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What Are Languages 4? | Volume 15

April 16th, 2024

Welcome to the Latest Edition of 'What Are Languages 4?'

Land-Based Language Learning? Yes Please!

Thanks for joining us again, Tim,

As we embrace the new year, we are thrilled to share our latest edition of the 'What Are Languages 4?' newsletter, packed with insightful and innovative content that underscores our dedication to revitalizing and preserving Indigenous languages through immersive, culturally enriched educational practices.

In This Issue

  1. Land-Based Education: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Language Revitalization. We're excited to introduce a profound perspective from Lorelei O'Hagan, our Director of Community Outreach, who is making her debut with a feature that dives deep into Land-Based Education. This primary article explores how integrating Indigenous ecological and cultural wisdom can enhance language learning and help communities reconnect with their ancestral roots.
  2. Embracing Ethics of Care and Respect in Indigenous Language Education: Discover the vital role of traditional courtesies and protocols in Indigenous education. This piece examines how respect for elders, nature, and community practices can be interwoven with language education to foster a deeper understanding and respect for Indigenous cultures.
  3. Ecosystems and Stewardship: Integrating Indigenous Ecological Wisdom into Language Education Explore the intricate relationships between Indigenous communities and their environments. Learn how ecosystems serve as a source of sustenance and a foundation for educational content that can drive deeper connections between language learners and their cultural heritage.
  4. Revitalizing Indigenous Languages Through Storytelling and Ceremonial Practices: This article highlights the indispensable role of storytelling and ceremonial practices in transmitting language and culture. Through detailed examples from various Indigenous communities, we explore how these practices are essential for maintaining linguistic and cultural continuity.

BONUS: Lil'Linguinauts Edition: Land-Based Education? What's That? Additionally, don’t miss the latest from our Lil'Linguinauts series, designed especially for our younger learners. This edition invites kids to explore their world through Land-Based Education, making every outdoor experience a learning opportunity.

As always, we appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm for our initiatives. Your involvement is crucial to our success, and we look forward to another year of meaningful engagement and impactful education.

Warm regards,

The Languages 4™ Team

High-Tech-Teacher  supporting Indigenous language learning

Land-Based Education: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Language Revitalization

Discover how land-based education empowers Indigenous language revitalization, blending cultural wisdom with ecological and community insights.

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Embracing Ethics of Care and Respect in Indigenous Language Education

Explore how integrating traditional courtesies and cultural protocols in Indigenous language education enhances learning outcomes and community connections..

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Ecosystems and Stewardship: Integrating Indigenous Ecological Wisdom into Language Education

Explore how Indigenous peoples harness ecosystems for cultural and educational enrichment in our latest article, highlighting sustainable practices and language integration.

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Revitalizing Indigenous Languages Through Storytelling and Ceremonial Practices

Discover how storytelling and ceremonies preserve Indigenous languages and reinforce cultural identity, ensuring heritage continuity for future generations.

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Land-Based Education?? What's That?

Unlock outdoor learning with Land-Based Education! Dive into nature's secrets and connect with ancestral wisdom in a fun, engaging way.

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Founder's Corner | A Message from Tim O'Hagan

Welcome to Quarter Two, Leaders and Language Advocates,

This is an exciting and full edition of What Are Languages 4? I am delighted to introduce the first article, written by our Director of Community Education (and my sister), Lorelei. It is the first excellent article of what I am sure will be many.

Today, we continue the theme of representative education via Land-Based Education. This mindset is exceptionally interesting, and I feel so lucky to continue to learn and grow in this area.

We continue to speak with more and more of you and are so thankful for your time and energy in this most critical cause. Language Reclamation means so much more than words and phrases; it is about heritage, identity, and Sovereignty. Thanks again for reading!

Pidamaya (Thank you, in Dakota),

Tim O'Hagan

Founder, Languages 4



Languages 4 

3901 E. Hiddenview Dr.,

Phoenix, AZ 85048

+1 480-304-1378

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