The beginning of April sets a record for precipitation and the forecast for this week continues this soggy pattern. Our normal spring weather is always wet, but this year early spring has been wetter than normal, complicating our work.   


Mowing: We have moved into our weekly mowing routine where possible, but the extremely wet conditions have complicated our ability to mow some areas due to the saturated soil. We continue to downsize equipment to reduce damage but some is still occurring. We are trying to prevent ruts in the lawn, like the pictures below show. 

Windstorm Clean-up: The rain combined with wind caused some storm damage. This is a little frustrating because most sites were cleaned up from winter and the storm made several sites a bit messy again.    

Spring leaf-out and bloom drop: As plants come out of dormancy and leaf-out or bloom, there will be a lot of debris and flower petals that need cleaning up. We will work on this during our weekly visits.

Irrigation season is closer than you think: Yes, we are working diligently on activating and servicing your irrigation system. We normally start to irrigate by the beginning of May, so that is our goal. We will likely not start by then, but it is not out of the question yet as weather can turn dramatically.  

Pansy health: Pansies have been slow to start blooming, but most are blooming well now. With the cold start to spring, we are planning to delay summer flower rotation a week or two.  

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