August 15, 2021
Work as you are wired.
8:30 am Roebuck Chapel
In Person
Rev. Dee Dee Autry
Solo “Make Our Church One Joyful Choir” 
Debbie Underhill, Soloist
Nancy W. Vernon, Organist
9:00 am Connexion
In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube
Rev. Dee Dee Autry
“Happy Day”
“Holy Spirit”
“From the Inside Out”
“Pour Me Out”
11:10 am Sanctuary
In Person, Facebook Live, YouTube, and FM 103.5
Rev. Dee Dee Autry
Anthem: “Make Our Church One Joyful Choir” 
Anthem: “Many Gifts, One Spirit ”
Keely Sattazahn, Jordan Brown, Jordan Smith, Soloists
Nancy W. Vernon, Organist
Sunday, August 15
8:30 am Chapel Service
9:00 am Connexion Worship, In Person, Facebook Live and YouTube
10:10 am Sunday Small Groups
11:10 am Sanctuary Worship, In Person, Facebook Live, YouTube & FM 103.5
4:30 pm Red Shield Diner Night
5:00 pm First Youth Back to School Bash
5:00 pm Trustees
Tuesday, August 17
6:00 pm Serving from the Heart
Wednesday, August 18
10:00 am Casserole Group, Aldersgate
10:00 am Circuit Elder Meeting, Fireside Room
5:30 pm Evening Prayer, In Person, Facebook Live and You Tube
Thursday, August 19
10:00 am Casserole Group, Aldersgate
10:00 am Knitters & Knotters, Classrooms next to Fireside Room
7:00 pm Young Adult Ministry
Friday, August 20
10:00 am Pacesetters, Fireside Room
Saturday, August 21
2:00 pm Modern Widows Club Ice Cream Social, Narthex
In Our Prayers
In Baptist Health Hospital:
  • Denise Jones
Loss of loved ones and friends:
  • Danny Dyer Meadows - husband of Cindy Meadows, father of Danny D Meadows, Tim Meadows, Joseph Dobbins, Donna Dobbins and LeAnn Dobbins, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
The Upper Room for July/August are available and can be found at entrances to the church or in the church office.

We will no longer be mailing these out. Notify the church office if you are unable to pick one up and still need to have it mailed to you.

Church office 479-782-5068
Northside, Darby, Tilles and Belle Point

NEEDED: Composition notebooks (no spiral notebooks please), pens, pencils, post-it notes, notecards, folders, 3 ring binders, loose leaf paper, colors, glue sticks, colored pencils, scissors, Kleenex and wipes.

There will be baskets located in the Family Life Center, Narthex and at the check in table by the Sanctuary elevator to leave your school supplies!
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     We appreciate so much your continual support of our church ministries! Through the first half of the year, our contributions were running about $70,000 under expenses. It is not unusual for us to run somewhat behind through the summer, but we nevertheless want to encourage everyone to keep up or catch up with your giving, so we can continue to accomplish the mission God has for us in this place. Thanks again, and if you need any information about your personal record of giving, contact Jeannine Thomas in the church office.
FIRST UNITED METHODIST NEWS published weekly except the last week of the year by First United Methodist Church 200 North 15th Street, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901.