
Let's start off with the results of last month's poll on whether you watch college or professional football. The numbers were pretty evenly spread out on whether you watch college or pros. However, the highest number of respondents said they don't watch football at all. Guess more of you spend your weekends doing other things. :)

Facebook is changing its name. Very soon. Read below for some interesting thoughts about this. It's a major change for the social media behemoth. Big news in the social media world.

More information is below to read and learn.

Cindy Neky
Our Favorite Stuff
By now, if you are a small or medium-sized business owner or marketing professional, you’ve probably heard of email marketing. Businesses are using it to engage current customers, generate leads, reach prospects, and grow revenue.

Many businesses aren’t sure...
Even snakes have to shed their skins.

Facebook is reportedly announcing it is changing its name in an effort to rebrand itself in keeping with CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s vision of “building the metaverse.” It wants to be known for more than being just a pretty Facebook, but for its Instagram, Oculus, WhatsApp, and other products, too. Read More>>>
Why Businesses Should Consider LinkedIn for Thought Leadership

When most of us think of thought leadership, we tend to think about the more personal social media platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, and even Facebook. LinkedIn is still very much a business-and recruiting-oriented platform in our minds.

But, as it turns out, one of LinkedIn’s superpowers is that it’s...Read More>>>
Advertising is changing -- in fact, in 2020, companies will spend more than $250 billion on media advertising for the first time in U.S. history.

More companies are spending money on advertising than ever before. As a result, there are now innumerable platforms you can use to promote...Read More>>>
Welcome. I was worried you might not find this article.

After all, the headline isn’t six words long. And, according to advice on the internet, that’s the optimal headline length.

You might have spotted a clue that signals how suspect that advice is. The very headline that promises...Read More>>>
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