10:00am Worship Bulletin
10:00am Worship Bulletin
The Prayer Covenant

Upcoming Church Events

September 1

  • Communion and Food Pantry Sunday

September 2

  • Church Office is closed in observance of Labor Day

September 7

  • Rising Impact: Glow in the Park at Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium, 5:30pm meet up at GBPC parking lot

September 8

  • Fall Kickoff / Volunteer Appreciation Day
  • One Service at 10:00am
  • Blessing of the Backpacks
  • Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon (All are Invited)
  • Dessert Contest
  • Water Slide

September 15

  • Sunday School Begins

September 17

  • Red Cross Blood Drive, 1:00pm - 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall

September 22

  • KIDS SING begins, 10:30 am in Room 200
  • Hymn Festival, 4:00pm in the Sanctuary

September 24

  • Harmonious Flutes Resume

September 22-29

  • "Food for All" Food Drive

Thank You!

Dear Friends,


As I reflect on our worship service this past Sunday, Psalm 150 comes to mind.


Praise the Lord!

Praise God in his sanctuary;

    praise him in his mighty firmament!

Praise him for his mighty deeds;

    praise him according to his surpassing greatness!

Praise him with trumpet sound;

    praise him with lute and harp!

Praise him with tambourine and dance;

    praise him with strings and pipe!

Praise him with clanging cymbals;

    praise him with loud clashing cymbals!

Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!


Thank you for your outpouring of love on Sunday on the occasion of my 30th anniversary of music ministry with you. I am humbled beyond measure, grateful for God’s goodness and faithfulness and joyful that we were all able to be together in worship singing and praising the Lord. I feel so blessed to have been able to serve the Lord here with so many incredibly talented people. Many thanks to EVERYONE who participated in making the day come together. I know it was a labor of love. Please know that every single one of the cards and notes you gave me will be in my heart always. Thank you for the faith and trust you put in me so many years ago. I look forward to continuing to “praise God in his sanctuary!” I love you ALL!


Soli Deo Gloria,


Fall Kickoff & Volunteer Appreciation Sunday

Sign Up to Bring a Side Dish
Enter the Dessert Contest

Worship & Music

Hymn Festival

September 22, 2024 | 4:00pm

We continue our 60th anniversary celebration with a HYMN FESTIVAL, “O God Our Help in Ages Past”, led by organist and composer Dr. John Behnke.


Featuring the Chancel Choir and Alleluia Ringers of GBPC, we will also welcome additional guest musicians and the Chancel Choir and Bells of Providence of Providence Presbyterian Church under the direction of Valetta Fellenbaum, Director of Music.


Come celebrate our rich history and enjoy singing some of your favorite hymns and a few new ones as well.

Children's Ministry

Saturday, September 7th

Meet at church at 5:30pm to carpool for Rising IMPACT! (Welcome to our Rising Middle Schoolers!)                         

Carpool will leave at 5:40pm for Glow in the Park at Adventure Park at Virginia Aquarium!

  • Tickets are $30 we need to pre purchase tickets to reserve our timeslot.
  • Bring: Sack lunch, water bottle and leather gloves and wear long shorts (climbing harnesses)
  • Non Climbers also welcome, no tickets needed


Tuesday, September 17th

Red Cross Blood Drive at GBPC

  •  Come by any time after 4:30pm until 6PM to volunteer or donate (Blood Donors must be 16 with Parental Consent) Volunteers are welcome to come and just thank other donors!


Save the Date!

Presbyterian Youth Triennium July 28th-July 31st 2025

Louisville, KY

  • Open to Rising 9th Graders to Graduating Seniors
  • More Info to be shared as it arrives!

Adult Ministry

Come Feed Your Faith! There is a place for EVERYONE to belong and grow in faith here at GBPC. Please consider taking advantage of the fellowship, nurture and study available in the many small groups, Bible studies or Presbyterian Women Circles available at GBPC. Be a leader or a participant. Grab a friend and re-engage or try something new! Join an existing group or study or start a new group. We can help you find the right fit and provide support!

Small Groups: GBPC has many existing, and is constantly forming new, small groups. Small groups are typically between 6-12 people who covenant to gather weekly, bi-monthly or monthly to encourage deeper relationships with one another and to grow in faith through sharing and study. 

Bible Studies: GBPC offers various B ible studies, led by members or the Pastor throughout the year. The studies are for a specific duration and are open to all. Each study will be announced in advance.

PW Women’s Circles: We have three active Circles. The curriculum for this fall is Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation, By Patricia K. Tull

Pick up the new Small Group Brochure in the Narthex!

Questions: Contact Johanna Jozwiak at jozwiakjoh@gmail.com


DivorceCare support group begins the fall session on Sunday, September 8th at 1:00pm in Room 230.

Contact Patti Pluess at meemawinva@gmail.com or 757.375.7165.


GriefShare support group begins the fall session on Sunday, September 8th at 1:00pm in Room 240.

Contact Bob Burley for more information at burley.bob.717@gmail.com or 757.355.2814.

You are invited to join the Men’s weekly Monday Bible study group starting back up September 9th at 12 noon in room 240. We will be starting a new study based on the book titled “Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel. To get started, pick up a copy of the book at a reduced price at the Wisdom Well; read at least the introduction before our first meeting. For questions contact Wayne Stover or Bob Burley.


The Outreach Ministry Team needs YOU!

GBPC's Outreach Ministry Team is calling for volunteers to assist with brainstorming ideas and implementing plans for evangelism and outreach to the community to share the love of Christ.

We coordinate or assist with events such as GBPC's Christmas parade presence, Trunk or Treat, VBS, and the upcoming Fall Kickoff, among many others. 

We also provide giveaways at Christmas Eve (remember the hot chocolate?) and for Holy Week and Easter.

Contact Lin Peters at 757-338-5381 or at linpeters06@gmail.com for more information or to join!

Prayer Shawls and Blankets to Comfort Cancer Patients

These prayer shawls and blankets were donated by the GBPC Prayer Shawl Ministry to comfort patients at the Cancer Infusion Center of Portsmouth Naval Hospital.

Interested in making the shawls and blankets? Join the GBPC's Prayer Shawl Ministry on the second Wednesday of the month starting September 11th.

Contact Barbara Stephens for more information. barbarahs@cox.net

Scheduling Events & Meetings

As the Fall kicks off many groups and events, please be sure to fill out a new Building Use Request Form (link below) to insure it is on the GBPC Calendar.

GBPC Building Use Request Form

Food Pantry Sunday

This Sunday, September 1st is Food Pantry Sunday. Please help fill the GBPC food pantry with non-perishable items. Please no glass.

Suggested Items:

Lean Canned Protein (Tuna, Chicken, Beans, Peanut Butter)

Fruits and Vegetables (Canned fruits and vegetables, Pasta Sauce, 100% Fruit Juice)

Whole Grains (Cereal, Pasta, Crackers)

Meals (Boxed Meals, Canned Pasta, Stews, Soups)

Red Cross Blood Drive

Tuesday, September 17th | 1pm - 6pm

Fellowship Hall

Please visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter "GBPC" to schedule an appointment.

Schedule Your Appointment  

Wisdom Well Closed for August

GBPC's Bookstore, The Wisdom Well, will be closed for the month of August. Please be sure to make any special orders or purchases soon!

See Tammy Andre with any questions.

Congregational Care

DEACON MINISTRY Deacons are responsible for providing pastoral care and support to the members of the church. This may involve visiting the sick, elderly, or homebound members, offering prayers, providing comfort, and meeting practical needs within the congregation. All members and non-members of the congregation, not in small group, should have a deacon assigned. If you don't have a deacon, have not been contacted by a deacon, and are not in a small group, please reach out to Dave Randall, at darandall24@gmail.com and he will assign you a deacon.

In Need of Prayer? 

Please use the link below and let us know how we may lift you in prayer.

Prayer Requests

Stewardship & Finance

Text to Give

You may now give to GBPC by text on your smartphone. Simply text the amount to 833.965.0647 and follow the prompts. Click the video link for step by step instructions or pick up printed instructions on the information ledge.

Watch the video for step by step directions!

Online Giving

You may give to GBPC by online. Click the video link for step by step instructions or click the link below to give now.

Click Here to Give

In Case You Missed It

Last Week's Service

9:30am Worship Bulletin

Ongoing Signups & Events

PW Novel Ideas Book Discussion

September 12th

The Frozen River

by Ariel Lawhon

November 14th

The Lincoln Conspiracy

by Brad Meltzer

All meetings are at 6:30pm in Room 230.

Sign up in the Narthex!

Seeking Office Volunteers

We are currently seeking a pool of volunteers to assist with office tasks and coverage. If interested, please use the link to sign up.

Sign Up Here

Sanctuary Servants

Volunteers are needed to prepare the sanctuary for Sunday morning worship services on Friday mornings. Please use the link below to sign up.

Volunteer Here
Order Chancel Flowers Online

Chancel Flower Donations

Would you care to donate flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one? Pick up an envelope on the information ledge in the Narthex. Please leave the envelope with the included form and check for $75, payable to GBPC, in the Office Manager's mailbox. You may also place your order online using the link below. Please be sure to include the date you would like the flowers to be dedicated. Deadline is the Tuesday prior to the display date.