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Dear Center Members,

Thank you for your role as a member of the Dungeness River Nature Center. In 2022 through 2023 you took part in the Center’s transition from old to new—beginning with an ending and finishing with a beginning.

Through the dedicated work and support of you, the board, staff, volunteers, donors, and partners; the Center has blossomed. On behalf of the Center Board, we appreciate the dedication by all to inspire understanding, respect, and stewardship of our natural and cultural resources—our mission.

In 2023, 33,000 signed our guestbook—18,000 of those out-of-towners. This is a testament to our beautiful new building and the engaging programs and dynamic exhibits we offer. Center staff and volunteers worked hard and long hours to continue to complete details in the building, especially in the new Exhibit Hall and in the park. All this takes time, knowledge, and fundraising. The membership and partners met the challenge.

Historian and author Edward Everett Hale once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” We worked together and will continue to do so!

Thank you, again!

Annette Hanson

Board President


January: Montana Napier joined the River Center as the new Education Manager!

After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Center hosted an OPAS photo sharing event highlighting the wonder and shared passion for birds.

The mural, by local Sequim artist Tim Quinn, based on the original building's painted wall, was installed on the western façade of the Center.

February: The community came together to help plant 600 bare-root plants that revitalized the newly restored floodplain west of the River Center.

The new wildlife viewing room opened up to the public.

March: Broombusters worked hard to raise money for native plant education and rewilding projects. They pulled out invasive Scotch Broom and reseeded cleared areas with native species.

April: The Center hosted a successful BirdFest including many guest speakers.

Monthly wildflower walks in the Dungeness River Watershed were led by John Bridge and Montana Napier.

May: This year's Give Big Event raised $24,000.

The new Cedar Hat Classroom opened for 5th grade field trips! After a three year hiatus, 5th graders returned to the Center to learn about the health of the Dungeness and salmon.

June: The Center hosted various programs like Bird Drawing, Nature Art for Kids, Discovery Bay Wild Bird Rescue and OPAS Backyard Birding.

July: Coho salmon, raised from eggs at the Center, were released into the river!

4,000 people from all over the world visited the Center.

Sunset Speaker Series began with special guest presenters.

Outdoor yoga classes began.

August: The 5th annual River Center charity golf tournament was a success.

The Center's monthly film series began.

September: The Center hosted Dungeness River Festival for Kids with over 900 local children attending.

Annette Hanson, Clare Manis Hatler and Director Powell Jones were interviewed for KPTZ's "Nature Now" radio talk show.

October: The Center hosted several Olympic Peninsula Fungi Festival workshops.

OPAS lead multiple bird watching field trips.

November: The Center presented the Holiday Bridge Light Countdown & Sing-along.

River Center Holiday Nature Mart enjoyed a successful event.

December: Center staff and volunteers participated in the annual Sequim-Dungeness Christmas Bird Count.







Dear River Center Family,

Thanks to you, 2023 was a fantastic first full year of operations for the Dungeness River Nature Center since the completion of our expansion and restoration projects.

Two major projects finished early in the year. Our Cedar Hat Classroom officially opened for a season of fieldtrips, what an amazing teaching space! Our exhibits of the Dungeness River, including our treasured Tim Quinn mural, after years of development and a few hiccups, were also installed and widely praised for their interpretation of the Dungeness River.

The Center staff found themselves in the midst of a wave of excitement over our new facilities and used the momentum to reinvigorate and build our educational programs to a level more appropriate for the new Center. Both our 5th grade program and the Dungeness River Festival resumed to the delight of many students and teachers. Nature Art, Robotics, and reading events were all added to the schedule to engage our younger audiences. Overall, the River Center youth programs flourished with help from our volunteers.

Not to be outdone, our community education programs also expanded in 2023 with the Sunset Speaker Series and Movies at the River Center both attracting a loyal following. Flower walks continued to be successful and the programs at the Olympic BirdFest resulted in our most successful festival to date!

Several popular community events also made it back onto the schedule including Dine on the Dungeness, and our holiday bridge lighting event. The popularity of Dine on the Dungeness hit an all-time high with all tickets for the event sold in a special membership release before even making it to the public release…pays to be a member! We also held an extremely successful holiday lighting event where over 1000 people came to sing, celebrate, and kick off the holiday season on the bridge!

Internally the River Center continued to hone operations, specifically our volunteer program. A dedicated position was created and tasked with work on volunteer training, recruiting, and scheduling. This made an immediate impact with invigorated volunteers teaching classes, leading programs, fundraising, staffing the center, gardening, and much more. The volunteers continue to be the life blood of our organization and we could not do it without them! Please consider signing on to our volunteer program if you have not already.

All these accomplishments are possible due to the kind and generous support of members and donors like you. Thank you for continuing to trust the River Center with making the world a better place. We hope to see you at many of our events enjoying the programs and organization that you helped build!


Powell Jones

Dungeness River Nature Center Director and Park Manager

“There is no Wi-Fi in the forest,

but I promise you will find a better connection.”

–Ralph Smart

New Cedar Hat Outdoor Classroom

Opens for 5th Grade Field Trips

After a three year hiatus because of covid and construction, fifth-graders returned to the River Center to learn first-hand about the Dungeness River, salmon and the health of our watershed!

When they visit, students have a beautiful learning space to use at the newly constructed Cedar Hat Classroom.

The Jamestown S'Klallam tribe gifted this special building to the students so they have the best opportunity to learn about our natural and cultural resources. The classroom's unique shape mirrors the traditional cedar potlach hat used in Coast Salish gatherings and ceremonies. With 3 large roll-up doors, the students can experience the outdoors even while inside!

The Center has conducted over 500 fifth-grade field trips since 2002, serving over 20,000 students from Jefferson and Clallam counties. In 2023, 32 classes attended field trips in this new space. The River Center, as always, picked up the full cost of instruction, staff time and sometimes transportation, for the students.

“What we want to do is inspire children by showing them several investigative tools and methods, and leave them with more questions to answer. That’s what makes for lifelong interest—not just settling for an answer someone else provides for them but leaving it open-ended and assuring them that they can both pose questions and find answers.” Powell Jones, River Center Director.

The Cedar Hat Classroom is also used for many other purposes. The building has hosted programs like Nature Art for Kids, tribal drumming circles, nest box building, guest speaker presentations, movie nights, BirdFest activities and more!

"In every walk with nature

one receives far more than he seeks."

–John Muir

DRNC Exhibits – The Heart Of Our Mission

The Center’s exhibits have undergone several iterations over the last 40, yes 40, years!

In 1984 they were located in a small, well-loved and popular natural history museum in the old Sequim High School. Museum docents provided education programs for school children and adults. Visitors from all over the world explored the museum's five large dioramas, filled with native plant and animal specimens.

In 2001 the museum’s taxidermy mounts were moved to our first Center building. Fish were mounted on the walls, large raptors were in cases, small birds and mammals rested on shelves high and low, and some even hung from the rafters to be enjoyed by everyone. The exhibit expanded with more taxidermy mounts, more hands-on education activities, and more natural and cultural history information about this inspiring place we call home.

With the completion of the new Center building in 2022, the exhibit evolved into an immersive “mountain to sea” diorama experience with hands-on activities which showcase the entire Dungeness River watershed. It’s a visualization of our mission and inspires wonder and understanding about the natural history and indigenous culture of this spectacular watershed.

The current exhibit is the result of many months of planning, researching, designing, writing, re-writing, fabrication, painting, and installation. Huge thanks to the Exhibit Design Team who worked tirelessly for three years to complete this project. Team members include Kathy Steichen, Jenna Ziogas, Powell Jones, Bob Boekelheide, David Brownell, Lyn Muench, Shirley Anderson, Annette Hanson, and Allie Taylor.

The Center’s exhibit room (Click here for more exhibit hall info) contains over 200 museum-quality mounted birds and animals, plants and trees of the Olympic Peninsula sited in their preferred habitat—from the river’s origin in the alpine snowfields to its estuary on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Exhibits also showcase Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe’s (Tribal website) traditional and contemporary culture and perspective. Traditional Salish hand-carved house posts welcome visitors and many S’Klallam words are incorporated in the exhibit text. The Tribe’s work in salmon, wetland, river, and tideland restoration is demonstrated just outside the door where a months-long project removed a levee, returning the former parking lot to floodplain and creating shelter for juvenile and spawning salmon.

The Center’s education facilities, including the Exhibit Hall, the Cedar Hat Classroom, and soon to be installed outdoor wayside exhibits, allow us to deliver quality programs that are the heart of our mission…To inspire understanding, respect, and stewardship of our natural and cultural resources.

Photo Credit: Kiddos next to coyote and exploring the exhibit hall by Matt Nash

"Look deep into nature

and then you will understand everything better."

- Albert Einstein





Thank You

For inspiring generations

with your gifts to the River Center!

$50,000 & ABOVE

National Endowment for The Arts

$10,000 & ABOVE

Shirley Anderson

Laura J Dubois

Caroline Littlefield

Richard McCammon

State of Washington Tourism

$5,000 & ABOVE

Eleanor & Donald Naddy Trust

Rose Forbes

Dave & Julie Jackson

Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau

Tuttie & Richard Peetz

Gary & Victoria Reed

Marsha Robin

Rebecca & Zandy Stewart

2,000 & ABOVE

W. Ron & Merine Allen

Connie & Stan Barron

WIlliam Biery

Syrene Forsman

Ingrid Lehrer

Kerry & Mike McCool

Martha & George Moyer

Olympic Peninsula Audubon Society

Marion Rutledge

Joyce Ryba

Terry Santos

Wanda & Mike Schneider

Kathy Strozyk

Ken Wiersema

1,000 & ABOVE

Air Flo Heating

Bob & Barb Boekelheide

John & Rose Bridge

David & Chrystina Bruneau

Audrey & Jim Gift

Charlene Gustafson

Harbor Foodservice

Jean Harrington 

Colin Hiday Concrete inc

Daniel Houk

Jamestown Excavating.

Jamestown Family Medical Clinic

KPFF Consulting Engineers

Walter & Montel Livingston

Sasha Muench

North Peninsula Electric

Gary Poor

Sandra Pysher

Randy & Sallie Radock

Beth & Cappy Rothman

Fritz & Hanne Seidel

Eftin & Ingrid Strong

Dee & Terry Sweeney

Roseline & Jay Tomlin

Mickie Vail

Wilder Auto Center

$500 & ABOVE

Paulette Ache

Angeles Millwork & Lumber Co.

Paul & Bertha Cooper

Gretha & Doug Davis

Kris Ecklund

First Fed

Linda & Larry Gonzales

Marie & Brian Grad

Annette Hanson

Hartnagel Building Supply Inc.

Clare & Don Hatler

Jamie Hatten

Ken Henshaw & Jane Hutchings-Henshaw

Sharon Howard

Jonathan Jack Insurance Agency Inc

Deborah Jensen

Norrie & Barb Johnson

Kitsap Bank

Carol & George Kondos

Korsmo Construction

Dow & Marlene Lambert

Bob Marine & Carol Colbeck

Pamela Martin

Chris & Keith McCann

Jeanie McNamara

Bill & LaVonne Mueller

Lyn Muench

Annette & Pete Nesse

Norberg Family Foundation

Olympic Driftwood Sculptors

Christopher & Sally Pfeiffer

Bob & Enid Phreaner

Janet & Francis Piccola

SCJ Alliance

Sense, Inc

Teresa Smith

Grace Sommers

John Staples

Cheryle Sullivan & Jennifer Torba

Karen Westwood

Elke Wiersema

George & Jolie Will

Yvonne Yokota

$200 & ABOVE

Kathy Bachman

Roy & Leah Bartle

Chris & Mike Barton

Robert Begin

Steve & Sandy Bengtson

Jill Blake

Blue Sky Real Estate Sequim

Mike & Judy Bromell

Ken & Mary Campbell

Castell Insurance

Doris Causey

Sue Chickman & Bob Lynette

Clark Construction

Scott & Nell Clausen

Jeff & Wendy Dahlgren

Cassandra Davis-Ramon

John & Linda Ellingboe

John & Judy Farnsworth

Loritha Fitzpatrick

Martha Fleming

Nancy & Jeff Foro

Cynthia Frizzle

Sho & Harriet Fuji

Richard Godsey

Chris Gutmacher

Laurie L Hall

Mary Hickey & John Gussman

Ed & Linda Holden

Home Depot

Brian S Hughes, DDS

Bob & Carolyn Iddins

Tina Jackson

Dale Jarvis & Diana Lee

Diane Jones

Carrie Kalina

Rick & Suzanne King

Eby & Mary Klix

Pam Kolacy

Jon & Sandy Kurtz

Ken & Janie Leuthold

Thelma Linnabary

James & Lynda Livesey

Lodge at Sherwood VIllage

Neila Loebs

Hank & Hena Marrero

Karen May

Mary McConney & Marlin Eller

Ruth Messing

Mike Michalek

Judith Milner

Helga & Tom Montgomery

Janet Mullen

Lisa & David Murphy

Olympic Peninsula Title Co.

Olympic Springs

Hank Oosterveld & Beverly Hetrick-Oosterveld

$200 & ABOVE (Continued)

John & Barbara Orr

Nicki Padgett

Aldo Parisot

Ann & Dave Perkins

Karen Pinell

Anna Plager

Mary Porter-Solberg & Steve Solberg

Louise Potter

Jehan & Eleanor Raheem

Mary Robson

Madeline Rose

Cyndi Runstrom

Bill & Nancy Shaw

Carl Siver

Sherry & Randy Smith

Sound Community Bank

Kathy & Gailen Steichen

David & JoAnne Stewart

Strait View Credit Union

Carlyn Syvanen & Stephen Vause

Jean Tyson

Charlie Van Gilder

Anita & Bill Vaughan

Bruce & Carol von Borstel

Greg & Ginger Voyles

Jackson & Elizabeth Williams

Pat Willits

$100 & ABOVE

1st Security Bank

Amazon Smile Foundation

Liam Antrim & Pam Maurides

Mark E. Ashley

Patty Bacon

Denny Bellow & Debbie Wozniak

Sarah & John Bird

Sara Blake

Susan Blake & Chris Breen

Barbara Bodker

Janet Boguch

Katherine Bohnet

Andy & Patty Bowman

Leigh & Ron Briggs

Glenn Browning & Carol Young

Kathy Canavan & Arlene Havlark

Mike & Judy Canning

Carrie Cannon

Mary Carlson

Nina Carter & Tom Rainey

Dave Chuljian

Philip Churchley

Rosemary Cockrill

Hearst & Jerri Coen

Dave & Ellen Cooper

Lucy Copass

Stan & Ravel Cowen

Debbie Cox

Eric & Jean Crecelius

Mary Crook

Curtiss Davis

Sean Davis

Annette de Knijf

Rick & Roberta DeWitt

Nancy & John Dolansky

Nancy Dorey

Edward Edem & Verna Parker

Paul Howard & Sara Farinelli

Marla & Brian Fenske

Bob & Cece Fitton

Monica Fletcher & Steve Evans

Sandy Frankfurth

Pat Gallup

Margaret Garrington & Arnold Bleicher

Susan Garten

Nancy & Ed Grier

Sheryl Gurrentz

Martin & Linda Gutowski

Russ Hall

Maren Halvorson & James Tippett

Karen & Joel Hanson

Peter C. & Ann F. Hanson

Jim & Ann Harris

Gary Heaton & Karen Schomberg

Sarah Hendrich

Marla Herbig

Gerri Hiday

Stephanie Holliday

Marcia Homer

Cathy Hutchinson

Jean & Jack Janis

Jim's Pharmacy & Home Health

Severne Johnson

Elizabeth Kemp

David Kimmett

Edward & Myra Koszykowski

Karen Kuest

Mike & Julie Kustura

Gary & Sandra Lange

Joy Leach

Cindy Lowe

Catherine Bernadette McGovern

Laurie McKechnie

Darcy & Joel McNamara

Russ & Linda Mellon

Kitty Merrifield

Jim & Wendy Meusey

Eckart Mildenstein & Toyama Ryoko

Mike Milward & Ellen Vogt

Catherine & Tom Mix

Alan & Anne Morrison

Michelle Mueggler & Ed Stege

Leanne Nestor

Cynthia & David Nowowiejski

Conn & Virginia O'Neil

Martin & Deborah Ozga

Barbara Parker

Lisa Parrish

Jennifer Perdue

Sara Ellen Peterson

Marilyn Heineman & Chakorn Phisuthikul

Port Angeles Garden Club

Ann Poundstone

Barbara Reavis

Krestine Reed

Mike Repko & Gail Kramer

Jeanie & Glen Robards

Bonnie Roos

Beth & Thomas Ruggerio

Erv & Kirsten Ruhl

Judy Russell & Carlos Diaz

Ann & Roy Sargent

Shelby Saville

Sharon Scairpon

Ann Schnick

Lyn Schnug

Jim & Susan Schuenemann

John & Rose Sebastian

Dianne Skiver

Kathe Smith

Mary Solik

Soroptimist International PA Jet Set

Ann Soule & Dave Shreffler

Gillian Spencer

Nancy & Gerald Stephanz

Jane Stewart & Neil Burkhardt

Barbara & Jon Stroud

Swain's General Store

Patti & Andy Swingle

Kathleen & Milt Taylor

Francine Terry

Roger & April Uhden

Tom & Connie Unsicker

Kevin & Jen Van de Wege

Van Dyken Family Dentistry

Robert & Leslie Wahl

Joyce Wash

Ron & Jan Wehner

Joan & Markos Weiss

Tim Wheeler

Don & Judy Willott

Windermere Real Estate Sequim East

Sandy Yankow

Patricia Zettas






Agnes Evans

Belinda Daniels

Bob Reavis

Carl E. Gustafson

Dolores Mary Neal

Don Forsman

Dorothy Andreasen

Emanuel Manis

Erwin Powell Jones

Gregory Thomas

Gwyneth Hixson

Jim Waddell

John Willits

Judy Pysher

Kirk Willis

Mark Freed

Melanie Carlson

Nelson Linnabary

Rachel Braun

Richard McCammon

Solveign Hoffman

Stuart Nasmith

Susi Harris

Virginia Parker 


Joanna Jackson

Katie Echoe

Ken Wiersema

Rob & Ada

Ruth & Glenn Beach

Stacey Fradkin

Thank You

To all who volunteer!

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the River Center.

A warm thank you to all of you who have served on the Board of Directors and committees, all of you have greeted visitors and worked as docents; as assistants and servers for numerous events; as groundskeepers, tenders of bird feeders, and flower arrangers; and those who have gathered and donated materials.



Annette Hanson (President)

Kathy Steichen (VP)

Ann Sargent (Secretary)

Wanda Schneider (Treasurer)

Kendra Donalson

Marie Grad

Loni Greninger

Neil Harrington

Deborah Jensen

Tom Mix

Annette Nesse

Tuttie Peetz

Carl Siver

Bob Steelquist

Ed Stege

Kathy Strozyk

Ken Wiersema


Powell Jones

Center Director &

 Park Manager

Vanessa Fuller

Operations Manager

Montana Napier

Education Manager

Linda Gonzales

 Volunteer Coordinator

Jan Halliday

Donor & Sponsor Engagement

Ethel Colon

Visitor Services & Gift Shop Manager

Paul Wistrand


Assistant & Park Host

Kyle Shaw

Park Host

Fantastic Volunteers