March is HC DrugFree's
Youth Alcohol and Drug Abuse Awareness Month
in Howard County  

Just Say " Know"  
Howard County Police Know Which Liquor Stores Sold to Teen 
HC DrugFree's 17-year-old volunteer went with the Howard County Police Department (HCPD) to test liquor stores throughout the County. Two of 12 liquor stores sold alcohol to the teen. For more information, click here for the HCPD Press Release. HCPD and HC DrugFree continue to partner in the "Be a Parent, Not a Friend...Don't make alcohol available to teens" campaign. 

Parents/Adults, What Do You Know? Take the Survey!
If you're at least 18 years old, please complete the survey about prescription opioids and heroin and enter to win a $50 gift card. Click here or go to

Howard County Teens Wanted to Know !
Of the more than 8,000 questions submitted to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 869 were from Howard County teens using HC DrugFree's access code. To view all questions submitted by Howard County teens, click here or go to and enter HC DrugFree in the "search for your screen name" box.

Q: Can taking more painkillers than the bottle prescribes hurt me? 
A: YES!!! ABSOLUTELY! Taking a pill or two extra in some cases is enough. And it happens a lot. About 17,000 Americans die each year from opioid overdoses. Be careful with opioids and NEVER take more than prescribed.If you have bad pain, get help from your doctor. You can even get help from your pharmacist. For more information, click here or see 
Q: What amount of alcohol is safe for a teen? 
A: We simply don't know if there is a safe level of alcohol for teens, so the safest course of action is to wait until after the teen years, after the brain is done developing, to expose the brain to alcohol. The longer people wait before starting to drink, the lower the odds they'll ever develop a problem with alcohol.

HC DrugFree Teen Advisory Council Meeting 
Monday, March 9 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM
Monday, April 13 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM  
The Barn in the Oakland Mills Village Center 
5853 Robert Oliver Place 
Columbia, MD

TAC Member Running for Board of Education

Rachel Lin, an active member of HC DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council, is a passionate Howard County student running for the Howard County Student Member of the Board of Education (SMOB) of 2015-2016. She wants to help make the student voice heard in our diverse community. Rachel values everyone's opinion and would like the opportunity to represent the students of Howard County on the Board of Education.  


Please follow her on social media so you can stay connected:

Twitter: @Rachel4SMOB

Facebook Page:

Check out this public service announcement Rachel made for HC DrugFree:



HoCo Film Fest   - HC DrugFree Film Category Winner 
Come celebrate as the winning films are shown, including the HC DrugFree category winner, on March 20 at
7:00 PM at the Miller Library, 9421 Frederick Road, Ellicott City, MD. 
Teen2Teen Program  
A panel of teens and young adults in recovery will discuss their personal journeys and answer questions from the audience about youth alcohol and drug use and how it affects families in Howard County. The program will be held on Wednesday, March 25 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM at Atholton High School Auditorium. 

Senior Week : Staying Safe in Ocean City
The program will be held on Tuesday, April 7 at 7:00 PM at River Hill High School, and again on Monday, April 27 at 7:00 PM at Mt. Hebron High School. We encourage all parents who are considering allowing their teens to go to Senior Week to attend this program with their teens. 

Know   How to Save a Life

Opioid Overdose Response Training
Opioid overdose response free training on Monday, March 23 at 10:00 AM at the Howard County Health Department on Stanford Blvd in Columbia. Click here for more info.

S moking Cessation Classes
Classes offered by the Howard County Health Department. Call 410-313-6265 for more information. 

Free CPR Training 
Howard County Fire and Rescue Services is teaching a free CPR class at two locations in the County. Please click here for more information.


For more information, contact
Joan Webb Scornaienchi
Executive Director
HC DrugFree
10451 Twin Rivers Rd., Suite 206 
Columbia, MD 21044
HC DrugFree | 443-325-0040 | | Wilde Lake Village Center
10451 Twin Rivers Road Suite 206
Columbia, MD 21044