image: Sixteen Miles Out 

What is Morning Prayer?

Join us this Sunday for a service of Morning Prayer - a bit different from our usual service of Holy Eucharist.

If you were worshiping in an Episcopal church before 1979, you would be very familiar with this order of service. Until that date, when the current Book of Common Prayer was ratified for use in the Episcopal Church, most parishes only celebrated Eucharist once a month. Every other Sunday service was in the pattern of Morning Prayer.

Where did our service of Morning Prayer come from?

In many times and places, daybreak has been a time of prayer. Jews prayed in their synagogues at sunrise as well as at other times each day.

This Jewish pattern of prayer formed the basis of the Christian monastic Daily Office, with its prayers or “hours” at seven times in each day.

Thomas Cranmer’s revision of the Daily Office for the first English Prayer Book (1549) reduced the number of services to two-one for morning and one for evening. In the Second English Prayer Book (1552), the morning service was given its present name, Morning Prayer.

Morning Prayer remains a beloved service in our tradition, one that can be led by a deacon or lay person in the absence of a priest.

You can pray Morning Prayer on your own, too - it's a wonderful way to start your day, and connects you to the broader tradition of all those praying upon waking, all throughout the world and throughout history.

You could use a physical Book of Common Prayer to do it - find Morning Prayer on page 75.

But - it's a bit hard to follow in the print version. An easier way is to use this website, that has the current Bible readings for the day, and is presented in an easy-to-read format.

You can also download a free app called Venite, and use your phone to pray Morning Prayer.

This Sunday will give us a chance to engage in this pattern of prayer together.


Mother Mary Lynn


This Sunday, June 2

Proper 5

10:30 am

Service of Morning Prayer

Children and Youth

0-3 years old: nursery care available

3-10 years old: Godly Play

2nd-5th grade: Seekers

Sunday bulletin
Sunday service live on Facebook
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Last Sunday's Sermon

Miss the sermon last Sunday? You can find all our sermons on any podcast app. Just search "Sermons by-the-Sea" on your favorite podcast platform. Click above to listen to Mother Mary Lynn's sermon from last Sunday, "Rest is Resistance."

Upcoming Church Events

Summer Potluck at the Rectory: THIS Wednesday!

You are invited to a fun dinner THIS Wednesday night, June 12, from 5-7 at the rectory! The rectory is the house that the church owns for the priest to live in - Mother Mary Lynn and her family are excited to welcome you. We will have burgers and hotdogs on the grill, so please bring anything you want to add to the grill and/or a side dish to share. We will hang out in the backyard and play lawn games and enjoy the summer evening! Kids are most definitely invited, as well as friends, partners, roommates, you name it. Next summer potluck nights at the rectory: July 17 & August 7.

Email Mother Mary Lynn for the address - can't wait to see you there!

Creation Care & Camp Stevens Sunday: June 16

"And God said, 'It is good.'" Our faith calls us to be caretakers and advocates for God’s good Earth. On Creation Care Sunday we will sing of God’s good creation, and celebrate creation as an act of justice, resistance, and holy gratitude. The service will be held outside on the patio, so we can pray and sing alongside the sun, birds, and wind. Everyone is invited to bring something from your home garden to place on the altar during the service. We will also celebrate Camp Stevens, our diocesan camp in Julian where our parish goes on retreat annually to reconnect with each other and with nature.

Register Today for the Annual Parish Retreat

September 6-8, 2024 at Camp Stevens in Julian

Register today for our annual parish retreat at Camp Stevens in Julian. We enjoy 2 nights in lodges, 5 delicious meals, outdoor church and time getting to connect with our church family.

Optional activities include: hiking, swimming, yoga, bonfire, farm tours, art, tie-dye, baking, and music making! Indoor accommodations: private rooms with private bathrooms; scratch-made delicious meals made by camp staff.

Camp Stevens is a place of beauty with over 250 acres of wild land for hiking, listening and being with God. Scholarships are available.

Questions? Contact Kari Robinson.

Register for Parish Retreat

Call Your Representatives and Ask for Ceasefire in Gaza

“People of faith and goodwill can organize and address our governments to call for humanitarian aid to flow freely to those in desperate need in Gaza; for the release of all hostages; for an end to all targeting of children and other civilians; and for a de-escalation of violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.” - Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

As death, destruction, and violence continue in Gaza, we urge you to lift your voices and do everything possible to put pressure on all parties for an immediate and sustained ceasefire. 

We are not helpless in the face of the world's horrors. Takeon a new spiritual practice: every day, call your representatives and ask them to call for an immediate ceasefire, access to humanitarian assistance to end starvation and avert any further risk of famine, and urge the release of hostages.

You can click this link to go to the Episcopal Public Policy Network website, which has a script for contacting your representatives, as well as a form you can fill out right on the site.

Call for Ceasefire

Donations Needed for Border Ministry

Our diocese is continuing to respond to the needs of those seeking asylum at the US/Mexico border and being held in open-air detention sites. The diocese prepares 200 sack lunches every Monday to be distributed, and are asking for the following:

  • jelly
  • packaged snacks like: potato chips, protein bars, fruit gummies
  • brown paper bags
  • sandwich bags

Please drop off donations at church on Sunday. Email Mother Mary Lynn if you are able to volunteer to assemble sack lunches every Monday at 3pm.

Volunteers Needed: 5th Tuesday Chefs

Did you know that St. Andrew's has hosted a weekly free community meal every Tuesday for over 10 years? We are looking for volunteers who are willing to cook the meal on the 5th Tuesdays of the months, which is only 4 times per year. Volunteers would be expected to take a food safety certification course, plan and shop for a meal, and cook for 50-60 guests. But you won't be doing it alone - our volunteer coordinator, Auburn, will be there to help you every step of the way, and our team of dedicated volunteers who show up weekly will help, too. Please email Auburn if you are interested in taking on this important (and fun!) work. We are so proud to be able to feed our neighbors, and this ministry depends on the dedicated service of so many. Join the fun!

Church at the Border: July 7

Join Mother Mary Lynn for a service of communion and prayer at the US/Mexico border wall on Sunday, July 7. Around 12pm we will drive down to a designated spot where we will have church with those seeking asylum who are being held in between the border walls. Jesus of Nazareth was a migrant, whose family sought freedom from political violence. Throughout our holy scriptures God clearly instructed God's people to care for the immigrants and strangers among them. Join us for this pilgrimage to be present at a place of suffering and injustice so close to our own neighborhood. If you would like to help organize making food to hand out, please email me.

Are you doing something cool in the world? Let us know about your concerts, art shows, and marathons, and we may include them in the e-news!

Ellen Prepares to Swim the English Channel

Follow Ellen De La Cruz, as she swims solo, unassisted, across the English Channel this summer. The 21-mile endurance swim holds many obstacles including cold water, jellyfish, and choppy conditions, yet her greatest challenge will be overcoming her Parkinson's Disease. 

So far, her event has raised awareness and nearly $15,000 dollars towards the Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. You may find more information, or choose to sponsor her efforts directly by visiting:

Go Ellen! We are so proud of you and your determination. Please hold Ellen in your prayers as she prepares for this great adventure!

What's Happening In the Neighborhood

Applications Open: Johnson-Wong Scholarship

If you are preparing to enter a full-time college or university this fall, you are eligible to apply for the Johnson Wong Scholarship! This fund is generously provided by St. Andrew's members who are committed to the education of our young people. It is awarded to St. Andrew's members or children of members who plan to attend a full-time accredited college in the next school year. Fill out this application to apply. Contact Becky for more information.

Pacific Beach Community Choir

1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month, at 7pm

Want to sing with friends in a fun, non-pressure environment? Come meet new people and make music the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7pm at St. Andrew's. This choir is led by our parish musician, Katie Cavallo, and sings secular music just for the fun of it. Anyone in high school or older is welcome - no audition necessary! It's a great way to meet new friends and express your creativity - contact Katie with questions or to join.

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