June 2017
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Happy summertime to you! Now is the season to enjoy fresh fruits and veggies - whether grown in your Tower Garden, your traditional garden, or purchased at your local Farmer's Market.

Question: Do you eat more produce in the summer? If so, what are your favorites? I'd love to hear from you!
New Clinical Study, take 2

We're revisiting our newest clinical study  in this month's newsletter because we heard from many of you that the video in last month's news didn't play correctly...

The results from the  Juice Plus+ Clinical Study #36  were recently released and the news is outstanding! 

Conducted at the University of Newcastle, Australia, this study shows that 
after taking JP+ for 8 weeks , subjects showed: 
a reduction in cholesterol, weight loss and a reduction in the risk of cardiac disease. 

Wow... fruits & veggies are powerful medicine!
Gardening Grows Great Kids!

tower garden
Think (and thank!) teachers! Do you know a teacher or a school that could benefit from growing a Tower Garden? As  Stephen Ritz, Global Teacher Prize Finalist says, 
"It's the easiest tool I've ever used, not only to grow fruits and vegetables but to engage kids in solid academic outcomes."

The TG team is continually publishing curriculum and tools to help educators. They just released new lessons and activities that are aligned with Common Core Standards - contact me for info!

Diet Sodas = Increased Risk of Dementia

diet soda
We all crave more cold drinks in the summer and if your favorite fizzy drink is a diet soda, now is the time to seriously re-evaluate that choice. 

Recently, news was published that indicated when researchers compared those participants frequently consuming artificially sweetened soft drinks to those consuming none, the risk for developing dementia increased by two-fold and the risk of having a stroke increased three-fold. One hypothesis put forth by the authors is that these artificial sweeteners may result in the disruption of the incredibly important microbial ecosystem in the gut-this disruption is known as dysbiosis.  Read on...  
Recipe: Infused H2O

No more diet soda, so now what should we drink? Well, there are many options available, and chief among them is the ubiquitous, humble H2O. But we also know that water can become "boring" at times, so kick it up a notch and infuse it!

Click here for a Top 10 list of soda alternatives that can help you kick the unhealthy soda habit and lead a healthier life!
Open House - Tuesday June 6th - Join Us!

open house

"Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there." - Thomas Fuller, Gnomologia 1732
Thank you for reading my newsletter. Please contact me if you want more information about Healthy Living, Healthy Growing or starting a Healthy Business!

Rachel Smartt
Rachel Smartt, Naturopathic Doctor
Nat'l Marketing Director &Juice Plus+
Text/mobile  404-664-5497


Not just in schools - we have the gamers too!

For those gamers out there, did you see the Tower Garden in the new  PS4 Black Ops III - Zombie Chronicles? Here's how it looks:
