Worship Service In-Person and on Zoom

Sunday, September 18, 2022, at 11 a.m.

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Meeting ID: 898 4794 6230

Passcode: 201166 

To view recent Sunday sermons, click here.

Dear Beloved of God,

During seminary chapel services in the 90s, earnest student worship leaders often admonished the congregation to replace all male pronouns ("he," "him") with the word "God" when singing hymns. This practice led to some clumsy hymn singing on Reformation Day. Stanza 3 of "A Mighty Fortress" made this unfortunate claim: 

The prince of darkness grim,

we tremble not for [God];

[God's] rage we can endure,

for lo! [God's] doom is sure;

one little word shall fell [God].

Editing texts from the Bible, hymnals, and confessions to render them gender-inclusive has always seemed a clumsy practice. In my career, I have tried to use gender-neutral language for God and gender-inclusive language for people. I'm not always successful, though. Sometimes I'll say "he" to refer to God, not because I believe that God is male, but simply a slip of the tongue from childhood in a conservative church and family.

The Session and I have agreed to be more intentionally inclusive when talking to and about God at CHPC. We agree that creating a genuinely inclusive worship environment that supports the values of diversity, mutuality, and justice requires a commitment to using gender-neutral and gender-balanced language. 

We will also try to limit use of hierarchical language. When appropriate, we will replace “Lord” with a more egalitarian title. Our earthly understanding of kingdom language can bring images of dominance and abuse, even though when we talk about God’s kingdom our Reformed understanding is a radically different structure – one of love, justice, peace, and mutual respect. 

Please help us to recognize what language and imagery enable you to experience the divine. If you hear something that offends you, let us know in specifics so that we can consider appropriate changes. And please be patient with the Session, me, David, and the volunteer worship leaders. 

Thank you,


Children’s Sunday School on Zoom

Children of all ages are invited to come Zoom with us from 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. every Sunday. We will gather for music, Bible stories, crafts, and more. Throughout the fall we will hear stories about Moses, Ruth, David, and other ancestors in the faith. Our crazy friend Sid is back too. Join us each week to see how Sid, once again, has fundamentally misunderstood the Bible story. 

Never a dull moment in children’s Sunday school! Teachers are Jerry Van Marter, Eva Stimson, Bev Machin, and Luke Van Marter (aka Sid). Please let us know if you would like to join our teaching team. Email Jerry to get on the list to receive weekly Zoom invitations and other announcements.  

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Join the Conversation, Sunday at 5 p.m. on Zoom

In a series of sermons this fall, Peggy is exploring values that young people—and others—may be looking for in a faith community: authenticity, accountability, inclusivity, hospitality, impact, belonging, growthful, meaningful.

For those interested in making a deeper dive into these values, Mark and Peggy are leading Zoom conversations each Sunday evening through October 23, at 5 pm. They will be using the book Meaning Making, published by the Springtide Research Institute, but you do not have to read the book to join the conversation!

Zoom link for the conversations:


Church family,

Nelly and I are looking for temporary housing or a rental of 2 BRs ($925 includes utilities). Our landlord raised the bill and now we can't pay because of less business at Amazon where I'm working. Can you help us? Text or call me at 502-200-4023, or email Revksshama@gmail.com.


Next Youth Group: Sunday, Sept 18

Sunday Sept 18, 3-5 p.m., community, check-in, and charcuterie at Cherokee Park! We'll have snackable-type finger foods, group field games and table games, and time to check-in, chill and share highlights/lowlights. We will meet at Hogan's Fountain area of Cherokee Park, or if you need a ride, let us know as always! Feel free to bring frisbee, basketball, art/drawing things, hammock, lawn chair, etc-- or nothing. We'll have a great time just hanging out. For questions, contact Rebecca Barnes, 502-415-3339.

There will be a clean-up day on October 15 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. to take out large items for the bi-annual neighborhood junk day.

Mark Your Calendar: CHPC Christmas Concert 

Members of the Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church Music Ministry will present a Christmas concert on Sunday afternoon, December 18 at 2:00 p.m. in the church’s sanctuary. During the concert, Amy Pauw and Doug Yeager will present a flute suite of Christmas carols. Frank Kirk, Jr. and David Paul Gibson will present selections from THE NUTCRACKER and favorite Christmas songs, including WHITE CHRISTMAS, I’LL BE HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, and SLEIGH RIDE played piano four-hand style. The concert is free and open to all and will be followed by a light reception.

Donate to the Memorial Fund

It's now possible to make a donation to the CHPC Memorial Fund online. Simply click on the "Online Giving" tab on the CHPC website and then on the box labeled "Memorial Fund." As part of the process, you'll be able to designate whom the gift is in memory of. So if you've been meaning to make a gift in memory of Izzy Jones, Mary Love, Ted Trautwein, Polly Johnson --or anyone else--you can do it quickly and easily via the web.  

September Birthdays

Please remember these wonderful folks in prayer and, if possible, reach out to them with a card, phone call, text, email or however you choose to honor them. To double-check your listing, contact Soni Castleberry at soni.castleberry@gmail.com or phone or text at 502-417-6481. 

Sept. 4 – Christi Boyd

Sept. 12 – Guy Thomas Proctor

Sept. 13 – Emily Pauw

Sept. 14 – Ruth Farrell, Faith Grady

Sept. 15 – JoElla Holman

Sept. 16 – Cara Bridgman

Sept. 18 – Mary Wilding

Sept. 19 – Stewart Bridgman (Jr.), Twila Hartmans

Sept. 20 – Lily Priel

Sept. 21 – Nathan Scharf, Beth Yeager

Sept. 22 – Stephen Bartlett

Sept. 23 – Stephanie Gregory

Sept. 26 – Jessi Dierks-Washington

Sept. 27 – Matthias Boyd

Sept. 28 – Donna Burch, Elizabeth Thiele

Appointments with Peggy

If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with Peggy, please contact the church office at 502-893-5381 or email office@crescenthill.church.

Westminster Weekly Submissions Deadline
Please have all Westminster Weekly submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link for submissions and follow the prompts. Thank you!
Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
Westminster Weekly Submissions
Westminster Weekly Archives

Deacon of the Month: September

Allen Bridgman is our Deacon of the Month. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Allen at j.allenbridgman@gmail.com or call 502-314-5884.

Elder of the Week

Marsha Berry is our Elder of the Week. She can be contacted by phone at 502-777-1621 or via email at marshaberry@twc.com. Jack Marcum will begin Elder of the Week duties on September 18.
