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Memorial Day Holiday


Passport’s offices will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday. 5/27/2024 and reopen on Tuesday 5/28/2024.


Enjoy the day with your loved ones, and take time to honor the men and women who served and sacrificed for our freedom.

Credit Card Processing in PBS

Passport Software and Payment Innovators have teamed up to provide you with affordable, integrated payment processing for single step payments directly through PBS.

More and more businesses are finding it important to be able to accept credit card payments from their customers. PBS Credit Card Payment Processing offers a multitude of benefits.

  • Authorizations in less than 5 seconds; supports all major credit cards
  • Secure credit card processing; reduce errors and fraud simultaneously
  • Use your internet connection for secure processing from any computer in your business
PBS Logo New

How Does Credit Card Processing Work?

John Miller, President of Passport, explains:

Passport Software, Inc. offers a secure payment processing option, enabling credit card acceptance for payment in PBS Point of Sale, Order Entry, and Accounts Receivable. In AR Cash Receipts, credit card payment may be used to pay open invoices as part of collection calls, speeding up your cash flow. Read More

New Webinar Series


There's a new series of monthly webinars, which are based on the monthly Tips & Tricks, Peter Dalziel and Ian Crewell expand on each one. These webinars are casual and about 1/2 hour. Watch for the webinar invitations, and in the meantime, you can get caught up...

T & T #1 - Getting the most out of PBS's graphical user interface

T & T #2 - Getting the most out of PBS's graphical user interface - continued, including Contextual Help - quick and easy access to help from right where you're working in PBS.

T & T #3 - Printing to Disk and Where it Goes From There.

A review of printing to disk with discussion of Journal numbers, audits and other tracing functions

T & T #4 - Printing to Disk Continued

If You've Missed Webinars


No worries! Take advantage of the recorded versions, which can be viewed at your leisure, not to mention that they can be paused, rewound, and fast forwarded to capture just what you need.

Reporting Your Way - Focuses on creating reports using AcuXDBC or SQL to extract the data you need from your PBS. (If you've been wondering what happened to Microsoft Query, please see the next article.)

Document Management for PBS and CashPoint - PBS eDocs! - Storing electronic versions of important documents makes locating critical records easy and efficient. PBS eDocs is fully integrated and will help you save time and work more efficiently.

Bringing Back Microsoft Query in Excel


In April, Microsoft moved Microsoft Query. This is the simple tool for creating basic queries in Excel that Ian has been teaching for years. We believe the idea was to encourage folks to move to Power Query which is far more powerful, but also far more complicated for building out simple queries. They didn’t remove the Microsoft Query tool, they simply removed it from the menu. This video shows you how to get it back.

Need Help When Working in PBS?


There are some quick ways to get help. While working within PBS, you can click on the Help button on the top in the tool bar. That will take you to the documentation for the field that you are working in.

Still need help? There are dozens of videos and helpful tips on the Training site, as well as our YouTube page.

ACA Reporting Requirements


If you are a self-insured with any number of employees, or hitting 50 full time employees, you are required to report. Whether you are using our payroll module, or using another payroll provider, we can help. 

If you have received penalty notices from the IRS, we are also able to help with consultation on responding to the IRS, to help eliminate or drastically reduce the fines.

Adam Miller, our Director of Compliance Systems, has spelled out everything you need to know about ACA filing for 2024. Read more

Customize Your Forms

Would you like your forms to look more professional? We can do that! Talk to your Passport Partner about customizing your logo on invoices, statements and more. Not sure who to talk to? Contact Marti Walt - 847.729.7900 x103

Keep Us in the Loop

Please keep us updated on any staff/emails/address changes. You may send an email to Thank you!

Are you currently using a credit card processing system?
We are using Payment Innovators (PI) already
Yes, and it works great
Yes, but it could be better
No, but we need to
No, we don't need one

Should you have any questions, comments or need to learn more about any of the topics above, please contact your Passport Partner.

Not sure who to call? Contact Marti Walt - 800.969.7900 x103




All PBS Modules

Just For Fun

Summer is Just Around the Corner

Butter Burger

I'm not going to say that this is the healthiest thing, but it is delicious! You can use plain butter, or make a compound butter, but try to use good quality butter. Stuff a pat of the seasoned butter into the ground beef and throw it on the grill! Fabulous! This is Guy Fieri's recipe and I'm pretty sure he knows a thing or two about a good burger!

Get the recipe

Herb Potato Salad (no mayo!)

I made this for a BBQ last summer, expecting my non-foodie family to completely ignore it, Turns out that they loved it! You can make your own dressing, use their recipe or just buy it at the store. I used my own vinaigrette, added green onions, fresh parsley and fresh dill, and it was out of this world! Give it a try!

Get the recipe

Drinks to Start the Summer Off

Although summer doesn't officially start until June 21st, Memorial Day seems to kick it off. The first recipe is for a red sangria, and that's been something on my bucket list to make! And there are so many variations! Enjoy!

Get the recipes

Editor: Marti Walt. Please feel free to contact me with suggested content and comments. Would love to hear from you! We're here for you!

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Passport Business Solutions, CashPoint, RealWorld, and PBS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Passport Software, Inc. The foregoing document: Copyright, Passport Software, Inc. © 2024. All rights reserved. SQL Server is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. NCR Counterpoint is the property of NCR Corporation/Radiant Systems. Additional names of companies or products may be the intellectual property of their respective owners.