Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. #248 | March 10, 2023

俗语 from Xi Jinping

迎难而上 yíng nán ér shàng

Definition: to press on in the face of challenges

Original: 习近平指出,党的十九大以来的5年,是极不寻常、极不平凡的5年。我国发展的外部环境急剧变化,不确定难预料因素显著增多,尤其是以美国为首的西方国家对我实施了全方位的遏制、围堵、打压,给我国发展带来前所未有的严峻挑战。同时国内也面临新冠疫情反复、经济下行压力增大等多重困难。我们坚持稳中求进工作总基调,迎难而上,沉着应对,不信邪、不怕压、不避难,国内生产总值年均增长5.2%...

Background: Earlier this week on March 6, during the first session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Xi Jinping, in an unusually direct statement, described "U.S.-led western countries' implementation of comprehensive containment, encirclement, and suppression" as a key reason for the difficult times China is facing.

The Wall Street Journal explained that this departure from "opaque terms" might be part of Xi's search for "new ways to to continue to explain the country's gathering troubles, including the economy," and quoted AMS AACLF alum and Atlantic Council fellow Shirley Martey Hargis as saying, "It's either take the blame or shift it."

Source: (两会受权发布) 习近平在看望参加政协会议的民建工商联界委员时强调 正确引导民营经济健康发展高质量发展 王沪宁蔡奇丁薛祥参加看望和讨论

Weekly Reading: A Summary of

Structural Reforms to the State Council

With the Two Sessions (NPC and CPPCC) being held through mid March, important reforms to government have already been announced.

The most digestible Chinese language summaries of these have been released as fairly dense images, so here are a few links to help you absorb these major announcements:


African-American China Leadership Fellows Applications Are Now Open!

Applications are now open for the 2023 African-American China Leadership Fellows program, now in its third year. This amazing mentorship opportunity is for mid-career, China-focused African-American professionals.

Our growing network includes accomplished professionals in foreign policy, business, cybersecurity, and law. Apply by March 24th to have targeted career support and mentorship from our impressive group of mentors and alumni:

Apply Now

Register for Mar 28 Chinese Language Movie Screening & Book Talk: 中国八零后电影导演

American Mandarin Society and US-China Education Trust are co-hosting a Chinese language book talk and movie night at GW's Elliott School of International Affairs on March 28th.

Join us to hear Karen Ma talk about her new book on post-1980s Chinese film directors. After the book talk and short Q&A, we will have pizza and refreshments and watch Xin Yukun's genre-bending crime-drama-comedy The Coffin in the Mountain (心迷宫) (IMDb: 7.7; 豆瓣: 8.7).

Register now to reserve your spot for free on Eventbrite!

Please note that the book talk and movie will both be in Chinese; the movie will have English and Chinese subtitles.


Job Opportunities at USCET and USCC

Program Officer - US-China Education Trust

USCET is currently seeking a Program Officer to administer the day-to-day operations of USCET programs, including webinars, workshops, conferences, and educational exchanges. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2023.

Read the full position description and application submission guidelines here.

Policy Analyst, Economics & Trade - USCC

The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), a Congressional advisory commission, seeks a Policy Analyst or Senior Policy Analyst, Economics and Trade.

We are looking for an individual with superior research, writing, and communications skills, and a demonstrated interest or expertise in the U.S.-China economic relationship, China’s economy, and China’s industrial policy. Additional experience with project management, colleague mentorship, and public presentation of research is highly valued for the Senior Policy Analyst role.

Apply to USCET
Apply to USCC
landing page of chineseforprofessionals website

Enroll in our self-paced, online Chinese course at

You will be supporting AMS while also improving your professional language skills.

Course Website

Please visit the course website or contact for more information.

Ask your employer about educational reimbursement!

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