Westport Woman's Club Bulletin
Westport Woman's Club
MAY 2018
Board of Directors 2017-2018
President  Dorothy M. Packer;   1st VP Special Interests   Jeannette Tewey; 
2nd VP Finance   Barbara Stemmer;  3rd VP Ways & Means   Suzan Murphy & Karen Kleine;  Secretary   Cheryl Bliss; Treasurer   Barbara Szefc; 
Communications  Anne Hunt & Pattie Takita;   Community Services Sarah Menchaca; Curio Cottage  Susan Loselle ;  Grounds  Cornelia Olsen ; House  Deborah Fratino; Membership  Robin Clark; Parliamentary Advisor  Susan Fox; Programs  Ana Hitri; Rentals  Mira Auxier & Adriana Cvetkov;  
YDF  Kim Reichert & Christina McVaney;  Past President   Dorothy E. Curran

Dear Ladies,

These last two months of our season will be busy both raising funds and awarding funds to those who are deserving and in need.    Community Services Grant Awards will be made to approximately thirty local non-profits at our Grant Awards Breakfast.  And the 2018 Ruegg Grant will be given to Wakeman Town Farm.  Thanks to Sarah Menchaca, Community Services Chair, who oversaw this Committee.  The WWC Scholarships will be awarded this month at the Scholarship Breakfast, thanks to our Scholarship Committee, led by Wendy McKeon.  Please see the Community Services section for details.
As this is going to print, Miggs Burroughs, Curator of the Westport Woman's Art Show, is hanging the final pieces for our Art Show, organized by Chair, Jo Fuchs Luscombe. This year's Show honors the memory of Bobbie Friedman, local artist.  Our 2018 Art Show Sponsors are The Drew Friedman Community Arts Center, Inc., Bill Harris, Jr., Jeannette and Michael Tewey, Vivian Rosenberg, the Gault Family Foundation, and Linda and Vincent Debo. Thanks to all of our donors, especially Janette Duchnicki, Jo Fuchs Luscombe, Castle Wines & Spirits, and the Art Show Committee.  
On the heels of the Art Show, our artistic inspiration can be released at our next fun event, Painting with a Twist, Wednesday, May 2 at 6:30 pm, at 1460 Post Rd East, Westport.  Admission is $35.00 and every level of artist or non-artist is welcome.  So come and bring a friend and let's all have a good time, while supporting our Club! See Ways & Means article below for more information on how to purchase tickets, or call the Office at 203-227-4240.
Wendy McKeon is asking for volunteers to help sort all the food coming in at the Postal Workers Food Drive Saturday, May 12, at 2:00 pm. Wendy and Kim Reichert do so much year-round for the Food Closet, let's help them out this one afternoon.  See the Postal Workers Food Drive article under Food Closet.  
At the end of May, we mark the beginning of summer with Westport's Memorial Day Parade.  Jeannette Tewey, as First VP, is organizing all who will participate, either walking or riding in cars.  See Jeannette's article under Memorial Day Parade and please wear your red, white and blue and join in, if you are able.
Mark your calendar for Antique Appraisals Day, Saturday, June 9. Thanks to Deb Fratino for securing experienced appraisers, we will be able to support our Club and receive verbal appraisals by bringing up to three items for a single price of $25.00.  This event also is open to the public, so tell your friends about it.  Please see the Ways & Means Section for more details.
Last but not least, Yankee Doodle Fair is coming to town.  Each of us will receive an email with a link to Sign up Genius to select the shifts you will be working at the Yankee Doodle Fair.  All Members are asked to volunteer and to bake items (cakes, brownies, cookies) for the YDF Bake Sale.  If you cannot bake, then consider donating the value of a cake. See the final article in this Bulletin for more information on the Bake Sale.  And, please continue to buy and sell those Yankee Doodle Fair Raffle tickets.  
As always, your efforts and support are so appreciated; it is always more fun doing it together.
With love and thanks to all, 

Dorothy M. Packer

  In this Issue

Sunshine Girls
Thanks to our April Sunshine Girl, Carol Burgess.

Our Sunshine Girl for the month of May is
Ellen Hooker

Jeannette Tewey
1st VP
jtewey@optonline.net 203-227-5089


Sincerest condolences to the families of long-time members, Cecile (Ceil) Renzulli and Lucille Christian, both of whom recently passed away.

Office Hours  
Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (  Lunch)
Office Manager,
Elizabeth Greenawalt
Resident House Manager,
Lilibet Rojas

May 2018

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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Happy 100th Birthday, Emily

On May 3, 2018, our beloved Member, Emily Duvoisin, will celebrate her 100th birthday!

Emily, you are an inspiration to all who know and love you.  
Best wishes on this special day and may you celebrate many more birthdays with us.  

Happy Birthday from all of your friends at the 
Westport Woman's Club

Date:   Monday,  May 7
Time:  11:30 am - Refreshments
            12:00 pm - Lunch

Join us Monday, May 7, for Club Day, hosted by Ladies Who Lunch, chaired by Bobbie Herman. Please be sure to make your reservation by 1:00 pm, on the Wednesday, before Club Day.
A Dash of Salt will be serving an Assorted Salad Plate of Curried Chicken Salad; Tuna Salad (with minced red onion, bell peppers & broccoli- lightly dressed with mayonnaise); and Opera Salad (ham, gruyere cheese, cornichon, capers, whole grain mustard, parsley and yogurt) and Artisanal rolls. The vegetarian option is Eggplant and Tomato Tart (layered with goat cheese, caramelized onion and thyme.
Dessert will be a finger assortment of Coconut Macaroons, Brownies, Lemon Curd Tarts, Chocolate Ganache Tarts and Fresh Fruit.
If you have a serious food allergy or are a vegetarian, please let me know.   Also, if  you need to cancel a reservation, please do so by Wednesday, May 2, to avoid being charged.

Jeannette Tewey,  jtewey@optonline.net , 203-227-5089


The guest speaker at our May Club Day will be Susan Granger, renowned film critic and journalist, who will be discussing "Hollywood: Past, Present and Future."

Born into a film-business family and raised in Hollywood, Susan Granger appeared as a child actress in movies with Abbott & Costello, Red Skelton, Lucille Ball, and Lassie. She studied journalism with Pierre Salinger at Mills College and graduated with highest honors in journalism with a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania. Her articles have appeared, among others, in The New York Times, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, and Cosmopolitan.

Ana Hitri,  anahi3@icloud.com 203-349-5732


Date:   Monday, May 28
Time:  Gather at 8:30 am, Parade starts at 9:00 am
Place:  Riverside Avenue

The Memorial Day Parade is scheduled for Monday, May 28.  Hopefully, it will not rain this year!  

Sign-up sheets will be on the tables at May Club Day. We need a good representation of our Club, so please put on your walking shoes and march with us!

Jeannette Tewey,  jtewey@optonline.net , 203-227-5089


Date:   Thursday, May 17
Time:  1:00 pm
Place:  Living Room

This month we will be reading "Tiffany Girl," by Deeanne Gist.  This compelling historical novel about a progressive "new woman" - the girl behind Louis Comfort Tiffany's mosaic chapel to be unveiled at the 1893 Chicago World's Fair - and the love that threatens it all.

Please stop by the Library to pick up a copy and join us for our discussion on Thursday, May 17.  

Pat Vezendy, pvezendy@gamil.com,  203-226-9869, for Lee Mennitt


Date:    Tuesday, May 15
Time:   7:00 pm - Chat and Chew,   7:30 pm - Game Begins
Cost:    $5.00
Hostesses:  Nancy Holland, Debbie Fratino, Karen DeSanty, 
                   Joan Miller, Donna Richardson

If you haven't tried playing Bunco, come join us!  No experience necessary.  Ability to roll dice is the only requirement!

You can win $$$, but even if you don't, our motto is "If you had fun, you won."

Just sign up on the sheet in the foyer.
We hope to see you on the 15th!

Wendy McKeon, XWAMX50@aol.com , 203-222-0038


Date:  Friday, May 18
Time:  4:00 - 5:30 pm
Place:  Club Kitchen

May springs eternal!
" Bring something to sip and nibbles to share;
It won't be the same if you're not there!"

P lease join us for BYOB Friday, on May 18,  in the WWC Kitchen! As we enjoy the lengthening days and celebrate the return of the Farmer's Market, come join us to share your Memorial Day Weekend plans and beach picnic recipes.

Bring  Yourself  Over  Briefly, to say hello (or linger longer), anytime between 4:00 to 5:30 pm!  Yes,  Bring  Your  Own  Beverage of choice and nibbles to share. Whether you are new to the WWC or a member since "forever," this is an easy and festive way to meet fellow members, compare upcoming Yankee Doodle Fair volunteer gigs, and try to sell each other Raffle tickets. 

As always, we operate picnic/tailgate style, bringing our own simple set-ups and serving implements, then disappearing without footprints or fingerprints. 

Dorothy E. Curran, DorothyECurran@aol.com , 203-246-0543


Date:  Tuesdays
Time:  1:00 - 4:00 pm
Place:  Living Room

We play on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm - if there is a minimum of four players.  Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to Members who are interested in playing.  If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list.  

All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience.  You do not need to have your own Canasta cards and tray but, if you do, please bring them.

Lessons are given, also on Tuesdays from 1:00 - 4:00 pm, to Members who would like to learn to play the game or haven't played in years but want to brush up on their skills. Please contact me if you are interested.

Donna Richardson, donnarichardson4@yahoo.com, 203-354-8743


Our next events will be our annual 

Grant Awards Breakfast:
Date:  Wednesday, May 23
Time:  8:30 - 10:00  am
Place:  Bedford Hall

And our Scholarship Awards Breakfast:
Date:  Friday, May 25
Time:  10:00 am
Place:  Bedford Hall

Sarah Menchaca, sarahdmenchaca@gmail.com , 203-221-1952


The Curio Cottage is "hiring."  No minimum wage but fantastic benefits!
Please think seriously about volunteering for one shift a month - only 2-1/2 hours - and you will have fun.  We have the best merchandise, the greatest customers and it is a chance to get better acquainted with other club members.   For more information please contact Susan Loselle.  Thanks to everyone who will answer this ad.

Carol Brezovec, richardbrezovec@gmail.com , 203-221-7688
Susann Loselle, seloselle@gmail.com, 203-454-4171


Dates:  Friday, May 4 - 9:30 am
     Tuesday, May 22 - 10:00 am

On Friday, May 4,  the Garden Department will tour Grace Farms , a welcoming new place, where a building designed by the architectural firm, SANAA, is seamlessly integrated into eighty acres of open space for people to experience nature, encounter the arts, pursue justice, foster community, and explore faith.   A diverse natural habitat in the northeast corner of New Canaan, Connecticut, this former horse farm is home to numerous varieties of flora and fauna. Approximately seventy-seven of the eighty acres will be retained in perpetuity as open meadows, woods, wetlands, and ponds. 

Advance payment is required for Grace Farms: $15.00 for seniors, $25.00 for adults. The tour is limited, so please register soon.

Also, on Tuesday, May 22 , Garden members will visit the Georgia O'Keefe exhibit, "Visions of Hawaii," at the New York Botanical Garden . Attendees will discover the artist's little-known depictions of the Hawaiian Islands and the plants and landscapes that inspired them. The NYBG admission fees are $20.00 for seniors, $23.00 for adults, and free for members, payable on the day of the trip. 

We will travel to both events by individual cars. Drivers are needed. Please contact Vivian Rosenberg to make reservations for these upcoming trips.

Vivian Rosenberg, Garden Chair , vivianrose1@gmail.com 203-227-4419
Jerilyn Deveau, Program Chair, jerilyndeveau@yahoo.com, 203-372-2920


If you are in the grocery store doing your household shopping and happen to spot any of the following items, we would love to add these to our Food Closet shelves to supplement what we already have:
  • powdered milk*
  • maple syrup*
  • sugar (1 pound boxes)*
  • boxed cereal
  • cooking oil
  • canned fruit
  • canned potatoes
  • hearty beef soups
  • jelly
  • mustard
  • crackers
  • cookies
(* means our supply is totally depleted)

These foods may be dropped off on May Club Day or be deposited any time in the wicker hamper outside the office. We appreciate any and all contributions to the WWC Food Closet.


Date:  Saturday, May 12
Time:  2:00 pm
Location:  Bedford Hall

We need many, many volunteers for the Postal Workers Food Drive on Saturday, May 12, beginning at 2:00 pm. The jobs that day will include: unpacking cans and boxes, sorting into categories, dating with the expiration years, and lining plastic shopping bags with paper bags (a sitting down job!). If you can give us a couple of hours any time that afternoon, it would be so helpful; after all, many hands make light work! Beverages and snacks will be served to workers to keep up their energy.

Please email Wendy and Kim (xwamx50@aol.com, kim.reichert@gmail.com) to let us know your availability of hours and your preference of jobs: unpacking, categorizing, dating, or lining bags. We want to get an idea of how many volunteers to expect. Sign-up sheets will be also circulated at May Club Day. We ask for your understanding and flexibility about when the trucks of food arrive and which job you will be asked to do.

In addition, we also could use some strong husbands, friends and teenagers to do the "heavy lifting" of taking cartons full of cans down to the basement to our Food Closet. We always need sturdy plastic bags (such as the ones from Stew Leonard's or Shop Rite) and brown shopping bags with handles (such as the ones from Trader Joe's) to use when we fulfill the food requests from Town Hall. You can bring these bags to Club Day or bring them the day of the food drive on May 12.

As always, your assistance makes the Food Closet the success that it is!

Wendy McKeon, xwamx50@aol.com, 203-222-0038
Kim Reichert, kim.reichert@gmail.com, 203-227-4590


Date:  Tuesday, May 15
Time:  11:30 am
Place:  Bobbie Herman's Home

The Gourmet Group's next meeting is on Tuesday, 
May 15, at 11:30 am. This final meeting of the season will be a Pot Luck Luncheon at the home of Bobbie Herman (see directory for address). 

If you plan to attend, please email Lisa Allison, letting her know what you plan to contribute.

Lisa Allison, liallison@optonline.net , 203-227-9563
Barbara Gladnick, bagladnick@optonline.net , 203-854-0424

Date:       Tuesday, May 22 
Time:       12:30 pm
Address:  Positano Ristorante
                  27 Powers Court, Westport (Next to the Westport Country Playhouse)

This month, we head to a long-time local favorite, Positano Ristorante, which we last visited in 2015.

Positano offers a varied selection of regional Italian favorites, including antipasti, frittatine, salades, panini and pasta.  If the weather permits, we'll dine on their lovely outdoor patio.  

You'll find their menu at: https://www.positano-ct.com/lunch_menu

Please let me know by Friday, May 18, if you would like to join us.  And, as always, I ask that you email or call me, as I may not remember if you tell me in person. 

Bobbie Herman, s angazure1@aol.com, 203-255-1577 


Time:  1:00 - 4:00 pm
Date:   Wednesdays
Place:  Living Room

We play on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 pm - if there is a minimum of 3 or 4 players.  Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to Members who are interested in playing.  If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list.  

All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience.  You do not need to have your own Mah Jongg set, but if you have one, please bring it.

Lessons are given, also on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 pm, to members who would like to learn to play the game or haven't played in years but want to brush up on their skills. Please contact me if you are interested.

Audrey Rabinowitz, bxiteb4@aol.com ,  203-227-6010

Our new 2017-2018 Membership Directory is now available.
Please be sure to pick up your copy at the office.

Robin Clark, rclark@westportnational.com, 203-231-2109



Saturday, April 28, 5:00 - 8:00 pm (Opening Reception) 
Sunday, April 29,  12:00  - 4:00 pm
Monday, April 30, 12:00 - 4:00 pm

The Art Show will once again be curated by Miggs Burroughs.  Jazz Vocalist Melissa Newman will perform at Saturday's Opening Reception.  Chair, Jo Fuchs Luscombe, notes this year's event honors the late artist Bobbie Friedman, first wife of Drew Friedman.  This annual show, featuring local artists, seeks to generate sales for them and funds for need-based college scholarships for Staples High School seniors. 

This year's artists, whose works will be available for purchase, include Jen Greely, Bernie Perry, Nancy Moore, Roseann Spengler, Leonor Dao Turut, Kerry Heftman, Sam Abelow, Sue Benton, Jo Titsworth, Dale Najarian, Carlos Davilla, Holly Hawthorne, Noah Steinman, and Karen Ford. Art by Honoree Bobbie Friedman will be available for viewing, but not for purchase. 

Thirty percent of sales will benefit need-based scholarships for Staples seniors, including new Westport Woman's Club-administered scholarships, funded by The Drew Friedman Community Arts Center, Inc., benefiting Staples seniors who have financial need and an interest in pursuing studies in the visual arts.

Date:    Wednesday, May 2
Time:    6:30 - 9:00 pm
Location:   Painting with a Twist
                   1460 Post Road East, Westport (In the Rio Bravo Shopping Center) 

One of the talented artists on staff will be with us every step of the way as we enjoy wine and cheese and paint our way to a finished work of art.  You'll be amazed before the night is over!  You just might discover your inner artist!

Half of the proceeds will be donated to the club.  The cost is $35.00 per person, including refreshments.  We will be painting "Spring Stroll." This should be lots of fun!

For tickets/information, go to the Painting With A Twist website.  (Go to the calendar and scroll down to May 2.  Payment can be made online.)

Date:  Saturday, June 9
Time:  10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location:  Bedford Hall

The Westport Woman's Club and Westport Auction are pleased offer an Antiques Appraisal Day on S aturday, June 9, at the Club at 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Do you have a family heirloom that you need valued?  An old painting that your grandmother said was valuable?  A piece of jewelry or sterling that you never had appraised?  Bring them along and let the professional, courteous and friendly staff from Westport Auction give you a verbal appraisal.  The market for certain items is highly desirable: men's vintage wristwatches, mid-century art and furniture, Chinese jades and porcelains, to name a few.

For $25.00, you will receive a verbal appraisal of up to three (3) items by the appropriate specialist from Westport Auction, who will view your item and give you a value of its worth in today's market.  Additional items may be appraised for a small additional fee.

Larger items and furniture can be evaluated from photos.  When viewing photos, the more photos the better.  Well-lit photos with approximate dimensions of the object allow the appraiser to be of the most help to you.

Please come and support our fundraiser at the Westport Woman's Club on Saturday, June 9, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. 

 Deb Fratino, debfratino@aol.com, 203-434-6733

Next committee meeting:   Wednesday, May 16, at 10:30 am.  All are welcome. 

Suzan Murphy, murphy05@aol.com, 203-222-9117
Karen Kleine, kkleine3@gmail.com, 203-858-4010


Next Meetings:
Date:  Wednesday, May 9 and Wednesday, May 23
Time:  10:00 am
Place:  Living Room

Now that we're getting closer and closer to Yankee Doodle Fair 2018 (it's only about one and a half months away!), we are having planning meetings every two weeks. Please consider joining us on Wednesday, May 9 and Wednesday, May 23 at 10:00 am, in the living room for our sessions this month.

We desperately need volunteers to sell raffle tickets at Stop & Shop. Some openings that we need to fill are on Sunday, May 6: two women for the 10:00 am 12:00 pm shift and two women in the 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm slot. We also need two volunteers to sell on Sunday, May 20 from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Kindly email Kim Reichert (kim.reichert@gmail.com) if you are able to help out. Remember, Yankee Doodle Fair is our club's biggest fundraiser, so please try to sell as many raffle tickets as you can.

Many of our Westport Woman's Club members will be marching in the Memorial Day Parade wearing their red, white, and blue on Monday, May 28. If you would like to be involved but do not want to march, perhaps you could don a blue YDF apron and sell raffle tickets from 9:00 am -12:00 noon along the parade route (the bridge is an ideal spot to do so!). Please let Kim know if you are so inclined.

Sign Up Genius will be online at the beginning of May. You will receive an email inviting you to join in, so please sign up to work several shifts at the Yankee Doodle Fair during:
the evening of Thursday, June 14
  • the evening of Friday, June 15
  • the afternoon and evening of Saturday, June 16
  • the afternoon of Sunday, June 17 (Father's Day)
You can choose your area and your time slots. The fair cannot be a success without everyone's participation; please volunteer and be part of the fun!

Christina McVaney, cmcvaney@yahoo.com, 203-292-8138
Kim Reichert, kim.reichert@gmail.com, 203-227-4590


The Westport Weston Health District requires us to submit some information on bakers and what they will bake in order to issue a Bake Sale Permit for the Yankee Doodle Fair. To comply with this requirement, we will be submitting a list of bakers including all members that baked in 2017.
  • If you baked in 2017 and will not be baking this year, or if you do not want your name included for some other reason please email or call Lisa Allison.
  • If you intend to bake items that are different from last year, you should also contact Lisa Allison so that the list can be amended.
  • Any members who will bake this year but did not bake in 2017 should also please contact Lisa Allison so that your name may be added to the list. 
For your information, the bake sale will run throughout the Yankee Doodle Fair June 14-17. We need a lot of baked goods to meet the demand of YDF customers, so please support us!

Lisa Allison, liallison@optonline.net, 203-227-9563
Barbara Gladnick, bagladnick@optonline.net, 203- 854-0424

44 Imperial Avenue 
Westport, CT 06880