Worship Service - Zoom and In-Person
Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 11AM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 4794 6230
Passcode: 201166

To view last Sunday's sermon, click here.
If you have a child or children that you would like to have process with palms on Palm Sunday and/or sing on Easter Sunday morning, please let David know by emailing Gibson.DavidPaul@yahoo.com. We would like to have fairly accurate numbers for palms and song sheets.

Thank you, David
Cleanup Day
CHPC will have a cleanup day on April 16, 2022, from 9:00 am to Noon. All are welcome, and we plan to have projects inside and outside.  Everyone is welcome to join the group at El Tarasco at 12:15 to celebrate our hard work!
Zoom Sunday School for Children
Children of all ages are invited to Zoom Sunday School, each Sunday morning from 9:45–10:15. Please join us for songs, Bible stories, prayers, crafts, and more!

As word spreads about Zoom Sunday School, we’ve been blessed to have participants from as far away as Washington State and Costa Rica. We will be joined at least occasionally in the new year by Sid (aka Luke Van Marter), who no doubt will continue to make us smile as he completely misunderstands the day’s Bible lesson.

Teachers are Eva Stimson, Jerry Van Marter and Bev Machin. Please contact Eva or Jerry if you are interested in being part of the teaching team in 2022 or if you want to be added to the list to receive the weekly Zoom invitations. If you have any questions or comments, please call or email Eva Stimson or Jerry Van Marter.
Your Session at Work
Dear Beloved of God,

Your Session held a working retreat on Saturday, March 19, led by our guest Dr. Dru Kemp. This was a day to help the Session members connect with each other and begin thinking about the church's future. No official actions were taken. As part of the retreat, we took time to express our feelings and thoughts about the difficult events of the past year. We received a grant from Mid-Kentucky Presbytery to cover the cost of the retreat.

Dr. Kemp is the Deacon in Residence with the Episcopal Diocese of Louisville and a clinical social worker in private practice. She led us in conversations about family and congregational systems, hopes and concerns, and reconciliation. 

Family systems psychotherapy focuses on the family as an emotional unit. People are influenced by their families, but each person's reactivity to stress and anxiety affects their entire family. Congregations work the same way. To understand how a congregation works, one considers the congregation as an organism and each member a cell of the organism. Every time a person enters or leaves the system, the whole system changes. 

Understanding systems theory helps us understand ourselves and how we function as a church. The Session will explore these concepts as we discern ways to help the congregation heal. 

The Session held its regular stated meeting the following day. Our primary business was review of the annual report and election of corporation officers. 

Individual committee and group reports were submitted to the church office. The Session reviewed these excluding two that had not been sent in. Edits were discussed. Erin and Peggy will work on a final version of the annual report for the Session to approve before it is saved as a pdf file and shared with the congregation. The annual congregational meeting will be on May 1st. Plans for the meeting will be made after the Session hears new recommendations from the Re-Opening Task Force. 

The Session voted to recommend the following elders as new officers of the corporation:
President: Lucy Steilberg
Vice-President: Claudia Foulkes
Treasurer: Jack Marcum
Secretary: Polly Cushman
Directors: Doug Yeager, Marsha Berry, Harrie Buecker

Other business covered in this meeting:
  • Approved a request from Amy Linfield to be taken off the roll. She and her husband now live in Colorado Springs.
  • Discussed need to elect members to the Nominating Committee so that the congregation can elect them at the May 1st congregational meeting. Tabled until April meeting.
  • Need to move the April committee and Session meetings because of Holy Week. Peggy will send out new dates. 


CORRECTION: I misspoke about my study leave in worship last Sunday. I will be gone Monday, March 28 – Monday, April 4. Rev. Nancy Troy will be preaching on April 3. 
Join the church choir this holy season!
Do you love the music of Lent, Holy Week and Easter? If so, consider joining our choir for the holy season. We will be singing familiar hymns and lovely new anthems. Your contibutions would be greatly appreciated. Our 60-minute choir rehearsals are at 7:00pm on Thursday evenings in the sanctuary. Proper masking is provided. If you have any questions, please contact David at Gibson.DavidPaul@yahoo.com or by phone at 502.855.0698. You will be greatly welcomed!

March Choir Rehearsal Schedule
March 24 7:00pm  The Sanctuary
March 31 7:00pm   The Sanctuary
Appointments with Peggy
If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with Peggy, please contact the church office at 502.893.5381 or email office@crescenthill.church.
Matthew 25 Initiative
You are invited to participate in a series of speakers as part of the Matthew 25 initiative at Anchorage Presbyterian Church, Sundays in March at 7:00 pm. For more information visit: https://www.anchoragepresbyterian.org/matthew-25.
Newsletter Submissions Deadline
Please have all newsletter submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link for submissions and follow the prompts. Thank you!
Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
Deacon of the Month
Gayle Collins is our Deacon of the Month. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Gayle at collins.gayle@gmail.com or call 502-893-6461.
Elder of the Week
Lucy Steilberg is our Elder of the Week. Se can be contacted by phone at 502-893-5231 or via email at lucyd.steilberg@gmail.com.