Weekly Announcements
July 13, 2017

With You on the Journey...
Last week Bethany, my teenager, invited me out to dinner. The invitation thrilled me, even though I knew that I would be paying for our dinner. We went to a place in Lincoln Park called Summer House. It is a lovely place to share a meal. Sitting at the table together, just the two of us, I wondered what we would talk about. That seems strange to say, she is my daughter, why would conversation be stilted or challenging?
Such is the nature of our relationships. Our relating with even those who we are closest to on the earth can be constrained, forced, or labored.
I decided to try something new to invite freshness in our conversation. I invited Bethany to speak for three minutes about anything she wanted, stream of consciousness, and I would simply listen. I reinforced that I would not comment, council, or judge what she said. Then in turn I would speak for three minutes and she would listen to me without comment, council or judgement.
The experiment turned out to be blessing. It awakened connection, compassion, and the "now" we shared opened up and welcomed us to simply "be" together.
Our deepest human joys are found in true authentic connections where we feel seen, known and heard for who we are right now. Assumptions, opinions, argumentativeness, and interior defenses all come into play in our most intimate relationships. Combating the staleness of familiarity, and throwing out old over played recordings of ourselves is not easy to do.
Relationships need creative loving attention to grow and flourish.
Who could you invite to share what is going on in their life to your non-judgmental compassionate ear? How might your relationship be affected if you could share yourself in the same way?
God sent Jesus to teach us that the core truth of life is Love. Invite the ones you care so deeply about to experience the unconditional love that your heart is willing to offer.
With you on the journey,
Sabbatical 2017
Rev. Lisa will be embarking on a 3 Month Sabbatical September - November made possible through the Lily Endowment whose purpose in grant making "is to deepen and enrich the religious lives of American Christians, primarily by helping to strengthen their congregations."   To read Lisa's Grant Winning proposal, click here !

Sabbatical Send Off Party
Sunday, August 6th | After 10 AM Worship

Please join fellow parishioners for food and festivities as we send the Senuta Family off on their adventures with love and gratitude. Learn about Lisa's travels and studies as well as how the parish will spend our time deepening our spiritual relationships.
Garden Update
Join Us for Some Light Weeding And Harvesting
On Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:00 a.m.

The Community Food Garden is already green and beautiful this year! Even if you aren't a plot holder, you can still help us out with some light weeding and harvesting this Saturday morning.  No experience necessary! Our garden provides over 2,000 pounds of fresh produce to the Northfield Township Food Pantry and this is a great way to be a part of the good work that is being done!  Enjoy these pictures from Sandy Ritterson of our green garden and recent strawberry harvest. 
Sunday Worship
Sunday, July 16th

8:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite I

9:15 a.m.
30 Worthy Minutes

10:00 a.m.
Holy Eucharist, Rite II

11:00 a.m.
for more readings from the week.

Want to contact us? Need directions to the church?Visit  www.stjamestheless.org for 
more information about events, sermons and more!

Some Sage Advice About... Sage!
The Community Food Garden has a special new feature for parishioners this year -- an herb garden!  These herbs are for any parishioner who would like to take them.  Currently, we have an abundance of sage.  To inspire you to take this wonderfully earthy and fragrant herb home and use it in your own kitchen I turned to one of my favorite cooking websites, The Kitchn and found 12 creative ways to preserve sage -- sage butter or sage pesto anyone?   Click here to read the article!
SJTL 2nd Annual Golf Outing
Our 2nd Annual Golf Outing in scheduled for Sunday, July 16th at Willow Hill Golf Course (1350 E. Willow Rd., Northbrook). At 1:30 p.m. there will be a Short Game Clinic taught by Bob Dickman, Illinois PGA Teacher of the Year. A 9 hole "shotgun start" at 2:30 p.m. After wrapping up the 9 holes, we will head back to the church for a potluck dinner, replete with outstanding golf prizes!

The fee for the clinic, golf game, and dinner are $25 if walking, $35 with a cart.

This year we can accommodate 32-40 people (up from 24 last year), so bring a friend or two -- but just let us know! We will have a few "rangers" to help monitor play, making sure all golfers keep up with the group ahead!

A sign-up sheet is available in the Parish Hall! Signup deadline is Friday, June 30th. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Carini, Phil Montross, or Ron Valentine!

We still have some openings and would love to have "a full field"  Please RSVP by tomorrow, July 14th.

Refugee One Bathroom Kits Update
Sadly, Refugee One is still not collecting their full range of in-kind donations for incoming refugees, after facing massive cuts and having to cut staff due to the Travel Ban. Because of this, we have decided to take items to the New Trier Food Pantry, to benefit the neighbors in our community who need it most. Over 350 families benefit from the pantry, which carries hygiene products and household goods as well as food. Our donation will help supply the pantry with a bounty of non-perishable items that will be useful for many months to come. Thank you, again, for your excitement in this drive! -- kClare
Volunteers are Appreciated and Needed!
A Just Harvest in July
We're will be taking a break from our monthly ministry with A Just Harvest in July.  But that doesn't mean the the meal won't happen!

The church reserves $250 a month to support our ministry with A Just Harvest.  In July we will give this money directly to A Just Harvest so they may purchase the groceries they need to serve the meal in our absence.

The vestry will be taking charge of A Just Harvest in August, and Deacon Ron has offered to act as the Captain. You can signup in advance here:  https://tinyurl.com/y9s5z5ka
Most of us experience God's real and wonderful presence in nature. A beautiful sunset, flowers or blue sky can open our spirit like nothing else. If you would like to try a meditation experience in nature Rev. Lisa is offering two opportunities. 

Chicago Botanic Garden
July 18th at 7:00 p.m.
(Meet at the front entrance.)

Labyrinth Walk at St. Gregory's Episcopal Church, Deerfield
July 24th at 1:00 p.m.
July 25th at 7:00 p.m.
(Meet at the Labyrinth end of the parking lot.)
As many of you know, our Pledge Campaign is ongoing through the year! Currently the church is in good financial standing and we are within 10% of our goal thanks to those of you who have already pledged! If you haven't pledged yet, there is still time.  And if you have pledged and find yourself in a position to increase your pledge you can help us bridge the gap!

Your Pledge is Important And Makes A Difference In The Life Of The Parish!
Fulfilled pledges make up the bulk of our operating budget and support the people, programs, and facilities that make St. James the Less a wonderful place!  Things like:
  • Vibrant Worship
  • New Music Programs
  • Special Services
  • Godly Play
  • Living Compass
  • Clergy
  • Staff
  • Building and Grounds Maintenance 
Pledge Online

Visit  www.stjamestheless.org/giving to make your pledge online and learn more about what a pledge is and what it means to our community.
Vestry & Reports
Vestry Meeting Minutes and Reports!
Reports from the most recent Vestry meeting are being made available to you by clicking the individual links below:
Vestry Minutes
Calendar of St. James the Less
Faithful Departed

An Internment of the notes that we wrote last year in memory of 
Anne Schnering will be held on July 30th.
May the souls of all the departed rest in peace. AMEN
This Week

Friday, July 13

9:30 a.m., SJTL Prayer Group
Sunday, July 16

8:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite I
9:15 a.m., 30 Worthy Minutes 
10:00 a.m., Holy Eucharist, Rite II
11:00 a.m., Fellowship
1:30 p.m., 2nd Annual Golf Outing

Tuesday, July 18 -

9:00 a.m., SJTL Knitters Group
10:30 a.m., Staff Meeting
Looking Ahead

Monday, July 24 1:00 p.m. Meditation/Labyrinth Walk
St. Gregory's Episcopal Church

Tuesday, July 25 7:00 p.m. Meditation/Labyrinth Walk
St. Gregory's Episcopal Church

Sunday, July 30 11:00 a.m. Interment of the Memorial Notes for Anne Schnering

Monday, July 31 7:30 p.m. Dick Peterson's Big Band Rehearsal

Tuesday, August 1 4:00 p.m. A Just Harvest Dinner

Sunday, August 6
Rev. Lisa's Sabbatical Send Off Party

Monday, August 28 7:30 p.m. Dick Peterson's Big Band Rehearsal

Sunday, September 10 10:00 a.m. Blessing of the Backpacks

Saturday, September 16 TBA Hiking with The Saints

Saturday, September 23 TBA Lobster Sale
Parish Staff Contacts  

Rev. Lisa Senuta, Rector | lsenuta@stjamestheless.org | (847) 446-8430 x 201
Rev. Ron Valentine, Deacon | chaplain@stjamestheless.org | (847) 446-8430 x 208
Josh Langoff, Director of Music Ministries | ljlanghoff@comcast.net | (847) 446-8430
Virginia Hunt, Administrative Assistant | virginia@stjamestheless.org | (847) 446-8430 x. 200
kClare McKellaston, Director of Children and Youth Ministries  kClare@stjamestheless.org  
Coty Colson, Communication Coordinator | coty@stjamestheless.org | ( 847) 446-8430 x 202
Joanne Straughn, Bookkeeper | bookkeeper@stjamestheless.org | (847) 446-8430 x 202
Kathleen Dewey, Senior Warden | vestry@stjamestheless.org


(For the week commencing Sunday, July 9, 2017)
From the Chicago Diocesan Cycle of Prayer We pray for Youth and Staff who will participate in Diocesan Summer Camp this summer. We also pray for Congregations in the Rockford Deanery; St. Paul in Savanna; Grace in Sterling; Christ Church in Streator; St. Peter in Sycamore;  and in our Companion Dioceses of SE Mexico and Renk, South Sudan: La Ascención in Veracruz; St. John in Melut.

For the Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar: We pray for all the clergy and people of the Diocese of Toliara, Madagascar.  We pray for Bishop Todd & Rev. Patsy McGregor visiting Churches in Paris.

For those who are sick:  O God, the strength of the weak and the comfort of sufferers; mercifully accept our prayers, and grant to your servants the help of your power, that their sickness may be turned into health, and our sorrow into joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 
Dunbar  Abston (friend of John Roberts)
Debra High Altschul (parishioner)
Carole Alwardt  (resident of The Grove)
Mary  Arnieri (friend of Miriam Berry)
Glen Bennett Jr. (friend of Linda Jensen)
Al Berggren (parishioner)
Daniel Berry (son of Miriam Berry)
Elisa  Berry (daughter-in-law of Miriam Berry)
Robie  Briggs (brother of Pam Hardy)  
Bill  Burke (parishioner)
Debbie Carpenter (sister of David Mason)
Sandra Carpenter (sister of Shari Noble)
Kathleen Cleven (parishioner)
Don Corfield (uncle of Yvonne Watson)
Gerry Cox (father of Rev. Patsy McGregor)
The David Family (friends of Lynne Pike)
Silvio DeBartelmaise (friend of John Roberts)
Connor Dolge (friend of Jack & Patricia Kessie)
Emily Fifield (friend of Amy Berry)
Samantha Friese (niece of Amy Fahey)
Anne Marie Glowacki (daughter of Linda Jensen)
Fred Golden (father of Colleen Schipfer)
Anna Hasch (mother of Anita Ruesch)
Andrew Hensel (friend of Mary Allen)
Chip Herndon (parishioner)
Helen Janovic  (mother of Shari Noble)
Ken Killion (friend of Kathy Smith)
Courtney Koshgarian (friend of Peggy Greene)
Gail Kotin (parishioner)
Ileene Kotin (mother of Gail Kotin)
Bob Kuhn (father of Maureen Burke & Mary Saunders)
Allen  Liss (partner of Pam Hardy)
Holly Madigan (friend of Sandy & Bert Getz Sr)
Peggy Mason (parishioner)
Frank  Massolini (friend of Ron Valentine)
Karen Mills Hensley  (daughter of Mike Mills)
Erin Murray (special friend of Pam Hardy, Allen and Brandon)
Jane  O'Reilly, parents, Beth & Sean, & siblings, Maggie & Patrick  
                                        (Jane is the great-niece of Kathleen Cleven)
Margot Peterson  (daughter-in-law of Dick Peterson)
Joanie Phillips (wife of Gary Phillips)
Joe Pryzbilla   (friend of Ron Valentine)
Eric Ramos (resident of The Grove)
Donald P. Rand (friend of John Roberts)
Lavera Ray  (resident of The Grove)
Emily Roane (twin sister of Kathy Roane)
Lucy Roe (friend of Jack & Patricia Kessie)
Ann Roome (former parishioner)
Erma & Manny Rosone (parishioners)
Dale  Ruesch (father-in-law of Anita Ruesch)
Jill Ruesch (cousin of Anita Ruesch)
Patti Ruff (fiancée of Barbara Stutz's son)
Colleen Schipfer (parishioner)
David Schroeder (son-in-law of Sally Neuert)
Henry Schwenk (parishioner)
Joan Scott (resident of The Grove)
John Sivright (friend of John Roberts and others)
Sally Smith (friend of Debby & Ron Valentine)
Kathy Stutz (daughter-in-law of Barbara Stutz)
Brad T. (friend of Ron & Debby Valentine)
Jamie Trotter (parishioner)
Nancy Wais (friend of Sarah Schneider)
Elena Walke (friend of Jack & Tricia Kessie)
Tom White (son of John White)
Alice Wirtz (friend of Nancy Whiteman)
Mary Woodward  (resident of The Grove)
Addison & her parents & brother   (cousin of kClare McKellaston)
Ashley   (friend of Debby Valentine)
Beth     (friend of Kathleen Dewey)
Daniel   (friend of Sarah Schneider)
Dean   (friend of Marilee McGowan)
Elizabeth    (employee of Sarah Schneider)
Helen   (friend of Amy Fahey)
Janet   (friend of Kathleen Cleven)
Kelly   (niece of Marilee McGowan)
Kelly & Josh   
Laura & Phil    (friends of Nancy Whiteman)
Mandy   (friend of Ron & Debby Valentine's daughter)
Mike    (friend of Lynne Pike)
Peggy   (friend of Lynne Pike)
Stacy   (sister of Cory Schipfer)
Tucker    (friend of Ron & Debby Valentine)
For those who have died:
Father of all, we pray to you for those we love, but see no longer: Grant them your peace;  let light perpetual shine upon them; and, in your loving wisdom and almighty power, work in them the good purpose of your perfect will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Tim Fischer (who died on 4th  July, son of friend of Sue Babbs)
Helen Ehrmann Stone
Helen Widmaier McCulloch
Grace B. Dennis
Charles M. Bliss, Jr.

For those who are grieving:  Gracious God, surround all who mourn this day with your continuing compassion.  When grief seems never-ending, take them one step at a time along your road of death and resurrection in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Prayers may be added to this list by completing the Prayer Request Card, which can be found in the pews and Parish Hall, or by emailing Sue Babbs at suebabbs385@gmail.com.
We invite you to join the Prayer Group which meets on Friday mornings, or the Prayer Network which receives email notifications and prays for needs as they are shared with us.  Contact Sue Babbs or Rev Ron Valentine for further information.
Have and Announcement of Upcoming Event?
Please send Weekly Announcements to Coty Colson at coty@stjamestheless.org byTuesday at noon.  Please include the following information: 
  • What is the "why" of this announcement? (For example, if you're setting up a service project, why do you feel excited about this event and why should others join you?)
  • Details of the event or announcement (i.e. Location, Date, Time)
  • Your contact information.