Donations made to Congregation Shaarei Kodesh: May 13 – May 20, 2024
Aronson Family Youth Fund
Byrna & Larry Klur in honor of Owen Abrams' High School Graduation
Gamm-Vartikovsky Community Fund
Gina & Michael Wadler in memory of Anne Levine
Kiddush Fund
Ann & Albert Fils in honor of Kim Beame’s daughters, Paige & Elana, on their graduations
Challah & Wine Sponsor
Harvey Harling in honor of his grandsons,
Soren Rhodes Fulvio, Asher Paschal Fulvio and Phillip Ronni Harling
Myer Rappaport Youth Education Fund
Angela Weinroth in memory of Anne Levine
Ron and Lillie Brandt in honor of:
Matthew Gressner, grandson, graduating from Marlboro H.S. (NJ)
and will be attending The Ohio State University in the fall
Madeline Popolow, granddaughter, graduating from Kent Place School (NJ)
and will be attending the University of Pennsylvania in the fall
Kayla Greenfeld, granddaughter, graduating from Livingston Middle School (NJ)
and will be attending Livingston H.S. in the fall
Ron Brandt earning a Master’s Degree in Jewish History from Touro University
Ner Tamid
Nancy Suchoff in memory of Anne Levine
Sharon & Eric Lubin in honor of Kim Beame’s daughters’ graduations
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Ena & Gordon Garmaise in honor of Rabbi Baum
Ariella Reback & Rabbi Ed Bernstein in honor of Dori Baron speaking at Kiddush on Shabbat
Karen & Robert Katz in honor of Charlotte Spencer’s Naming
Harvey Harling in memory of Anne Levine
Byrna Klur in memory of her grandfather, Harry David Finberg
Ted Kerzner to Cheryl Roberts
Sabina & Alex Rosenblum
Ruth & Lewis Davis Religious School
Rebecca Pontillo in honor of all the graduates
Rebecca Pontillo in honor of Kim Beame’s daughters, Paige & Elana, on their graduations
Tribute Cards
Nancy & Steven Goldberg to Kim Beame in honor of Elana & Paige receiving their Master’s Degrees
Yahrzeit Fund
Ron & Lillie Brandt in memory of Alter Pinchas Brandt's Yahrzeit on 5/31/24