February 18, 2021
Westwood Village Rotary Club
Coming up on Feb. 25th: Whitney Hawthorne
Whitney Hawthorne is the volunteer director at UCLA for Global Medical Training, a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides free medical and dental services to developing communities in Central America. Students have the unique opportunity to participate in supervised diagnoses and treatments and gain insights into prevalent medical issues in third-world countries. They also volunteer for health fairs for the underprivileged in the L.A.
District 5280 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion February 27th 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
via Zoom
This is an important program and is based on Rotary International's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion goals. It will be informative and interactive. Registration is free and available on the District 5280 website on a first come-first serve basis. Attendance will be limited to 60 participants, in order to make the program as productive as possible. This is the second in a series of significant DEI programs that can help shape the future of Rotary and of the clubs in our District in significant ways.
Joint Happy Hour: Santa Monica, Palisades and Westwood Village Rotary Clubs
Be sure to join us on March 2nd at 5:00 p.m. for a enjoyable evening of fellowship with the Rotary Clubs of Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades and Westwood Village. Family, friends and other Rotarians are welcome. Raise a glass of your beverage of choice!
Westwood Virtual Rotary Club Meeting - February 18, 2021
Our Zoom meeting got off to a great start at 12:30 p.m. with President Nancy presiding.

PP Michael Newman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. John O’Keefe was absent for the Thought for the Day.

PP Ed Gauld let us in a stirring rendition of The Marine Hymn.

  • WVRC is kicking off a Long Range Strategic Planning Process with an online club survey; results will be presented in our Club Assembly in late March.
  • On Feb 20th District 5280 is sponsoring a Membership Retention Seminar
  • On Feb 27th District 5280 is sponsoring a Diversity Equity & Inclusion Seminar
  • On March 13th District 5280 is sponsoring a Career Showcase
  • On April 27th District 5280 is sponsoring a virtual Pageant of the Arts
  • A virtual RYLA will be held April 23rd - 24th

Also, this Sunday, February 23rd a panel discussion will be sponsored by the Jonathan Club regarding the new normal for collecting fine art. John O’Keefe and Terry M. White are panelists.

The UCLA Faculty Center will reopen late 2021 as the UCLA Faculty Club.

PP Aly Shoji and daughter London thanked our members for their past support of the Girl Scouts and announced that cookies are now for sale.

Guests: Principal Claudia Middleton of University High School and music teacher Kahlil Sabbagh.
Visiting Rotarians: Bette Hall District 5280 Governor.

PP Steve Day made a special presentation of a Paul Harris Fellow award to Kahlil Sabbagh.
Bill Roen gave the introduction of speaker:
Bill met our speaker after his mother passed away. Her old furniture was looking for new home, and Bill considered several organizations. He was introduced to Linda by an acquaintance and learned that Camp Pendelton would have use for it.

Linda Sundram is Chair of Rotary Camp Pendleton, a satellite club of the Rotary Club of Carlsbad, and the first Rotary Club to be chartered on a military base. Ms. Sundram’s club is involved in numerous Rotary projects providing essential support to Marines based at Pendleton and their families. Linda is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow, a Rotary Major Donor and a member of the Arch Klumph Society. She has travelled extensively and participated in humanitarian projects on several continents.

Linda’s job is to help Marine families who have few resources. The lowest Marine ranks qualify for welfare. The Camp Pendelton Rotary Club was established in 2007 as a satellite club due to its few members. As a satellite Rotary club, many military members are transitory. Now the Club has 12 members, and since the last 6 - 7 years that includes both civilian and military members.
As a Rotary Club on base, Linda searched for programs that would help Marines. Since Marines cannot ask for anything, the Rotary Club can help. She helped to organize volunteer active-duty Marines to pick up furniture at donor homes 5 days a week. All furniture must be in good condition. Additionally, all kinds of household goods, including towels, sheets, dishware are accepted and appreciated. 
Each Friday from 8:00 A.M. to 12 noon, any Marine families can come to the Rotary Club’s warehouse and take what they need for free. The lines are usually very long, helping between 120 - 150 families each week.

About 11,000 families were helped in 2020. Also, they received donations from small farmers in San Diego County and first handed out fruits and vegetables, then included meat, eggs and milk all delivered to Marine families. Additional donations are received from Los Angeles and Orange County Rotarians including clothing, beds, other items.

The Club has sponsored several humanitarian projects including an on-base Memorial Wall for military heroes. Seven Rotary Clubs contributed. The Wall contains over 1,600 names of fallen Camp Pendelton servicemen and servicewomen. The Club also sponsors special events with support from District 5280, including the Halloween and Christmas parties for Marine families. 
Occasionally the Club receives requests for Marine families with special needs. When this happens, Rotarians usually step up to provide money and other assistance.

Linda described her sincere and emotional commitment to Marine families, fundraisers, and community connections that help their Marine community. Sha gave thanks to all who have changed the lives of thousands of Marines and their families, reminding us that all donations are tax deductible and every cent goes directly to the Marines and their families.

PP Tom Barron: Do any other Marine bases do this? None that Linda is aware of. It has been tried at some Marine bases in the past, but not at present.
PP Marsha Hunt: Do they accept diaper donations? Yes, there are many children and babies on base.
DG Bette Hall noted that there are four drop off spots in District 5280. Also, Marine trucks will organize pickups in LA County.

President Nancy thanked Linda and looked forward to helping in future.

Scrivener for the Day: PP Chris Bradford

WVRC 2020/2021 Leadership Team
President: Nancy McCready
Treasurer: Terry M. White
Youth/Vocational Service: Phil Gabriel
Peace: PP Marsha Hunt
Foundation: PP Steve Day
Global Scholarships: Chris Bradford
Webmaster: PP Ron Lyster
Merchant Minutes: PP Mark Rogo
District Governor: Bette Hall
Immediate Past President: Diane Good
Secretary: PP Diane Good
Community Service: Aaron Donahue
International Service: Nevin Senkan
Program Chair: PP Tom Barron
Membership: PP Mike Newman
Social Media: PP Aly Shoji
Windmill Editor: P Nancy McCready
Asst. District Governor: Michael Lushing