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729 St. Matthews Road, Chester Springs

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


West Vincent Township eNewsletter

July 2022

Township offices will be closed on Monday, July 4 for Independence Day. Enjoy your holiday celebrations!


Monday, June 27, 2022 - Special Meeting - Plans for New Public Safety Building 

The Board of Supervisors held a Special Meeting on Monday, June 27 to discuss the plans for the new Public Safety Building. You may access the recording on the Board of Supervisors web page, if you did not have a chance to attend.

In response to ideas suggested by several interested residents, the Board requested that the Police Department and the Administration work with the architect to present an alternative plan for the Public Safety Building that would meet the needs of the Department but cost significantly less. The alternative plan would consider the removal of the existing barn and relocate the building in its place.

The residents collectively agreed that the barn did not represent a significant historical contribution to the site and that its removal would better serve the needs of the township.

It is anticipated that over the summer the alternative plan will be presented to the Board for review and for comparison to the original plan

Monday, August 1 - Workshop Meeting - Discussion of Sale of Bennett Property and McKee Group Presentation

West Vincent Township is extremely interested in receiving your comments and concerns regarding the development of the Bennett Property.

Please send your comments and/or concerns to by July 21, 2022.

The Administration will compile the comments and send to the developer in preparation for discussion at the August 1, 2022 Workshop Meeting. 


Road Maintenance Updates 

Road Closure - Sheeder Mill Road - Juy 5 - July 8 

Sheeder Mill Road between Flowing Springs Road and Hilltop Road will be closed for culvert replacement. Please find alternate routes. 

St. Matthews Road - PennDOT Repairs

PennDOT remains committed to begin base repairs along all of St. Matthews Road, as communicated earlier this month. A confirmed date has not been provided by PennDOT. 

Kimberton Road - Storm Damage Repair

The concrete piping has been delivered and a plan to commence the project is currently being developed.  

Kimberton Bridge Repair

Repairs are taking place with an expected completion, in early July. Kimberton Road between Flint Road and Art School Road will remain closed with no through traffic permitted during this time.

Weatherstone Development Paving

All streets have been paved. Thank you, Weatherstone residents for your cooperation and patience. 

Fellowship Road Culvert 

The Board of Supervisors awarded the contract to Lobar Site Development in the June 20, 2022 Board of Supervisors Meeting. Work is anticipated to begin before the end of summer. 

Township Pond - Catch and Release

Meet a friend at the pond. You can enjoy a quiet afternoon fishing in the Township's pond.

Our pond is stocked with grass carp. Any other fish in the pond are naturally occurring, such as bass, bluegill, sunfish, and others. 

The pond has been stocked twice in recent years to regain control of the aquatic vegetation. Our last restock contained approximately 12 carp. The first stock was unfortunately killed by a bow fisherman.

Please consider barbless hooks when fishing in our pond. 



The inaugural Philly Balloon and Music Festival will be taking place at the Ludwig’s Corner Horse Show Grounds beginning July 1st - July 4th. A fireworks display is scheduled for July 3rd at 9:20 p.m. 

We ask motorists in the area to watch for increased traffic around the entrance to the Horseshow Grounds at the intersection of Route 100 and Nantmeal Road. Throughout the event, on street parking will be prohibited on Nantmeal Road. 

For more information, please visit the Philly Balloon and Music Festival Facebook page. 

The Chester County Emergency Medical Services Council recently awarded West Vincent Township Police Officer Justin Fritz a Clinical Save Commendation. 

On September 27, 2021, Officer Fritz was dispatched to an unresponsive male in cardiac arrest. Along with members of the Ludwigs Corner Fire Company QRS, first responders were able to revive the patient with an AED and CPR. 

Thanks to their quick response and training, the individual went on to make a full recovery. 

Congratulations to Officer Fritz, and the LCFC QRS team!


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Don't Forget to Participate for a Chance to Win $150 VISA Gift Card! 

Looks like we are ALL having fun finding Vincent! 

Find Vincent, our West Vincent Township gnome! Vincent will be on the move all summer at various township businesses and locations!

Contest Instructions:

Be sure to include you, Vincent, and the location in the picture!

Follow us on Instagram at: wvtownship

Take a pic WITH Vincent AT the location and type: #wvtifoundvincent in the caption!

You will be assigned a raffle entry for each picture on Instagram where you and Vincent are IN the picture AT the location and you type: #wvtifoundvincent in the caption!

Raffle winner will be selected at random and will receive a $150 VISA gift card. Contest runs from May 14, 2022 through August 31, 2022. Winner must confirm they are a West Vincent Township resident and will be notified on our Instagram account, township Facebook page and township website on September 2, 2022. One entry PER person, PER location. *rules and guidelines updated as of 5/25/2022 located on our website


This Weather Is For The Birds

The second EAC Beginner Bird Walk took place Saturday morning, June 18. The unusually windy weather that morning kept many of the birds grounded, so our leader, Eric Hughes, shifted the focus to plant identification and discussions of habitat. Eric is a recent Cornell graduate, a birder since youth, and active on Cornell's eBird website.


There are always exciting gifts of nature to uncover at Opalanie Park, which is quickly becoming the “IN” place for birding in Chester County. According to eBird, 109 species have been observed in the park during the past year. You can check out their impressive bird list on their website under Explore/Hotspots.  


A beautiful Eastern Comma butterfly (pictured) was seen along the hike as well as a very rare sighting of the striking red headed woodpecker (pictured), an unusual sight in Chester County.


If you would like to be informed about future EAC bird walks or other EAC events, Join our Email List. 

If you are interested in local birding information, read the recent quarterly Bird Town PA newsletter and sign up to receive future releases



The third Household Hazardous Waste Event

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Oxford School District Admin Building

125 Bell Tower Lane

Oxford, PA 19363



The public can register and watch a guideline and informational slide show for the event on the CCSWA Registration Site.


*NOTE* CCSWA will be accepting up to a total of 3 TVs and computers per household at our drop off facility. There is no charge for this service. Households/residents only. No businesses. 

*NOTE* CCSWA Small Electronics Accepted List at Lanchester drop off

Visit the WV Sustainability Committee home page for more recycling information and resources.



Parks & Recreation Meeting

July 6, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The P&RC meets the 1st Wednesday of the month. The public is invited to attend.


Environmental Advisory Meeting

July 7, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The EAC meets the 1st Thursday of the month. The public is invited to attend.


Historical Commission

July 13, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The HC meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month. The public is invited to attend.


Board of Supervisors Meeting

July 18, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The BOS meets the 3rd Monday of the month. The public is invited to attend.


Sustainability Committee Meeting

July 20, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The SC meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month. The public is invited to attend.

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Planning Commission Meeting

July 21, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The SC meets the 3rd Thursday of the month. The public is invited to attend.


Human Relations Commission Meeting

July 25, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The HRC meets the 4th Monday of the month (if needed). The public is invited to attend.

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Open Space Review Board Meeting

July 26, 2022 @ 7:00 pm

The OSRB meets the 4th Tuesday of the month. The public is invited to attend.

Local Event - Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Hazardous Household Waste Events - scheduled from April - November 2022

by appointment only, pre-registration is required. NO ELECTRONICS ACCEPTED.

All Township and Police Department up-to-date information can be found on the West Vincent Township website at

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Join Our Email List - to receive email notifications when any updates have been made to events, meetings, and latest program and resources information on the topic(s) of your choice.

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Join our eNewsletter - to receive an eNewsletter directly in your in-box, at the beginning of each month, which includes upcoming events and consolidated news.

Join our eNewsletter

All residents will continue to receive our semi-annual printed newsletter at their home address, which will contain the Township's achievements and important one-time special projects or events. An electronic file of recent printed newsletters can be found under Resources/Newsletter on our website.

Board of Supervisors | Calendar | Permit Info | Police

West Vincent Township |

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