Hillsborough County is Ready to Help Businesses Prepare, Recover, and Reopen After Any Kind of Disaster: Free Workshop on June 23 Will Give Local Businesses Tools and Tips to Plan and Minimize Losses

Roughly 40 percent of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. Florida SBDC at Hillsborough County wants to give local businesses the tools to beat those odds with a new Business Continuity workshop from 2 to 5:30 p.m., Thursday, June 23, at the Entrepreneur Collaborative Center, 2101 E. Palm Ave. in Tampa.
The Emergency Access Card Program was developed to assist emergency and rescue crews identify those individuals authorized to enter the Westshore Business District following a disaster or emergency.  Building owners can register up to three (3) authorized personnel to receive reentry passes that allow them access to their building for the limited purpose of evaluating the safety and security of property before allowing tenants, other occupants, or the general public to return.

Would you know what to do?
In partnership with the Tampa Police Department, "Active Shooter Preparedness" is being offered as a courtesy to the Westshore business community in response to the need to protect employees and the public against threats of armed violence. 

To schedule a presentation and/or site evaluation at your location contact Officer Sean Mahabir, Special Incident Management Unit at (813) 480-1272 or

Additional resources:
  • Visit the Department of Homeland Security website to download active shooter preparedness brochures and materials.
Crime is down in Westshore
Overall, "Big 4" crime in the Westshore Business District is down 22% for first quarter 2016 vs first quarter 2015. Data was compiled January 1 through April 1.

Big 4
Grand Theft Auto
+ 33%
Auto Burglary
- 43%
- 50%
+ 20%
- 22%

  • In all 2016 cases of grand theft auto, the keys were left in the vehicle.
  • In the majority of cases of auto burglary, the vehicle was unlocked and valuables were left in plain sight. 

  • Source: Tampa Police Department, District One
    Crime Prevention Programs
    In partnership with the Tampa Police Department, Westshore  Alliance offers a number of free crime prevention programs. A one-hour company investment will yield better security and peace of mind!

    Topics include:

    Basic Crime Prevention

    Personal Protection
    Auto Theft/Burglary Prevention
    Commercial Burglary
    Identity Theft Commercial Shoplifting
    Internet Safety C.P.T.E.D. - Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

    Contact our Tampa Police Department Liaison, Detective Don Grau at 813-354-6633 or to schedule your free one-hour program today.

    Crime Prevention Tips
    Auto burglary and theft continue to be the most reported crime in the Westshore district. 

    Follow these  Tampa Police Department Auto Theft/Burglary Prevention Tips to reduce the risk of becoming a victim:
    • Close your windows and lock your doors.
    • Do not leave valuables in plain sight in your vehicle. Lock them in your trunk.
    • Do not leave your keys in the vehicle. Remove the valet key, these are often found in the owner's manual.
    • Park where your car will be frequently and easily seen.
    • Park in well-lit areas when possible.
    • Do not leave your garage door open.
    • Install and use a car alarm.
    • Never leave your vehicle unattended while the engine is running. This is State Law.
    Crime Reports
    The Alliance reviews the latest crime statistics and crime trend reports published by the Tampa Police Department and implements initiatives to improve public safety.
    • Monday Message - provides you with a snapshot of upcoming police-related events along with news you can use. 
    • Weekly Recap - provides you with a full summary of specific crimes that took place during the week. 
    • HOT (High Occurring Trend) Report - contains time-sensitive information that will provide you with information about recent crime and trends that you need to be aware of in your neighborhood along with tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim.
    • BOLO Emails - When the Alliance is alerted of criminal activity or a trend of crimes in the area, we email our member companies a BOLO: Be-On-the-Look-Out. When you receive this, you can transmit the news to all of your employees and/or tenants. The Alliance can attribute numerous success stories to conscientious members who have reported criminals in the act as a result of a BOLO email.

    These reports are emailed to those requesting them, to add your email please contact Shawn Fogarty or call 813-289-5488.