Winter 2020 | Volume 9 | Number 1
Open Wide
: Tooth Decay - From Condition of Humanity to Consignment to Medical History? Part 3
The Impact of Augmented Reality on Providing Better Home Healthcare
From Private Equity to Health Tech Start-up
CBD and Mental Health - Therapeutic Magic or Myth?
Welcome to 2020!
We’re starting off the year with another eclectic issue, including two articles that give lots of hope:
- “Tooth Decay - From Condition of Humanity to Consignment to Medical History” – Tooth decay can be eradicated.
- “Being Proactive Upstream: A Collaborative Effort to Prevent Urban Gun Violence” – Lives can be saved and families can be healed, all while reducing healthcare costs.
And the spectrum in this edition is wide, with topics which range from fatigue to Digital Health 3.0.
Want to stay in the know?
now for the 26th annual Wharton Healthcare Business Conference, which will be held February 13 – 14 at the Bellevue Hotel in Philadephia.
The theme is “New Frontiers in Healthcare” and includes a CEO Roundtable moderated by the Executive Editor of Fierce Health, who will speak with the CEOs of OptumHealth, Oak Street Health, and Cityblock Health.
Never a dull moment in healthcare, especially in an election year. Stay tuned!
Z. Colette Edwards, WG'84, MD'85
Managing Editor
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Many of you in these recent months have shared stories with me on why you choose every day to be in healthcare. Whether driven by personal experience, desire to tackle the most difficult and costly challenges faced globally, and/or innate personal drive to improve health at its core, the passion and dedication of this alumni base is as inspiring as it is powerful. And it is growing…
In the annual “State of the Clubs” report issued by Wharton, the WHCMAA carried the spotlight with the highest total paid memberships for any club; nearly double the network average.
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This eclectic standing column features insightful musings, words of wisdom, life lessons, and stepping stones to business success. This month's philosopher is
Emily Reid, WG’15,
Product Manager, Business Platform at Instagram.
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Affidavit: Healthcare and the Law
How to Assure a Successful Physician Practice Investment or Acquisition
As physician practices, healthcare entities, private equity, and venture capital firms consider physician practice investments and acquisitions, the players need to address the unique nature of physicians and physician practices in order to assure a successful deal. Peter Drucker is quoted as saying that “Only three things happen naturally in organizations: friction, confusion, and underperformance. Everything else requires leadership.” With respect to physician practice investments and acquisitions, communication is key to the ultimate success of the transaction.
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Downloading Success
Executive Succession and Leadership Development – Part 3
This is the third in a series of articles covering the “S” word – succession.
Part 1
took a deep look into succession benchmarks, and
Part 2
addressed key leadership competencies for succession.
Succession planning is often viewed as the unspeakable elephant in the room. If your organization has deftly avoided the “S” word, know you are not alone. But know that it’s also holding back your organization from realizing its full potential. In a recent American Hospital Association (AHA) governance survey, they found 49 percent of hospital boards do not have a formal CEO succession plan. This is often true of many healthcare organizations.
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To Your Health:
Five Principles of Financial Investing….
Tackling lifestyle challenges takes time. Often that time is needed to educate and inform about the ‘whats, hows, and whys’ regarding exercise, diet, or behaviors. A variety of analogies can be used to improve the likelihood of not only understanding how to execute on recommendations but also on relating to the reasoning behind a health and well-being recommendation. You might say that for an individual to employ your idea they have to ‘buy in’…wink, wink. The money analogy works really well.
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Being Proactive Upstream: A Collaborative Effort to Prevent Urban Gun Violence
In 1999, the non-profit organization Hartford Communities That Care (HCTC) embarked on a journey to prevent and reduce urban gun violence, centering efforts on data-driven youth leadership development. Out of necessity, the original mission soon expanded to crisis response, amidst an upsurge of homicides in Hartford, CT in the early 2000s.
Ever since, HCTC has built new partnerships that more systemically address the causes and consequences of violent crime. The HCTC-Trinity-Saint Francis Medical Center crisis response team (HCRT) was formed in 2004. As of October 1, 2019, the HCRT had responded to and supported more than 820 shooting victims and their families, connecting with them at moments of significant crisis.
A 2017 investment of $290,976 in the preventive work of the HCRT, including after-care by home health nurses, produced an estimated net public benefit of $3,805,035, according to the EV-ROI model.
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The Day After....Cancer Survivorship
One of my coaching clients came to me for help with taking the leap into retirement. He wanted to move on to the next phase of his life but felt paralyzed ….. “When I think about packing up my office and the going away party, I say to myself ‘What do I do the day after?’” After so many years of being in the same routine and feeling at the top of his game, he literally could not imagine what it would be like for things to be different when he thought about the future. He put in the work required for coaching to be beneficial and ended up actually retiring much earlier than he planned.
In a somewhat analogous way, those who survive both cancer and the treatment which led to a cure or remission can find themselves in a “day after” state of mind. After living through a time focused on saving one’s life and being in a routine of doctor’s visits, blood work, radiologic imaging, surgery – chemo –radiation - hormones (or all four treatment modalities) and the potential side effects thereof, cancer survivors can experience a “What do I do now?” moment.
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Why Approaching the Digital Health 3.0 Era for Healthcare Innovation and Founders Is the Most Critical Step
The road to innovation in healthcare is a long one. The road towards incorporating these ground-breaking solutions into everyday health and healthcare system is even longer. It’s safe to say we are hitting an inflection point worth noting and while perhaps an oversimplification, looking at the evolvement of the internet and technology becomes a measurable benchmark in comparison with the developments of the digital health space.
Now within healthcare, the digital developments have certainly (and to many frustratingly) lagged, but there seem to be some break-throughs taking place.
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The Importance of Aligning Vision, Mission, and Strategy in Fast-Changing Healthcare Environments
Virtually every health system and academic medical center in the United States is scrambling to succeed in an environment of rapid change. Regulation, payment, care models, competition, technology, and advancements in diagnosis and treatment continue to evolve at a rapid pace. While the challenges play out differently in different markets, leaders everywhere struggle to align short-term priorities with longer-term vision—all when they aren’t able to guess at what the future will hold. This article explores the powerful relationship between vision, mission, and strategy to help leaders stay true to who they are even as they are called to adapt to an uncertain environment.
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Open Wide:
Tooth Decay - From Condition of Humanity to Consignment to Medical History? Part 2
In the return of the “Open Wide” column,
Part 1
provided an overview of the history of dentistry, how the underlying “drill, fill, and bill” doctrine led to the private, solo, fee-for-service practice being the predominant organizational and financial model for dental care, and how this essentially “volume (of intricate procedures) over value” orientation is at odds with the aims of health reform, to wit comprehensive, integrated, preventive “value over volume” care.
Part 2 now presents the contemporary scientific understanding of the causes of tooth decay - “the most common chronic disease of childhood, surpassing asthma” - and what this modern understanding means not only for the clinical treatment of decay, but also for the wholesale reconfiguration of the “dental care industry,” from dental education and training, to the structure of its workforce, to integration into medical care more broadly, to greatly expanded access at markedly lower cost, and, most importantly, to significantly improved dental health in the population.
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Fatigue: Much More Than Being Tired!
According to the NSC, fatigue is a growing concern in the United States and affects every workforce. It can be driven by work schedules like shift work, long shifts, or long work weeks, long commutes, job demands, sleep loss, or poor quality sleep. When fatigue persists chronically, it can be dangerous and even have health consequences.
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: The opinions expressed within are those of the authors and editors of the articles and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Wharton School and/or the University of Pennsylvania, and/or their respective organizations. Publication in this e-magazine should not be considered an endorsement. The
Wharton Healthcare Quarterly
and WHCMAA make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information in this e-magazine and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.