Worship Service - Zoom Only
Sunday, February 13, 2022 at 11AM
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 4794 6230
Passcode: 201166

To view last Sunday's sermon, click here.
Zoom Sunday School for Children
Children of all ages are invited to Zoom Sunday School, each Sunday morning from 9:45–10:15. Please join us for songs, Bible stories, prayers, crafts, and more!

As word spreads about Zoom Sunday School, we’ve been blessed to have participants from as far away as Washington State and Costa Rica. We will be joined at least occasionally in the new year by Sid (aka Luke Van Marter), who no doubt will continue to make us smile as he completely misunderstands the day’s Bible lesson.

Teachers are Eva Stimson, Jerry Van Marter and Bev Machin. Please contact Eva or Jerry if you are interested in being part of the teaching team in 2022 or if you want to be added to the list to receive the weekly Zoom invitations.

If you have any questions or comments, please call or email Eva Stimson or Jerry Van Marter.
A Note to the Congregation from the Clerk of Session
On January 23, the Session met to discuss and vote on the budget. The first motion regarding the budget was to extend David Gibson’s contract as it is, for another six months. We all expressed how much his music has meant to our services, so of course the motion passed unanimously.

The Stewardship Committee had worked on the budget, which is always driven by the pledges. For 2022 the pledge amount was $203,314.48. Expenses are mostly the salaries with no raises. Because of the drop from last year’s pledges, cost cuts were 87% of last year. Operating expenses were lowered by 25%. Program expenses were cut by 82%. The Committee was trying to keep the numbers balanced and conservative. The cuts are mostly from Mission, which only was listed for $7,200.

After much discussion, the motion was to approve the budget with total figure of $7,200 for mission and let the Outreach Committee propose how to divide it up and bring their ideas back to Session at the next meeting. The motion passed. Several ideas for increasing mission giving included having special offerings or maybe a Mission Fair in the fall. There will need to be much more discussion on this topic. If you have ideas or suggestions, feel free to contact Peggy or any Session member. The budget will be presented to the congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting which will probably be sometime in March.

It was brought to the Session's attention that Rev. Roger Velliquette has had some occasional income. According to the severance agreement, the equivalent of any part-time employment is to be deducted from the severance. The Session has no confirmation of how much Rev. Velliquette has worked or what he has been paid. After discussion, the Session voted to complete the last two payments of the severance so that this relationship causes no more upheaval in the congregation.

The friendly and constructive conversations in Session are one reason I am pleased to act as your Clerk.
UCHM Donations
SOUPER POOPER BOWL Sunday is coming up, Feb. 13. Yes you caught a change to the title of this event. We have always collected non-perishable goods for UCHM. This year we are adding the collection of diapers and wipes for the months of January and February. This will be a drive thru event but we want you to feel free to park and visit if you feel comfortable. We are hoping for a good turnout in support of UCHM. Flyers will be delivered to homes and businesses in the neighborhood.

You may also place donations in the Narthex with a UCHM tag. If you are not able to get them to church call Claudia Foulkes, 502-939-4129, and she will arrange for a pick up at your home.
Scheduling visits with Peggy
Dear Friends,

To schedule a visit with Peggy, click the link below: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F45A9A92BAAF9C61-visits.

If you are uncomfortable signing up online, please call the church office.
Newsletter Submissions Deadline
Please have all newsletter submissions turned in every Wednesday by noon. Use this link for submissions and follow the prompts. Thank you!
Please continue to visit the CHPC website to stay connected with our faith community!
Deacon of the Month
Soni Castleberry is our Deacon of the Month. If you or someone you know is in need of a kind gesture, please reach out to Soni at soni.castleberry@gmail.com or call 502-417-6481.
Elder of the Week
Doug Yeager is our Elder of the Week. He can be contacted by phone at 502-693-1800 or via email at doug@dougyeager.com.