Westport Woman's Club
Board of Directors 2017-2018
President Dorothy M. Packer;
1st VP Special Interests Jeannette Tewey;
2nd VP Finance
Barbara Stemmer;
3rd VP Ways & Means Suzan Murphy, Karen Kleine;
Secretary Cheryl Bliss;
Treasurer Barbara Szefc;
Communications Anne Hunt, Pattie Takita;
Community Services
Sarah Menchaca;
Curio Cottage
Susan Loselle;
Deborah Fratino; Grounds Cornelia Olsen;
Robin Clark; Parliamentary Advisor Susan Fox;
Ana Hitri;
Mira Auxier, Adriana Cvetkov;
Yankee Doodle Fair
Kim Reichert, Christina McVaney;
Past President
Dorothy Curran
Office Manager: El
izabeth Greenawalt, 203-227-4240
Resident House Manager:
Lilibet Rojas
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Lunch)
President's Letter
Dear Ladies,
I hope you are all enjoying a relaxed and carefree summer. While Westport is the best town year-round, it truly is the iconic New England summer town with Compo Beach, Longshore, boating, sailing, windsailing, kayaking, golf, picnics, dining alfresco, lush trees and greenery, cheerful gardens, stone walls and picket fences. It doesn't get much better than that!
As you probably know by now, our Yankee Doodle Fair was a tremendous success, thanks to the planning and organization of Co-Chairs Kim Reichert and Christina McVaney and their committee leaders; outstanding results despite some showers!
I'm also happy to report that our Nominating Committee has announced that Cheryl Bliss will serve as Secretary on the 2017-2018 Westport Woman's Club Board of Directors, and
Pattie Takita as Co-Chair of Communications Thank you Cheryl and Pattie. We now have a full Board for the coming year, thanks to our Nominating Committee and Jo Luscombe, Chair.
During the month of August, you will need to renew your Club membership. You will receive the Membership Renewal Forms in the mail. In order to be included in the Membership Directory, please return your completed form and payment to the Office by August 31.
And, as you sort through your clothes for the change of season, please consider donating your gently used clothing to the WWC Clothing Sale (men's women's and children's clothes and accessories accepted). Please bag them and drop them off in the Coat Room. We are gearing up for the best Clothing Sale yet in October!
Have you seen
our new Westport Woman's Club Canvas Tote Bags? Elizabeth, our Office Manager, has a sample in the office. Only $35.00 each for these classic heavy-duty canvas
bags that will be serviceable for years. You can place your order by submitting your check payable to WWC, to Elizabeth. Let's show our pride and support for our Club. Proceeds will benefit the many worthy causes we contribute to.
If you have an interest in serving on a Board Committee, please advise the Chair for that position and let her know you are available to help in the coming year; House, Rentals, Ways and Means (fundraising), YDF come to mind. Let us know what you are interested in! The more involved you are, the more satisfying the reward.
And, before it's too late, make your reservations now for the Lobsterfest on Sunday, August 13. Join the fun. Hope to see you there.
Love and thanks to all,
Dorothy M. Packer
n behalf of the Westport Woman's Club, our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the families of long-time members Jackie Froelich and Emily Lemond upon their recent passing and to Amy Schneider on the loss of her mother, Harriette Edith Halper Hirsch.
Sunshine Girls
Volunteers needed!
Sunshine Girls need to volunteer for only one month during the year and are responsible for keeping in touch with members experiencing an illness or death in the family with cards and notes. Cards are available in the office. this is not time consuming and is an important part of our Club's outreach to our members.
Jeannette Tewey,
tewey@optonline.net, 203-227-5089
Our first Club Day of the season will be held on
Monday, September 11, a week later than
usual due to the Labor Day Holiday. Reservations need to be made by the prior Wednesday,
September 6.
There is a permanent Club Day lunch list which is a commitment for all nine Club Days. Each year you need to renew, which means that you agree to attend or to cancel in time so that you will not have to pay the $20.00 lunch fee. We understand that there will be times when you cannot make it, but please be considerate of the Club and let us know because, even if you are absent, we are still billed for your lunch. The $20.00 cost includes food, beverages, program, and supplies. Cancellations need to be made by the Wednesday before Club Day. If you plan to be away for several months, please let us know in advance.
And, if you have a serious food allergy or are a vegetarian, please be sure to advise Elizabeth or me.
Date: Sunday, August 13
Time: 4:30 pm
Cost: $40.00
Location: Ned Dimes Marina Clubhouse at Compo Beach
It's Lobster time once again. Our annual Lobsterfest will be held on Sunday, August 13, at the Ned Dime
s Marina Clubhouse site, at 4:30 p.m. The event is limited to fifty people on a first com
e, first served basis. Please reserve through our Office Manager, Elizabeth. After August 1, reservations will be open to Family and Friends of WWC Members. Please remember that your reservation must be accompanied by a $40.00 check per person, made out to the Westport Woman's Club, which includes a tip for the caterer.
Community Services will not be meeting in August.
BOOK REVIEW There will be no Book Review this month.
BYOB is taking a break for the month of August. See you all in September!
Dorothy Curran, DorothyECurran@aol.com, 203-246-0543 |
Date: Tuesday, August 15 Time: 7:00 pm - "Chat & Chew," 7:30 pm - Game Begins Cost: $5.
Hostesses: TBD
Our July Bunco Night was a very special occasion.
Leah Scherzer was crowned "Bunco Queen 2017," much to her surprise!
And Kim Reichert and Audrey Rabinowitz were named "Princesses" (also, much to their surprise!) We celebrated with delicious food prepared by Hostesses Kim and Leah.
Now, a new Bunco year has begun...and anyone can be Queen next year!
You are all invited to play...no experience necessary! If you can roll dice, you can win!
"2017 Bunco Queen" Leah Scherzer
and Wendy McKeon, Bunco Chair
Our Hostess sign-up list still needs to be filled. I am asking that no more than 3 ladies sign up per month, preferably 2. Please check your calendars and see when you can host.
We're looking forward to seeing you on August 15. (The sign-up sheet is on the board in the foyer).
Come and try it - I think you'll like it!!
We would like to give a HUGH THANKS to our "Monday Crew," Mary Lee Clayton, Suzan Murphy, and Audrey Rabinowitz. They work with us on Mondays to help customers, tidy the shop, unpack and price donations, and whatever else it takes to prepare for the week ahead. We are so appreciative they have joined us.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Can you work one Wednesday a month (2-1/2 hours) either 10:00-12:30 or 12:30-3:00? Please contact Susan Loselle.
For Curio Workers and Subs: When accepting donations please do not unpack or unwrap them. Place the items behind the curtain. If the area is full, contact Susan or Carol. Thanks.
The Garden Department will not meet in August. We h
ope you are all doing well and enjoying the summer.
Vivian Rosenberg, Garden Chair, vivianrose1@gmail.com, 203-227-4419
GOURMET Gourmet will not be meeting in August. Lisa Allison, liallison@optonline.net, 203-227-9563 Barbara Gladnick, bagladnick@oponline.net, 203-854-0424 |
You're never going to believe this but, in spite of our very successful food drive in May, by the beginning of July we were short quite a few items. Therefore, we had to do an extensive shopping to be sure that we had sufficient items to fulfill requests from Town Hall.
We are still low on:
* Canned fruit
* Stuffing mix
* Gravy
* Pancake mix or Bisquick
During the summer months, when kids are home from school, we receive many requests for food, especially from single parents with children.
Perhaps when you are grocery shopping this month, you could pick up some of these items. You may drop them off at the WWC office or bring them to Club Day in September. Your contributions make such a difference to those in need in our community! We appreciate your generosity.
Date: Tuesday, August 29 Time: 12:30 pm Place: Arezzo Ristorante
5 Riverside Avenue, Westport
This month we'll enjoy dining at another beautiful waterfront setting. Arezzo offers a variety of "Northern Italian" favorites, including antipasti, salads, pizza, pastas and entrees of meat and seafood. We will dine on their lovely patio overlooking the river.
As parking is limited, they offer valet parking, or you may park at the double-decker parking garage just up the street on Wilton Road, as I will. Please let me know by Friday, August 25 if you'll be joining us so I can tell them how many to expect. And, as always, I ask that you email or call me as I may not remember if you tell me in person.
We play on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 pm - if there is a minimum of 3 or 4 players. Emails are sent out at the beginning of each week to members who are interested in playing. If you want to be included in these weekly emails, please contact me to put your name on that list. All players are welcome, regardless of skill level and experience. You do not need to have your own Mah Jongg set, but if you have one, please bring it.
Lessons are being given, also on Wednesdays from 1:00-4:00 pm, to members who would like to learn to play the game. Please contact me if you are interested in this beginner's class.
Audrey Rabinowitz, bxiteb4@aol.com, 227-6010 |
MEMBERSHIP It's time to renew your membership! Membership renewal forms will be mailed to you in August. In order for your name to appear in our new Membership Directory, your completed forms and checks must be received by August 31.
Robin Clark,
rclark@westportnational.com, 203-231-2109
Please mark your calendars:
- The Clothing Sale dates reserved on the Rentals Calendar are Monday, October 23 through Sunday, October 29.
- The sale days are Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28.
- Please hold on to those (still wonderful, gently used) clothes! They can be dropped off, in bags, in the coat room at your convenience.
- Co-Chairs and Captains needed! (Anyone with clothes shopping experience is eligible!)
Wednesday, August 16, at 10:30 am
Everyone is welcome, please bring your ideas with you!
Suzan Murphy,
Karen Kleine,
kkleine3@gmail.com, 203-858-4010
YANKEE DOODLE FAIR  We know that you've all been anxiously awaiting news about the $ profits of our Yankee Doodle Fair 2017. Drum roll please! As close as our financial people can figure, the net income for this year was $43,743! Quite amazing for a weekend primarily filled with rain showers (interspersed with downpours!), right?
Of course, Christina and Kim couldn't have managed all that without
YOU! We especially want to thank our talented and hard working
YDF Captains:
Beverages- Wynne Abrams and Diane Gelbwaks (along with their helpful husbands),
Food- Karen Kleine,
Bake Sale- Barbara Gladnick and Lisa Allison,
Rentals- Mira Auxier,
Sand Art- Bernie Stiskal and Catherine Smith,
YDF Co-Chairs Kim Reichert
and Christina McVaney
- Susan Loselle (along with Mary Lee Clayton, Dorothy Curran, and Janette Duchnicki),
Ride Tickets
- Mira Auxier and Jeanette Tewey,
Take a Chance
- Suzan Murphy and Bernie Stiskal,
Laurie Exner and Anne Hunt,
- Janette and Stan Duchnicki,
Face Painting
- Gloria Smithson (along with the assistance of her creative daughter, Kait),
Robin Clark,
Memorial Day Parade
- Jeanette Tewey and Dorothy Curran (who also arranged for the impressive placards that were displayed in Bedford Hall).
We extend special thanks to Dorothy Packer, who was there to step in whenever and wherever extra help or advice was needed.
It was a pleasure for us to head up such an enthusiastic and energetic group of women. You know the saying about "It takes a village...?" Well, in the case of the Yankee Doodle Fair, it takes many, many willing and valuable WWC volunteers!
Christina McVaney,
cmcvaney@yahoo.com, 203-292-8138
Kim Reichert,
kim.reichert@gmail.com, 203-227-4590