Every Mind Matters Newsletter
February 2020

So what is resilience and why is it important to nurture resilience in our kids? Let’s hear from our leading psychologists...
Key stakeholders come together to address suicide rates with youth in James Bay area
Mawachi Hitowin means “coming together” in Cree, the native language of the peoples of the Mushkegowuk region along the James Bay coast in Northern Ontario. Thanks to the generous support of the Laidlaw Foundation we have participated in Mawachi Hitowin, a 3-day symposium designed to learn from indigenous community members and service providers on how we can collectively make an impact on the high rate of youth suicide in the region. Last week we met with key stakeholders in Fort Albany First Nations Reserve to continue the dialogue. Click here to read more about our meetings.
Our first eLearning course has launched giving access to crucial infant attachment information
The most rapid period of brain development is in the first three years of life and the parent-child attachment relationship is essential for healthy brain development. Make the Connection 0-3 eLearning course is giving access to communities, including vulnerable and hard to reach, on how to encourage the development of secure attachment in infants. To learn more about the course click here.
Join us March 4 th for our first webinar in our “Raising Resilient Kids” series
Parenting Resilient Children and Youth at Home and at School – presented by Dr. Ester Cole. Resiliency relates to one’s ability to adapt well when facing stress or challenges. We encourage our children to learn “bounce- back” strategies that will help them along life’s road. This Webinar will detail skills and competencies that promote resiliency assets in and out of school. It will address aspects of self-esteem; social skills, self-advocacy, and productive learning habits.  Click here for more details and to register.
More high school students will develop positive coping skills
Thanks to generous 3-year donation from the RBC Foundation we are expanding our Stress Lessons: Tool for Resiliency program to youth across Canada. In our first year we will deliver this important, evidence-informed program to high school students in Alberta and Saskatchewan.   Read more on how this resource will help teens develop resilience and positive coping skills.
Working parents accessing our new podcast on stress
Leading psychologists Dr. Ester Cole and Dr. Robin Alter answer questions from working parents on stress and stress management in our 24/7 The Working Parent Podcast series.

Click to hear podcast.
Alarming report on wait lists and wait time for mental health care
new report  from Children's Mental Health Ontario reveals that in some parts of the province, children and youth are waiting as long as two and a half years for care from community child and youth mental health centres.
Click here to access report.  
16 th Annual Breakfast Fundraiser November 5th 2020

Thursday November 5, 2020
Fairmont Royal York Hotel 
Toronto, Ontario

Stay tuned for more details!
We want to hear from you!

Do you like this new format? Do you have any suggestions on programs or community partners to feature? Do you have suggestions on research reports or articles about resiliency or children and youth's mental health? Please contact us at:

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The Psychology Foundation of Canada
Phone : 416 644 4944 Email: info@psychologyfoundation.org