Volume 32 | January 21, 2021
Your Weekly News & Updates
January 19, 2021
Remembering the more than 400,000 Americans lost to COVID-19
Please share!
Contact Dawn Fawcett - admin@wctcoalition.org
to be added to our email list.
Follow us on Facebook @wctcoalition
COVID-19 Resources
COVID-19 Vaccine in Connecticut
Eligibility, access, and support to help you get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Connecticut is currently in Phase 1b of our statewide rollout plan.
Click here for more information
CONNECTICUT ASSOCIATION OF AGENCIES ON AGING PRESENTS The Coronavirus Vaccine: What We All Need to Know to Live, Work, and Play Safely

Members of the aging network are invited to hear experts dispel myths surrounding vaccine efficacy, address the concerns of employers related to COVID testing and/or vaccination for employees, and report on the State’s evolving plans for additional phases of ditribution. Click flyer for more details and to register
Regional Opioid and Other Drug Prevention and Policy Workgroup
From the Recovery Friendly Workplace Toolkit
Addressing Stigma
Overdose Prevention
To learn more about the who is at risk for overdose, signs of an overdose, and how to administer Narcan or Naloxone to reverse an overdose,
please consider attending one of our
Narcan Training Webinars offered the following Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Registration links:
Drug Free Schools Committee
Resources for Youth, Parents and Families
Webinar Series
with Dr. Alicia Farrell, Cognitive Psychologist from CT
All sessions are 7:00-8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays 
Session 1: The Pressure to be Perfect and Its Unintended Consequences
Session 2: Weeding out Fact from Fiction: Marijuana, Alcohol, Nicotine & More
Session 3: The Negative Influences of Screen-Time and Content on Children's Development and What We Can Do About It 
Session 4: Boots on the Ground Parenting: Raising Children with Grit and Resilience
Click here for more information and for registration
Virtual Recovery Supports for Young People
and their family and friends
Hosted by CCAR - Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery
To learn more about CCAR, click here
Mental Health
Emotional Wellness Toolkit
How you feel can affect your ability to carry out everyday activities, your relationships, and your overall mental health. How you react to your experiences and feelings can change over time. Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times.

This Emotional Wellness Checklist is included in the toolkit. Click here to connect to resources like downloadable checklist cards and newsletters you can share covering various wellness topics:

  • Reducing Stress
  • Getting Quality Sleep
  • Coping with Loss
  • Being Mindful

Resources are also available in Spanish
Region 5 Suicide Advisory Board
SpeakingofSuicide.com- Language Matters
People in the suicide prevention field discourage the use of the term “committed suicide.” The verb “commit” (when followed by an act) is generally reserved for actions that many people view as sinful or immoral. Someone commits burglary, or murder, or rape, or perjury, or adultery, or crime – or something else bad.
Suicide is bad, yes, but the person who dies by suicide is not committing a crime or sin. Rather, the act of suicide almost always is the product of mental illness, intolerable stress, or trauma.
To portray suicide as a crime or sin stigmatizes those who experience suicidal thoughts or attempt suicide. This stigma, in turn, can deter people from seeking help from friends, family, and professionals.
Click here to read more about appropriate words and suicide

We all play a part in suicide prevention when we consider
the language we use.
Lets stop using the term "commit" with suicide.

Suicide Prevention Training

February QPR Webinar dates

Please join us!
Click on flyer for registration links.


Marijuana Concentrates
Check out this fact sheet from the Connecticut Clearinhouse!
Learn more about the high levels of THC found in different forms of marijuana. Terms like "honey", "budder", and "dabs" are explained in this fact sheet. Educate your communities by sharing this important information including the use of vapes or e-cigs to injest marijuana.
Problem Gambling Awareness
Mission: The REAP mission is to educate athletes of all ages about the personal and professional risks involved with gambling and other risky behavior and to encourage good decision making.
What is REAP? REAP is an advocacy project designed to reach millions of youth and athletes to educate them on the risky behaviors, with a focus on sports gambling, and educate them on ways to make wise decisions. REAP was designed for this very specific audience by a group of individuals with knowledge about gambling, sports, and sports wagering.

Please consider helping us collect data on video game habits.
Survey ink: 
Our Partners
40 Developmental Assets Framework
The Developmental Assets® are 40 research-based, positive experiences and qualities that influence young people’s development, helping them become caring, responsible, and productive adults.  
External Asset #9 which falls under "Empowerment"
Young people need to feel valued and valuable.
This happens when youth feel safe and respected.

Service to Others
Young person serves others in the community one or more hour per week

By helping others, young people learn to help themselves.
many young people report that when they give of their time and energy, they receive much in return. Serving others can help kids feel good about themselves and feel that they can make a difference in the world.

How do we build this asset?

  • Adults can help by being role models- bring a meal to a new parent, drive an elderly neighbor to an appointment, or serve at a soup kitchen. Look for ways to volunteer where young people are have your kids come along
  • Volunteer together as a family
  • Join or support organizations that promote service to others like Habitat for Humanity, United Way or the YMCA

The 40 Developmental Assets® may be reproduced for educational, non-commercial uses only. Copyright ©1997 Search Institute®, 3001 Broadway Street NE, Suite 310, Minneapolis MN 55413; 800-888-7828; www.searchinstitute.org. All rights reserved.
Workforce Development
Trainings and opportunities (some with CEUS offered!