computers, etc. Please contact the church at 708-387-1611 or email if you have anything to donate.
If you can help us with the garage sale please click here and sign up with Sign-up Genius!
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Let's face it - we've all made money mistakes! April is National Financial Capability Month, a time for encouraging people to take action to
improve their financial futures. Please join Michael Herndon & Lisa Schifferle from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for a conversation that re-frames "getting scammed" into a story of recovery and resilience.
Click here to download the informational flyer and to attend you must register here.
| More information to come with the link to join. | | | |
The next Board meeting will be held on May 16th, 7 pm via Zoom. The Board discussed about moving meetings to Zoom and it was approved by everyone. If you would like to attend a meeting via Zoom, please contact Rev. Martha for the link so you can listen and observe.
You can find all the Board agenda, minutes and financials on our website. They are also posted on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall.
You can find a PDF of the past Board Meetings Agenda, Minutes and church financials here
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10:00 AM CST
Our worship celebration is every Sunday at 10 am CST. If you would like to join us you may join us in person or go to our YouTube page and click to watch the service or previous services.
Sunday, April 21, 2024
Luke 24: 13-49
Sermon Title: "Taking A Walk"
Have a candle ready to light, a cookie or bread, and a glass of your favorite libation for communion if you are watching online.
You can also find previous services on our YouTube Channel here.
Rev. Martha is available by email, phone, Facebook Messenger, and text for any pastoral needs you may have
Do you feel a call to help with worship? To read a prayer, or a reading, or to usher or serve communion? Whether you are here in person or virtually, we need and want your gifts! Contact Rev. Martha or Roxann at
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Guide to Free Museum Days and Free Days at the Zoo for Illinois Residents!!! | |
Kids just want to have fun as does the adults so if you are looking for some free fun this summer, look no further than the Chicagoland area! Check out below all the FREE fun you can have this summer with kids or without!
Adler Planetarium (Chicago): Free for Illinois residents on Wednesdays from 4:00pm to 10:00pm.
Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago): Free for Illinois residents on Thursday evenings 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm from June 6th to September 26th.
Brookfield Zoo (Brookfield): Free for kids 2 and under. Some libraries have free passes you can borrow from.
Chicago Botanic Garden (Glencoe): free on May 7, 9; June 11, 13,19; July 9, 11; August 6, 8; September 10, 12; October 1, 2, 14; November 4-8, 11, 12; December 9-15.
Cantigny Park (Wheaton): Free on Wednesdays from March through October.
Chicago History Museum (Chicago): Free on April 24, May 1, 27 and 29 and in June on June 19 and 26th.
Cosley Zoo (Wheaton): Free with Wheaton Park District ID, all kids under 17 free
DuSable Museum of African American History (Chicago): Free on Wednesdays.
Elmhurst Art Museum (Elmhurst): Kids ages 4 and under are free.
Field Museum (Chicago): Free on Wednesdays.
Heritage Museum of Asian Art (Chicago): Free for kids under 7.
Joliet Area Historical Musem (Joliet): Free on May4, June 1 and October 9.
Lincoln Park Zoo (Chicago): Always Free, there is a fee for parking.
Lizzadro Museum of Lapidary Art (Oak Brook): Free on Wednesdays.
Mindworks: The Science of Thinking (Chicago) Always free.
Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago): Free on Tuesdays.
Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago): - Free on April 21 and June 6 and 19.
National Museum of Mexican Art (Chicago): Always free.
Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum (Chicago): Free on Thursdays.
Phillips Park Zoo (Aurora): Always free.
Shedd Aquarium (Chicago): Free admission on Tuesday evenings from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm on May 7, 14, 21, 28; June 4, 11, 18 and 25.
Swedish American Museum (Chicago): Free on 2nd Tuesday of each month.
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Join us all month long for informative seminars, health programs, fitness, entertainment, and more!
Hello Neighbors! Below is our June schedule. Join us all month long for informative seminars, brain health programs, fitness, history, entertainment, and more online and in person! Just click here for the list of classes.
We encourage you to share our class schedule with friends, family, and neighbors, near & far, of any age – everyone is welcome to join us! All of our classes are free & no advance registration is required. We hope to see you soon on Zoom!
Thank you all for being a part of the Aging Well Neighborhood!
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Want to volunteer at Share Food Share Love, click here!
Food insecurity has become a public health crisis that continues to affect our communities, with an alarming increase of 19 in the number of households facing hunger compared to pandemic levels. The situation is even worse for Black households, as the number has risen by 37%. With the recent cancellation of extra money in the SNAP program, it is now more vital than ever to support organizations like Share Food Share Love.
By donating to the Share Food Share Love Food Pantry, you can make a real difference in the lives of those who are struggling to put food on the table. With just a $1.00 donation, you can help provide 3 meals for a family in need. Your generosity can help ensure that our neighbors do not go hungry.
We are calling on all members of our community to help us fight food insecurity by donating to the Share Food Share Love Food Pantry. There is a food box located in front of Tischler's where you can drop off your non-perishable food items 2/47 or bring your food donations to the church and we will take it over. Let's come together to support each other during these challenging times. Thank you for your support!
If you live in the surrounding area of Brookfield, you may qualify to be our neighbor at Share Food, Share Love. You can stop in on Tuesday evenings 7pm to 9 pm and Saturday mornings 10 am to 12 pm to apply and gather up some food for you and your family. If you do come, please try to bring your own reusable bags but if you forget, we will have bags for you.
The food box located in front of Tischler's where you can drop off your non-perishable food into this box 24/7!
Thank you!
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West Suburban Senior Services (previously known as West Suburban SAGE) a social support group for LGBTQ seniors, meets both via ZOOM and in person on Fridays at 1 pm. Please contact Eric Eugenio Vironet ( if you plan to attend in person as space is limited. Meeting are held at 439 Bohland, Bellwood, Illinois.
Please check out the link below to purchase tickets or make donations to our Spring Fundraiser supporting West Suburban Senior Services.
2024 Spring Concert | Chicago Methodist Senior Services (
Join CMSS for our spring fundraiser Still Rockin’ at FitzGerald’s. The evening will feature music from the 60s and 70s performed by renowned Chicago musician Phil Angotti. All proceeds from the event support programming and resources for older adults at CMSS’ West Suburban campus.
West Suburban April Activity Calendar click here
West Suburban April Menu click here
West Suburban Senior Services website click here
WSSS Facebook Page click here
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Rev. Daniels Reading/
Listening/Watching Suggestions
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I've been reading a lot of historical fiction lately--it's one of my favorite genres. My favorites are two series, The Lymond Chronicles (Game of Kings, Queen's Play, Disorderly Knights, Ringed Castle, Checkmate) by Dorothy Dunnett, and The Aubrey-Maturin series, by Patrick O'Brian (seventeen books). Lymond tells the story of the career of a Scottish diplomat and mercenary in the time of Mary Queen of Scots. It is a bit difficult to get into, but once you do, it's absolutely absorbing. The Aubrey-Maturin series is a narration of a British naval officer and a naval surgeon (who is also a spy), best friends, and their various adventures during the Napoleonic Wars. It's lighter than the Dunnett series, but the way the characters develop, and the clarity of O'Brian's writing (especially his description of sailing operations) is outstanding.
Another writer I want to recommend is William Martin. His focus is on the East Coast--Boston, Washington, D.C., New York--and a variety of historical settings, from revolutionary America, to the Gold Rush to the Irish Easter Sunday Uprising of 1916 (which received funding and assistance from the Irish in Boston). He also tells the stories of Harvard, the Naval Academy at Annapolis Maryland, and more. I am currently (re)reading his novel of the founding of Boston, titled Back Bay. He uses the device of two historians, Peter Fallon and Evageline Carrington, doing forensic research to tell the story--they also appear in five other books. Well-written, interesting, and detailed without being too weighty--I highly recommend William Martin
Happy reading!
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The next date for meditation with Mary Ann will be on Wednesday April 24th at 7:00 pm. We hope to see you there!
For more information about meditation please contact Mary Ann Latsaras at
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We have updated our "needs" list online at Amazon. We ask that you look at our list of what items we are in need of and purchase something for the church.
This list is available to see here HC Need List and is updated as needed. You can order and pay for anything off this list and have it shipped directly to the church. We appreciate anything you can order for us!
We thank you for your continued support of Holy Covenant!
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NOW AVAILABLE! ORDER NOW! Show your support of Holy Covenant by buying a t-shirt. Many sizes, shirt types and colors to choose from. These shirts will be used throughout the year when we attend Pride parades or fests and for our garage sales so we are known to our neighbors. A small portion of the proceeds goes to Holy Covenant. Any questions please see Roxann Victory or email her at
Click here to order!
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We mourn and pray for all the families who have suffered personal losses from gun violence at our schools, churches, and hospitals. public venues and other places.
Prayers of Thanksgiving for Debbie C. that her chemo is keeping her lung cancer in check.1
Prayers for Mary Ann that the Dr's find and fix what is making her weak and ill.1
Prayers of peace for Dani and Carly, and all those transitioning to eternal life.1
Prayers for Colin who is sick. For Crystal, Karen, Mark, Chris, Corey, Marci and all others who recently lost their jobs.1
Prayers for a successful heart procedure for Barbara A. on Tuesday.1
Prayers of thanksgiving that Laura found a great doctor who is providing support for her mental health with positive results.2
Prayers of peace for Maggie and Walt as Walt accepts hospice services and they feel God's arms around them, giving them both comfort and assurance.2
Prayers of thanksgiving for Dominick's first birthday.2
Prayers that all that are unemployed or underemployed find gainful employment.2
Prayers for Suzanne B. who started chemo in Italy and it has made her sick.3
Prayers that all that are unemployed or underemployed find gainful employment.
Prayers for those with harden hearts that feel the need to deface places of worship.
Prayers and strength for Ukraine, for those who are relocating, and to end the war and unnecessary deaths.
Prayers for all our first responders that they stay safe while helping others.
Prayers that God will provide for those who are hungry, unemployed, and homeless,
or in financial difficulties.
All those affected by HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, COVID-19, and other life-threatening illnesses.
All communities of faith.
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There is a universal help line 211 for Cook County. They can help residents with housing, food, health services and more. It is a 24 hour seven day a week operation and have trained professionals answer the phone and are able to help you | |
Missed a sermon?
Click here to catch up and watch on the Holy Covenant YouTube channel!
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If you or someone you know is in an emergency call 911 for help.
Need someone to talk to? Call the suicide lifeline by dialing 988.
NAMI - National Alliance on Mental Health
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Every day brings something new—
and God is with us always!
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9145 Grant Ave
Brookfield, IL 60513
Phone: 708.387.1611
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