Worship Service on Zoom and In-Person

Sunday, May 7, 2023, at 11 a.m.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 810 1459 2324

Passcode: 973913

To view recent Sunday sermons, click here.

Zoom Sunday School for Children

Children of all ages are welcome to join us on Sunday mornings from 9:45 to 10:15 a.m. on Zoom for Bible stories, music, conversation, and visits with our crazy friend Sid. Zoom Sunday school is led by Eva Stimson, Jerry Van Marter, and Bev Machin. Please contact one of them if you are interested in joining the leadership team. Contact Jerry Van Marter to get on the list to receive weekly Zoom invitations and curriculum materials. The class will take a summer break after Pentecost. May 28, 2023 will be the last meeting until fall.


  • Approved the minutes from the March 22, 2023, meeting.
  • Per their request, removed Bob Mellem, Todd Rogers, and Jeanne-Marie Rogers from the membership roll. They have joined other churches.
  • Approved Rev. Ben Heimach-Snipes to preach on May 7, 2023.
  • Approved a revised Child Protection Policy recommended by Nurture Committee.
  • Approved a motion from the Outreach Committee to give 40% of the Pentecost Offering to Cedar Ridge Camp to support their programs with youth.
  • Confirmed a previous email vote to approve Megan Cahill as Administrative Assistant for the church.
  • Approved Marsha Berry to replace Dave Bush as CHPC liaison with the PC(USA) Board of Pensions.
  • Approved Sundays July 9, 2023, July 23, 2023, and August 6, 2023, at 2:00 p.m. for summer recital dates.
  • Approved August 20, 2023, as the date for the CHPC Cedar Ridge worship and picnic.
  • Approved giving Deacon Gail DeMarsh a key to the back building.
  • Tentatively agreed to make the new pastoral position a stated supply. The information was put into last Thursday's newsletter and Peggy led an informal conversation at the end of worship on Sunday.
  • Approved Jack Marcum and Eva Stimson as commissioners to the May presbytery meeting.
  • Approved a recommendation to put together a task force of the session to look into building use. Barbara Hedspeth and Eva Stimson will head up this effort.
  • Click here for the summary of comments and the Session's letter to the congregation.



CHPC’s Presbyterian Women’s Circle is collecting items that will go into hygiene kits for Presbyterian Disaster Assistance. We invite others in the congregation to join us in this collection. Items requested include:     

  • toothbrushes individually wrapped
  • unscented, wrapped bar soap
  • 1-inch-wide Band-Aids
  • wide-toothed combs (no picks)
  • washcloths   
  • hand towels 
  • Zip-Lock one-gallon bags
  • Monetary donations are also accepted.

Do not substitute or add any items. This request is for new items, rather than used. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is specific in its request.

Please leave your donations in the Gathering Room, off the Narthex, no later than Sunday, May 14. Presbyterian Women will deliver them to Beulah PC where the hygiene kits will be assembled. If you have any questions, contact Diana Stephen, dasky@bellsouth.net

May Birthdays

5 - Nikki Green

6 - Amy Pauw

8 - Joanne Cybulski

13 - Jacob Craigo-Snell

16 - Emily Whearty

19 - Marsha Berry

21 - Gus Thomas

25 - Ian McNinch

31 - Laura Proctor, JoJo Kepler

Westminster Weekly Submissions Deadline

Please have all Westminster Weekly submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link to send submissions to the church office. We are no longer using the Google Form. Thank you!

Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
Westminster Weekly Archives

Deacon of the Month

Gail DeMarsh is our Deacon of the Month. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Gail at gbingham@mac.com or call 502-472-3557, or email deacons@crescenthill.church.

Elder of the Week

Marsha Berry is Elder of the Week. You can reach her at 502-777-1621 or marshaberry@twc.com. Eva Stimson will begin service on May 7. Contact her at 502-727-6778 or Eva.stimson@gmail.com.
