9:30am Worship Bulletin
11:00am Worship Bulletin
The Prayer Covenant

A Message from the Pastor

I’m back and I missed you!

Most of the first week I was off I spent at home, but that Friday Ron and I left for Pittsburgh so I could attend the Festival of Homiletics. I first attended the FoH online in 2020 when everything was locked down, and I knew I wanted to attend in person—it was that good, even online at the beginning of the pandemic before we were all comfortable with remote meetings. This year’s speaker lineup was full of great author/preachers that I admire: Brian McLaren, Willie James Jennings, Anna Carter Florence, Karoline Lewis, and Otis Moss III. That’s me with Dr. Moss in the picture below—I had to fangirl because Dr. Moss’s preaching brought me to tears, and I’ve admired his work for quite some time. Sessions were held at my alma mater Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (so wonderful to be back on campus!), Calvary Episcopal Church (great bookstore!), and East Liberty Presbyterian Church (a co-pastor there was a classmate at PTS, so it was great to catch up with her!).

I’m still wading through emails, but it is great to be back in the church office and catching up. You all know that things almost never slow down here, even when I’m gone, which says so much about your dedication to service and mission. Church staff and leaders have been speaking a lot lately about our fantastic volunteers, and how all the many hands make light work.

But we find we still have some pockets of service that need your love and attention. Volunteers for VBS, which is coming up for (only) two evenings in July, are still needed. One or two folks who can direct the mission project are essential. They will be helping the kids create a “Washaroo,” which is a useful washcloth kangaroo that will hold a bar of soap. These will be donated to the HER (Help and Emergency Response) shelter. Since all materials are provided, there’s not a lot of time-consuming work required. And the search for nurturing folks to join in the Sunday School teaching rotation this fall continues; remember, the more volunteers, the more who can share the responsibility of this critical function of our church (and that decreases the number of Sundays you’d be on the schedule!). Please see or email Joy Rowe at jrowe@gbpres.org to help. Youth, we’d love for you to assist with our children in any capacity as well!

I understand that one of our littlest Christians, Mitchell Knapp, proudly served as an usher last Sunday! He completed the attendance count sheet, put the offering envelope in the safe, and cheerily greeted worshipers upon their arrival. Thanks, Mitchell—you are awesome! One of our senior saints, Marion Neefus, has also volunteered to be a greeter in worship. That’s our youngest and one of our senior members stepping up to volunteer, setting a shining example for the rest of us to follow.

Let me share this story with you: a few weeks ago, our PEVA Commission on Ministry Liaison, Rev. Dr. Wilbur Douglass, and his wife Julie joined us for our 11 a.m. worship. Doug told me afterwards that he and Julie had attended another PEVA church a few Sundays prior and ended up leaving before worship began—because they were barely greeted! He assured me that this wasn’t the case with us, but this reminds us just how important that first face is to a visitor. If a PASTOR was put off by a poor greeting, imagine how someone returning to church might feel. Serving as a greeter/usher is a simple but crucial responsibility, and a great way to share the love of Christ. Click on the link below and sign up today!

Be encouraged, build up one another, and pursue shalom!


Rev. Dr. Lou Ventura


Upcoming Church Events

May 27

  • Memorial Day - Church Office Closed

May 29

  • Wednesday Night Live
  • Dinner, 5:30in Fellowship Hall
  • KICK, 6:15pm on the Playground
  • "Scams, Artificial Intelligence, and Why Knowledge and Caution Matter in Your Communication", 6:15pm in the Sanctuary

May 30

  • Novel Ideas Book Discussion, 6:30pm in room 230

May 31

  • Seasoned Saints Luncheon, 12:00pm in Fellowship Hall

June 2

  • Food Pantry Sunday

June 6

  • Presbyterian Women (PW) Meeting

Worship and Music

WomenSING Sunday

  • June 16th
  • NO rehearsal
  • Just show up, 9:00 am for the 9:30 am service. 
Register Here!

Children's Ministry

July 15-16 | 5:30pm - 8pm

Ages 3 - Rising 5th Graders

Come and Venture into Solid Faith!

Register Now!


May 29th | 6:15pm | The Playground

Adult Ministry

Seasoned Saints Luncheon

May 31st | 12:00pm | Fellowship Hall

Signup in the Narthex. $10 suggested donation.

Opportunities For All

Food Pantry Sunday

Next Sunday, June 2nd is Food Pantry Sunday. Please help fill the GBPC food pantry with non-perishable items. Please no glass.

Suggested Items:

Lean Canned Protein (Tuna, Chicken, Beans, Peanut Butter)

Fruits and Vegetables (Canned fruits and vegetables, Pasta Sauce, 100% Fruit Juice)

Whole Grains (Cereal, Pasta, Crackers)

Meals (Boxed Meals, Canned Pasta, Stews, Soups)

VBS Volunteers Needed!

Youth & Adult Volunteers Needed. Use the link to signup.

Register to Volunteer!

Wednesday Night Live

RSVP for Dinner

May 29th


  • Dinner in Fellowship Hall

Menu: Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Potato Salad, Baked Beans & Ice Cream Sundaes


  • KICK on the Playground
  • Impact in the Youth Room
  • "Scams, Artificial Intelligence, and Why Knowledge and Caution Matter in Your Communication" in the Sanctuary

Scams, Artificial Intelligence, and Why Knowledge and

Caution Matter in Your Communication

Phil Mann will address the proliferation of scams perpetuated through common means of communication, from telephone calls to emails to texts to other opportunities that scammers use to commit online fraud and other crimes. Though cybercrime in particular continues to grow and impact all ages, it has an outsized impact on the elderly. Among other things, Phil will share some thoughts about what scammers want, what you should not give them, and how to minimize the likelihood of your becoming the next victim. Phil will also address the emerging role and threat of artificial intelligence in scams.

Phil Mann is a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at Old Dominion University (ODU), and an affiliate faculty member of ODU’s School of Cybersecurity. Prior to joining academia, he held investigative, legal and supervisory positions with the FBI during his 28-year career as an FBI agent. In his last FBI assignment, he served as Chief Division Counsel of the Norfolk FBI Office, where he also served as Special Assistant United States Attorney. He later joined the faculty at Old Dominion University, where he has developed and taught a wide variety of classes. He holds a Juris Doctor from the DePaul College of Law and a B.A. from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. He has long been professionally engaged in privacy, cyber, and civil liberties issues, as well as police-citizen relations. He has been admitted to the Illinois and Virginia Bar.

Class of 2024 Recognition Sunday

GBPC would like to recognize the Class of 2024 on Sunday, June 9th in both worship services.

If you would like to honor your student please register using the link below. Deadline is May 31st.

Honor Your Graduate Here! 

Be a friendly face to people who walk in our doors! Smile and greet everyone. It isn’t hard to be an usher and we NEED HELP at the 11:00 service! Click on the link below and say YES!!!

Volunteer Here

Congregational Care

DEACON MINISTRY Deacons are responsible for providing pastoral care and support to the members of the church. This may involve visiting the sick, elderly, or homebound members, offering prayers, providing comfort, and meeting practical needs within the congregation. All members and non-members of the congregation, not in small group, should have a deacon assigned. If you don't have a deacon, have not been contacted by a deacon, and are not in a small group, please reach out to Wayne Stover, at waynerstover@gmail.com and he will assign you a deacon.

In Need of Prayer? 

Please use the link below and let us know how we may lift you in prayer.

Prayer Requests

Stewardship & Finance

Text to Give

You may now give to GBPC by text on your smartphone. Simply text the amount to 833.965.0647 and follow the prompts. Click the video link for step by step instructions or pick up printed instructions on the information ledge.

Watch the video for step by step directions!

Online Giving

You may give to GBPC by online. Click the video link for step by step instructions or click the link below to give now.

Click Here to Give

In Case You Missed It

Last Week's Service

9:30am Worship Bulletin
11:00am Worship Bulletin

Ongoing Signups & Events

PW Novel Ideas Book Discussion

May 30th 6:30pm in Room 230

  • The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman

July 18th 6:30pm in Room 230

  • The Women by Kristin Hannah

Sign up in the Narthex!

Seeking Office Volunteers

We are currently seeking a pool of volunteers to assist with office tasks and coverage. If interested, please use the link to sign up.

Sign Up Here

Sanctuary Servants

Volunteers are needed to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship services on Friday mornings. Please use the link below to sign up.

Volunteer Here
Order Chancel Flowers Online

Chancel Flower Donations

Would you care to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one? Pick up an envelope on the information ledge in the Narthex. Please leave the envelope with the included form and check for $75, payable to GBPC, in the Office Manager's mailbox. You may also place your order online using the link below. Please be sure to include the date you would like the flowers to be dedicated. Deadline is the Tuesday prior to the display date.