Whachu Lookin' At?

Animals are funny, aren't they? What would they say if they could talk? I'd imagine this bird would wonder if you had any seed to spare. Maybe some bugs you need managed? As I write this, my beautiful guide and feline, Maya, is working diligently to add her own contribution to this newsletter by stepping on my keyboard. I'm almost afraid to see what she would write! I imagine it would be some Yoda wisdom, at the least. Maybe some world predictions thrown in for some fun.

Thankfully, I can ask her what she needs. Right now, it's attention. You don't need to be a psychic to know that!

I am dedicating March to Animal Connections, helping you to help your furry friends.

If you are in the Space Coast area, I have a special event on March 16th at Viera Petworks, where I am offering free readings from 12pm - 2:30pm (sign up required!). I have a special offer for private pet sessions also! These include sessions via phone, Zoom and In-Home. Scroll down to the coupon for information!

Our pets - regardless of breed, type, or how many legs - are part of a much bigger support system for us humans. They have agreed to be part of this crazy adventure with us. Animals bring so much into our lives; I am blessed to be able to give back to these incredible souls. They really are so much more than just furballs with legs. I'd love to help you to help them! Scroll down for more information!

Spring is almost here!

Join us for a free Zoom Spring Equinox meditation to set intention for the season! New beginnings,fresh starts! Tuesday, March 19th.


Join Me in Cassadaga, Florida!

Special In-Person Workshop - Memorial Day Weekend!

The Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp is considered Lily Dale's sister community. It was founded in 1894 by Spiritualists from the northeast, including a large contingent from Lily Dale, NY, who wanted a winter camp. It has since become the largest Spiritualist community in the Southeast.

Similar to Lily Dale, they offer classes, message services and many other healing opportunities. I am blessed to be able to share my work in this community.

I Feel What You Feel: An Empath's Survival Workshop

Do you feel the world around you, taking on the energy of whatever has happened in that space?

When you enter a room, do you feel it before you see it?

When you talk with someone who feels down, do you start to feel down, while they start feeling better?

Do you feel tightness in your body when someone else has an ailment in their body?

Do you suddenly feel sad, mad, confused, or anxious, without knowing why?

In this workshop, we will be learning how to:

  • Identify what’s your energy and what’s not your energy. 
  • Dump energy that’s not yours. 
  • Recognize when you are carrying someone else’s energy. 
  • Protect yourself from low or negative energy. 
  • Create an action plan to help you reclaim the energy you have given away.

Where: Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp, 1112 Stevens St, Lake Helen, FL

When: Saturday, May 25th 1:30pm - 4pm

Class Fee: $40


Upcoming Events

Book Signing at Essential Elements Wellness, Melbourne, FL

When: Saturday, March 9th 12pm – 2pm

Where: 1010 E New Haven Ave, Melbourne, FL


Free Pet Readings at Viera Petworks!

When: Saturday, March 16th 12p - 2:30p

Where: Viera Petworks, 2348 Citadel Way, Melbourne, FL


Book Signing at Cats Bats and Pointy Hats, Severance, CO

When: Friday, March 12th 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Where: Cats Bats and Pointy Hats, 10928 Co Rd 74, Windsor, CO


Free Event - For Heaven's Sake - Denver, CO

Understanding The Clairs

Where: Applewood Store – 2680 Youngfield Street, Lakewood, CO

When: 1pm to 3pm

Fee: FREE! Please pre-register


Book Signing at For Heaven's Sake, Denver

When: Saturday, April 13th 4pm – 6pm

Where: 4900 West 46th Ave, Denver, CO


Spirit Connections Workshop

When: Sat, April 27th 11am - 5pm

Where: Shanti Wellness Center, 235 W. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne, FL

Class Fee: $111 -- Early Bird Special until 4/1 - $77


Upcoming Free Zoom Meditations

No previous meditation experience necessary!

Tuesday, March 19th - Spring Equinox!

Tuesday, April 23rd

Wednesday, May 22nd

Thursday, June 20th Summer Solstice!

Sunday, July 21st

Monday, August 19th

Tuesday, September 17th

Thursday, October 17th

Thursday, November 14th

Sunday, December 15th

All Meditations via Zoom

4:30pm Pacific, 5:30pm Mountain, 6:30pm Central, 7:30pm Eastern

Class Fee: FREE


Another Year Passes

March 30th marks the 17th angelversary of this incredible soul. Not a day goes by still that I don't miss my boy. I am so very blessed to know where he is and that he is with me always. He is my guide, my teacher, my jokester, and my taskmaster. I don't know where I would be without his persistence and tenacity. All those years ago, I knew there was a reason he had to go. I knew it wasn't just a random event. I had no idea 17 years ago that it would lead me here. But I am forever grateful to him for his patience and assistance in getting me on my path. He and I have the honor of helping others find their paths, as rocky and ugly as they are sometimes.

We have not asked for easy passage through these incarnations. We are the brave, the courageous, the light-bringers. Don't ever forget who you are and your contributions to the planet. It might feel like it is just a drop in the ocean, but each drop matters, and each drop adds to the greater plan.

Thank you, J.T., for always being by my side. And thank you to each of you for riding the wave with us! Together, we will get it done.

25% OFF



Use coupon code PETS25 to receive a 25% discount off regular session prices. Session must be booked by 3/31/24, although the session date can be later. Offer expires 3/31/24. Click the button for more information on our services!

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