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Working toward a brighter future - a built environment of net positive systems 

November was a huge month for us. We shared good times at ABX, winterized homes with Youthbuild for elderly citizens to prepare for the winter, and now we're starting to ramp up to go all-in for Greenbuild next year!

Take a look at the list of events below. The big one is 12/15 in Boston: our Greenbuild volunteer recruitment meeting. Join a committee to make a difference.

Did you hear about ARC - the new platform USGBC has created to facilitate data collection to enable existing buildings to go green?

Thanksgiving may have just passed, but that doesn't mean our thankfulness for you has ended. Every day we're thankful for our community. Three days ago was Giving Tuesday, and we raised $2000 thanks to your generous contributions! You're all awesome. 

The USGBC MA is nothing without our community of green building advocates, and I love seeing your smiling faces at events, and connecting with you via social channels.

We have a number of ways that you can get involved still. 

1)  You can still give to our #GivingTuesday campaign  - growing our movement for #MoreGreenBuildings!

2) You can help with our  student scholarships and advocacy campaigns.

3) Our 2017 mentoring program is starting to get into gear. If you're interested in mentoring someone - or being mentored - learn more here.

4) If you have been looking to get involved with  Greenbuild 2017 - come out on 12/15. Also, we're building out sponsoring partners now, so if you want to be featured as part of the biggest green building event of the year, contact us to learn more.

Thank you again for your ongoing work with us,


November Events Recap

To kick-off ABX, the big architecture conference, on 11/14 we held an awesome pre-mixer with the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) to get everyone hyped up for  ABX 2016 ! We were honored to have Amanda Sturgeon, their CEO, come out from Seattle, and share some words of wisdom with our packed room of green building leaders. Read the full recap and see more pictures here.

On 11/16 during ABX, we worked together with the Délégation Quebec to throw an awesome party, celebrating our partnership, architecture, our mutual mission for a better tomorrow, and more green buildings! Read more and see pictures.

I'd be lying if I said the Northeast had warm winters. To help out low-income seniors in needs, on 11/19, we got together with YouthBuild to winterize their homes in preparation for the coming months. Read more.

Just last evening, on December 1st, we toured the renovated South Boston Distillery, which is making an impact as a prominent Passive House designed-project in Massachusetts. Before that, developer Fred Gordon discussed the importance of the Passive House process and how this building is making a difference. Read more.

Advocacy Roundtable 12/5
We're gearing up for advocacy in 2017. This is our most important work - to push for green building policy and sustainability protocols for the built environment.

Each year the Chapter prioritizes three campaigns. The proposed 2017 campaigns are: 
  1. Net Zero Action Planning - how do we create policy frameworks which support a net-positive future? How can we help five communities implement net zero plans?
  2. Carbon Pricing - how can we influence the cost of fossil fuels to enhance the value of clean tech and high performance design?
  3. Climate Adaptation Management Planning - how will we prepare for a changing environment, sea level rise and other concern relating to building design and resilience?
Join us for an exciting and contentious discussion!

Register here
Monday, 12/5, 5:30PM - 7:00PM 

Coming Up - Greenbuild Kick-Off Party 12/15

Everyone is excited that  Greenbuild is coming to Boston in 2017! As we get ready to go all-in, we're going to have ourselves a kick-off party to get psyched!

We welcome anyone and everyone to come! We'd especially love for anyone interested in volunteering for this wicked green event to come by to learn how to get involved.

Committees include:

  • Legacy Project
  • Tours
  • Greening of Greenbuild
  • Volunteers
  • Ambassadors
  • Regional Outreach
  • Momentum

In case you missed it, Greenbuild will combine with ABX in 2017! This is HUGE!

Thursday, 12/15, 5:30PM - 7:30PM

Coming Up - Annual General Meeting 1/26

This year has gone by so fast! It's hard to believe that our last annual meeting was almost a year ago already. In case you aren't familiar, this annual meeting is a reflection of the past year of this Chapter, recognizing volunteers, celebrating the victories, and shining the spotlight on those who have made a difference in the green building community here in Massachusetts.

We also will be finalizing our voting process for our Board of Directors. Let us know if you are interested in being super involved!

The next Annual Meeting is coming up January 26th, 2017, hosted at Payette in Boston. 
Register here now to attend one of our favorite events of the year!

Let's rally to go wicked green!

Thursday, 1/26, 5:30PM - 8:00PM

We now have an organizational video!

Please give this short video a watch - a lot of effort went into it from our intern team, especially Nicole Kwan videographer extraordinaire! 
You can learn about our causes, mission, and what it is exactly that we do.

Thanks to our awesome sponsoring partners!

November and December 2016 Events
Here's what's going on over the next two months:

How many green buildings can you spot?

I want to hear from at least one person - tell me what is the greenest building here. Or the next one. Or the one that is most exciting to you .
