
Do you know what are your responsibilities as a Trustee or Personal Representative? Come to our Beneficiary Workshop and learn:

  • Expected timelines for probate and trust administration
  • Understanding your rights as a beneficiary
  • Responsibilities of a trustee and personal representative
  • Common misconceptions
  • Do I need a lawyer or can I do it myself?

Join us on Wednesday, July 26th from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM, at

The Law Office of David L. Carrier - 4965 E. Beltline Ave NE, Grand Rapids

Save your seat now!


Article of the week:

How Estate Planning Can Save America

Seventy-nine years ago, in August 1944, as the German army retreated from Paris, France, Adolf Hitler ordered the troops to burn the “City of Lights” to the ground.

Paris was rescued by the American and Allied armies and the French people. Paris did not burn. Evil was defeated. Summer 2023. Paris appears to be on fire. By French citizens. Does it remind you of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota? Who is going to rescue Paris now? Who is going to rescue Minnesota? >READ ANSWER

Your Family's Personal Attorney,

You are invited!


Free LifePlan™ Workshop

Give one hour at the in-person workshop, get a lifetime of guidance.

Attend a FREE estate planning workshop!

Upcoming workshops:

  • Holland: Friday, July 21, 1 PM
  • Grand Rapids: Friday, July 21, 1 PM
  • Muskegon: Friday, July 28, 4 PM
  • Portage: Friday, August 4, 11 AM
  • Grand Haven: Thursday, August 10, 11 AM

Commentary on Social Media:

We can help.

It's a common concern.

You're not alone.

Preserve to protect.

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Avoid Estate Planning online

It's tempting, and we are all looking for ways to save our hard-earned money in this economy. With the cost of living rising by the day, it's no wonder that more and more people are looking for ways to cut corners and save on expenses. READ MORE

Caregiver Resource Network

Being a caregiver can be a rewarding experience and challenging at the same time. We are blessed to live in a community that provides many support services for caregivers. We are members of the Caregiver Resource Network, dedicated to providing for the needs and welfare of family and professional caregivers within the community. They have compiled this comprehensive list of support groups in the Greater Grand Rapids area. Download it here.

Your Feedback Matters

We'd love to hear about your experience with The Law Offices of David L. Carrier. Reviews are also a great way to help others who are exploring Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning services.

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