NKC Occasional Update

News, Views and To-Dos

May 10, 2024

Our Favorite Quote

"If you just want to advocate for peace, try to be a voice for reason, and don’t inflame or over-simplify an already chaotic, complicated, and deeply emotional issue. Help people find common ground and help bring the temperature down. You can be moral and stand up for what you believe in without being an ass****."

Mo Husseini

50 Completely True Things

What Art Friedson Has On His Mind


Before I start, let me note that as I write this, President Biden is speaking against Jew hatred at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Annual Day of Remembrance observance, while his predecessor is in a courtroom watching a porn star testify about the payments she received from him to prevent her disclosure of a tryst they engaged in four months after Baron Trump was born. Now tell me why this election is close? What kind of world are we living in?

You can ask the same question about the virulent anti-Israel and often anti-Jewish sentiment sweeping through college campuses today embedded in the pro-Palestinian movement. A recent report by Tel Aviv University and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) documents a 103% rise in antisemitic incidence in the United States this year, with 75% of American college students reporting that they have experienced or witnessed acts of antisemitism on campus!

I'm going to lose some friends for this, but I want to give you my personal opinions about what is happening on college campuses today.

Calling for the destruction of Israel and threatening Jews is a far cry from supporting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to have a state of their own. If you are interested in the welfare and political rights of the Palestinian people, you need to be protesting Hamas.

Hamas planned, orchestrated, and executed a pogrom that brutally murdered over 1,200 Israeli civilians, and as the new film by Sheryl Sandberg documents, inflicted unimaginably brutal acts of sexual violence against women. (You can watch the full film, Screams Before Silence, here.)

Hamas did it all -the murders, the mutilation, the rapes- with evil glee. We can document the violence because they proudly captured it on video. Why did they do it? They did it intentionally to provoke precisely the military response from Israel they got. Hamas fighters protected themselves and maximized the suffering of the innocents. They hid behind women and children, using schools and hospitals as cover. They did it in ways that maximized the number of civilian Palestinian deaths.

The mailboxes at Kibbutz Nir Oz. Red stickers for those who were killed, blue for released hostages, and black for those still held by Hamas.

(Photo Credit: Art Friedson)

They did it because a new alliance was forming to counter the Islamic radicalism of their sponsors in Iran. They did it because the backlash in Israel to Bibi and his radical right-wing supporters was growing steadily, and that could have led to peace. They did it because there is no role for Hamas in a peaceful world. 

Hamas sure as hell didn’t do it for the benefit of the Palestinian people.

I’m not going to belabor this, but a few responses to the awful and misleading rhetoric on campus are, I think, essential. But first, if you haven’t read them yet, be sure to read Palestinian-American Mo Husseini’s 50 Completely True Things (it’s less than a 5-minute read), and the open letter from Jewish students at Columbia.

Israel is not an apartheid state by any stretch of the imagination. Palestinian Arabs make up about 21% of the population of Israel. They have full citizenship. If you are in an Israeli hospital, there is a strong chance that your doctor, nurse, orderly and/or roommate will be Arab. The same is true in universities, malls, restaurants, parks, and the Knesset where there are 10 Arab Members out of the 120 seats. Admittedly, there is not much non-transactional interaction between Israeli Jews and Arabs, but neither is there tension. It is also true that one group that has been absent from any protests and virtually all acts of domestic terrorism: Israeli Arabs.

Signs at Northwestern University including calls for the elimination of the State of Israel

(Photo Credit: Dave Byrnes/Courthouse News)

Israelis are neither majority White nor colonialists. It’s been a long time since Jews of North African descent have overtaken white Ashkenazi Jews in the Israeli population, partly because of the total expulsion of Jews from many Arab countries. (So much for "Go back to Poland.") To deny the indigenous roots of Jews in the Holy Land is to deny history, and refute Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures. They are absurd, made-up claims cooked up to support false narratives.

I am at a loss to understand how supporters of LGBTQ+ rights can be supporting Hamas, when Hamas persecutes and terrorizes the LGBTQ+ community. How do supporters of women’s rights come to support the people who intentionally, viciously and gleefully raped women on October 7th and continue to do so to women still being held hostage? How do supporters of human rights enthusiastically support people who hide beneath hospitals and schools both to protect themselves and to use civilian deaths as a publicity tool? Ah, you say you're supporting Palestinian rights, not Hamas. But Hamas is what you get if no one stops them.

Don't forget how simple it is to bring this conflict to an end. If Hamas releases the hostages, Israel will leave immediately. Yes, there will be pressure from Israel's right flank to stay, but it won't happen. The Israeli public has no stomach to stay.

If you really want the conflict to end, then call for the release of hostages and the insertion of a pan-Arab/Palestinian Authority interim government of Gaza that will work on rebuilding Gaza instead of diverting building materials to dig more tunnels and build more missiles.

None of this is meant to excuse the current government of Bibi Netanyahu. I am certainly no fan of Bibi. In a Trumpian effort to save his own skin, he has created a government that is wildly out of line with the sentiments of the majority of his country, alienating Diaspora Jews at the same time. He has weakened the Palestinian Authority and undermined their control of the West Bank, while allowing the Qataris to strengthen Hamas in Gaza. He has turned a blind eye to the very few but very awful bands of messianic Jewish terrorists in the West Bank. For all his talk about being the one who keeps Israelis safe, the worst massacre of Jews the world has witnessed since the Holocaust happened on his watch.

All this said, I still hold out hope for a future of two indigenous, legitimate people coexisting in two states, sharing a mutual geography with borders that exist mainly on maps. We got a glimpse of that future just last month when Israel was joined by the United States, Great Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Egypt in neutralizing the unprecedented missile attack by Iran. Unimaginable things are indeed possible, if only we can allow our minds to go there.

I feel bad for the poor people of Gaza. I feel bad for all the Israeli families who have been devastated by the horrific pogrom on October 7th and who continue to be traumatized by the failure of Hamas to release the hostages and end the war. I feel bad for all the Jewish college kids who are afraid to cross their campuses. I feel bad for American college students who missed out on their high school graduations because of Covid and who will now either suffer disruptions to their college graduations or miss them entirely.

And certainly not least, I feel bad for America. Trump made it okay for racists and haters of all kinds to emerge from the shadows and bring out the worst in us. These are tough times to be sure, but I still believe that when faced with the choice of hateful chaos or decency -as we will be in November- Americans will choose wisely. Let us all hope, pray and act to make it so.

With Nancy Kohn

Perspective is everything. Look at the headlines and you'd think that the most pressing issue among younger voters is the war against Hamas in Gaza. Well, think again. Axios reports on a Generation Lab survey taken just this week that found that only 13% of college students list the conflict as "most important to them," far behind healthcare reform (40%), educational funding and access (38%), economic fairness (37%), racial justice (36%), climate change (35%), gun safety (32%), immigration (21%), and terrorism (15%). Notice anything about the list? Joe Biden is championing all these issues.

Best ad of the week. At last week's Biden Midwest Finance Committee meeting we previewed the newest ad, Prosecute, that features a Dallas OB/GYN who had to terminate her pregnancy after discovering the fetus had a fatal condition. We watch her face as David Muir reports on TFG's comments that he would be okay if some states monitor women's pregnancies and prosecute them if they violate abortion bans. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

Congressional report card. The NYTimes has a special interactive video posted where they ask eight questions to both Democratic and Republican Members of Congress who have announced they are leaving Congress. How do these frustrated folks describe the current Congress? Dysfunctional, difficult, chaotic and unproductive are some of the answers. Don't worry, its not all doom and gloom.

Heroes deserve medals. Last Friday, in a White House ceremony, President Joe Biden awarded to the Presidential Medal of Freedom to 19 American heroes. Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, former Secretary of State and climate czar John Kerry, as well as athletes and actors were honored. Check out the full list here.

What I'm reading. I've just finished Ruth Reichl's, The Paris Novel, a delicious tale with lots of food passages. Next up? The NYTimes keeps coming up with new lists of books. This time, they've gone all out with their list of The Book Review's Best Books Since 2020, broken down into many different fiction and non-fiction genres in a clever interactive format.

What I'm watching at home. As we sweat out the fate of Count Alexander Rostov on A Gentleman in Moscow (we know what's coming...we both loved the book), we've inserted something lighter in our viewing schedule. Elsbeth is a CBS comedy/detective drama starring Carrie Preston as a quirky Chicago lawyer sent by the courts to New York City to monitor some suspicious police activity. It's a fun diversion.

Just Cause Spotlight

Since founding Just Cause in 2015, we have worked with nearly 60 Chicago-area and national nonprofit organizations whose missions' span education, environment, social justice, health, human rights, arts and culture and more.

Nancy Kohn and Lisa Acker, partners, help nonprofits reach new heights. Whether it’s a high-level strategy or rolling up our sleeves to help with immediate tasks at hand, we are paving the way.

If you need an assessment of fundraising potential, a multi-year fundraising plan, hope to launch a capital campaign, develop new models for cultivation activities, design an anniversary fundraising program, create donor-focused communications, elevate your board's role as ambassadors, or expand your overall capacity, we are here to help! Learn more about us at Just Cause.

On The Calendar

Join the fun and attend an in-person event!

If you feel safer at a distance,

check out the hybrid and zoom options.

(Photos in this section are provided by the candidate/official unless otherwise specified)

Virtual: Stacey Abrams in conversation with Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton

Join IWIL Training Academy's annual virtual spring fundraiser on Wednesday, May 15th for an evening of discussion with our very special guests… Stacey Abrams and Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton.

Stacey Abrams is a former Georgia House Minority leader, voting rights activist, and best-selling author.

The fundraiser will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, May 15th from 5:00 PM-6:00 PM CST. RSVP here to reserve your ticket today.

By supporting IWIL Training Academy’s fundraising events, you ensure that the organization can continue to provide a high-quality training program to teach Democratic, pro-choice women to run for office at no major cost to participants.

FYI - Lt. Gov. Stratton is an IWIL Training Academy alum from 2011!

In Person: Meet Senate Candidate Representative Colin Allred

He's the star of the Lone Star State and the guy who might actually send Ted Cruz packing into retirement.

Congressman Colin Allred will be in Chicago on Friday, May 31st. A reception hosted by Marisa Murillo, Susan Rogers, Bob Satawake, and Ambassador Wally Brewster will be held from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Chicago.

To RSVP for the reception, click here. For further information or to arrange a private meeting with the candidate earlier in the day, contact Nadine Zaky Kotb at (518) 650-4797.

Some Fun

A new name for TFG. One thing we know for sure from the Trump trial currently unfolding is that the guy being tried looks old, tired and ridiculous.

Following widespread reports of Trump both sleeping and, um, passing gas loudly at the trial, his former fixer and current nemesis, Michael Cohen, invented a new name for TFG. On his social media account, Cohen referred to Trump as "Von ShitzInPanz."

Trump's lawyer actually introduced the tweet in court as part of their defense of Trump's violation of the gag order.

Since it was introduced in court, it was news. This brings us to this delicious clip of CNN's Jack Tapper reporting the story with Dana Bash giggling in the background. It's the funniest 30 seconds you will spend today.

CNN Reports on Von ShitzInPanz

Graphic from Six Chart Sunday #15

Maybe they misjudged him.

Bruce Mehlman, whose incisive analysis we have cited many times here, has a new feature on Substack called Six-Chart Sunday where he succinctly boils down major trends in policy and politics.

If you scroll through his most recent edition (#15), you'll find this gem: the college transcript of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from Morehouse College where King received Cs for his courses in public speaking.

I hope his professor lived long enough to see how far off the mark his grading was.

Stuart Rosenberg

(1955 - 2024)

We are heartbroken and despondent over the sudden death of master musician, polymath, and dear friend, Stuart Rosenberg. Our hearts go out to his wonderful wife, Rachel Lerner Rosenberg, and their talented children, Allegra and Theo. May his memory be a blessing.

Stuart at our wedding

(Photo credit: Jeremy Lawson Photography)

Thanks for reading.

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Please tell your friends that they can Sign Up Here.

To stay compliant with anti-spam regulations, our return address has changed. Please add nancy@nancykohnconsultingllc.ccsend.com to your address book, but continue to contact me directly at nkohn@kohnconsulting.com

Thanks to our head writer Art Friedson.


Thanks for all that you do!

Stay safe and healthy,




Nancy Kohn

Nancy Kohn Consulting, LLC 

101 W. Grand - Suite 200 

Chicago, IL 60654


Send your listings with the words "jobs" or "internships" in the subject line to us. Please include a brief description, no longer than 70 words, with either a link to a position description and/or a description of how to apply. A contact person is also helpful.
A Few Helpful Links

Daybook is the number one resource for political, policy, and government jobs around the country. Check it out daily for the latest job openings or sign up to receive daily updates!

Want to work with Democratic candidates, progressive organizations, or on global issues? Check out the listings at Simmons Center for Global Chicago, Democracy Partners, Grossman Solutions, NPAG, and Forefront. For more general jobs, check out Axios Chicago.

Campaigns are staffing up again. Here are four good sites to land campaign jobs at the entry-level and beyond: Arena Careers, Emily's List, Jobs That Are Left, and GainPower.

Finally, The Jobs

Reminder: We try to update our list of job banks regularly. Don't skip over the opening paragraphs to this section that has links to great resources. Now, on to the specific jobs...

NEW! Men4Choice is launching its Summer 2024 Youth Fellowship. Designed for young men aged 18-24 who are emerging leaders, Fellows get opportunities to build their network and skills, learn from some of the best organizers and leaders in the movement, and apply their training through organizing actions and events. Beyond the initial ten weeks, this program also has a leadership development focus. Former fellows can earn an opportunity for a paid internship to mentor and coach the next cohort. For more information and to apply, click here.

Run for Something is changing what leadership looks like in America by recruiting and supporting young, diverse progressives to run for down-ballot races and building long-term sustainable power in all 50 states. They are seeking a bold and strategic Executive Director to build upon its success and guide the organization into its next chapter. For more information and instructions to apply, click here.

Illinois Tenth Congressional District Democrats (Tenth Dems) is now accepting applications for its Summer 2024 Internship Program. The internship is a substantive program designed for high school, college, and graduate/law students seeking an opportunity to become deeply engaged in the political process. Internships are unpaid, educational positions; however, academic credit is often available. Applicants should submit a brief paragraph explaining why they would like to be part of the program, along with a resume summarizing their educational background and activities. Neither need be formal. Acceptance into the program is selective and contingent upon an interview. To apply or request more information, click here.

JOBS! INTERNS! VOLUNTEERS! The Chicago 2024 Host Committee of the Democratic National Convention is seeking help to assist with planning and executing the Democratic National Convention in August. The formal internship program begins on June 10th and runs through the Convention, August 19-22, in Chicago. For more information and instructions to apply, click here.

Forward Majority has been at the frontline of the fight to accelerate Democratic power in state legislatures through their Battleground Voter Project, a multi-year plan to use partisan voter registration to help win and defend Democratic majorities in states that will drive national power through 2030. They are currently seeking a Senior Program Manager to oversee third-party voter registration drives focused on competitive state legislative districts in targeted states. The position is fully remote. For more information and instructions to apply, click here.

The Democratic Senate Campaign Committee (DSCC) publishes an email newsletter featuring campaign finance jobs across the country. Sign up to receive their newsletter here. Don't see what you're looking for? They also invite candidates to submit their resumes for their Finance Resume Bank here.

Reading Power, located in Lake Forest, has trained volunteer tutors to provide one-to-one literacy instruction during the school day under the guidance of educational professionals. They are seeking a Development Director who will be responsible for raising funds from a combination of individual donations, corporate and private foundations, civic organizations and events. Click here for more information and instructions to apply.

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