The following information was received from the West Virginia Retailers Association.
WV Face Covering Executive Order

WVRA Members:

Retailers operating in West Virginia will fall under a new mask mandate put forth in Executive Order 50-20 . Today, WV Governor Jim Justice made the recommendations requiring face covering for our citizens when they venture out into public places, places of employment, and other areas. I have attached a copy of the order for your review. It goes into effect June 7, 2020 at 12:01 a.m.

Just as a reminder: all retailers operating in West Virginia today are still required to follow the social distancing and sanitation practices found in emergency amended - WV DHHR Rule 64CSR114. This rule is critical for retail operations to continue statewide and keeps the industry from having to operate under a patchwork of county and local ordinances.

Governor Justice has made it clear that our healthcare experts are monitoring the COVID-19 numbers in our state and that he will respond accordingly as we move forward.  

If you should have any questions please contact the WVRA office for assistance.
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