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** Moving forward, weeks that have a Newsletter coming out, there will be NO update sent. **

Letter From the Pastor

Wonderful Words of Life…

…That’s the feeling I left with after Sunday worship. I felt that the words “hope” and “resurrection,” which we spoke of were God’s wonderful life-giving words. This is also going to be the title of one of the hymns that you will be singing this coming Sunday. Since I will be away, Rev. Sheldon Keller will bring the wonderful words of life during his sermon. 

As I reflected on the Lenten Season and Holy Week, I have realized how blessed I feel to have been through it. Although it has been filled with many activities, too many to list, this season has been different. Hopefully, you entered into Lent in the same way I did, praying that in the same way Simon Peter experienced life-giving change after his time with Jesus, that God would change whatever was in me that was hindering his transformational work in my life. 

I hope it wasn’t just another year for you. I hope this time has been a time of deep reflection, a time of drawing nearer to God, and a time of finding ways to love more and better. Perhaps, to be more honest about who you are and your need for God. Although the season of Lent is over, and in a sort of way we can go back to normal, I pray that the hope-giving and life-changing times we spent in worship, bible studies, meeting and eating meals together, will continue in your life. 

Don’t let busyness fool you!. Yes! Easter is such a highly emotional time of the year, but let that feeling of excitement, hope and joy carry you through your next hour, your next day, your next week, your next year. Don’t just live going through the motions, but let the power and love shown by Jesus at calvary and on that tomb fill you with everything you need to love God, love your neighbor and truly love yourself. 

Easter is here, but Pentecost is coming! 

Peace and blessings, 

Pastor Rene 

Children and Youth

The Children of JWUMC send Thanks to everyone who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt! We had a blast! 

The next Children, Youth and Young Adult Meeting will be Tuesday April 9 at 5:30. Our agenda will focus on 2024 VBS. Please attend to share your ideas on how we can reach out to our community with Our Lord's Love. Please contact Amy (amyclatanoffbrown@gmail.com or 508.274.1904) or Bill with comments or questions. 

The Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministry Team is looking for additional members. We have been tasked by the 2023 Strategic Planning Committee to create more opportunities for younger people in our loving community at John Wesley. We hope to recruit members who have an open heart for the younger people in our Upper Cape community and are ready to reach out to them. 

If you would like to talk to me or Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adults please email either or both of us here: Bill's email or my email.


Amy - CYYAMT Chair  

Youth News from the Pier

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth, and Young Adults

Be sure to attend the community gaming event on April 6th from 6-9pm at First Baptist Church. See pier270.com for details!

Our summer mission trip to Harrisburg, PA is a long way off, but will be here before we know it. More information will be coming out in the new year, but go ahead and block your calendars off now for July 28-August 3, 2024.

Young Adult Ministry

It’s time to go on a “Quest”

We are now putting together some events for our young adults at JWUMC. This exciting new ministry is geared toward 18-30-somethings who are in that time of their life where they are no longer considered youth and are finding their way through their "adulting" years as students, job seekers, or wherever they are finding themselves in their early adult years. 

One event that is coming up is the Chris Tomlin concert. The concert is on April 20 at Agganis Arena in Boston. I have a limited number of tickets available for our young adults for $25 each. See me or email me if you are interested. Other upcoming events will include trivia nights, curling, and more!

You can find more information on the Young Adult tab of our student ministry website, pier270.comYoung Adult Ministry page

Worship ~ Betty Smith

I pray that the season of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter has been a blessing to you!

“Worship is the work of the people” and there are so many people to thank, that I fear I cannot name all of you. For starters, I thank our wonderful Pastor René, for his leadership, support, flexibility, and love for his flock here at John Wesley. Thanks to Paula for leading the choir, bell choir, children’s choir, for lining up outside musicians for Easter and for producing the wonderful Power Point slides for our Maundy Thursday reflection and worship. I am thankful for Myles’s work in the media booth. He cannot do it alone, prayerfully consider if this is a ministry in which you could assist. Step outside of your comfort zone.

Thanks to all greeters, ushers, altar servants, readers, singer, ringers, and especially “pray-ers.” Without your prayer support, our worship would fall flat.

Thank you to Lianne Carbone and Maryellen Geoghan and their teams for their work in welcoming and setting out the food at the potluck. A huge “Thank You” to everyone who helped set-up and break-down the fellowship hall on Maundy Thursday, for the marvelous food shared at potluck, and that incredible loaf of communion bread (I felt like I was carrying an infant wrapped in swaddling cloth as I carried it out from the kitchen!)

And for the FLOWERS! Many of you donated plants to beautify the sanctuary for Easter. Thank you, Donna, for connecting with Mahoney’s one last time to get the plants ordered and delivered.

Above all else, I thank our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died for each of us and rose again that we might live an abundant life to the glory of God the Father.

Music Ministry ~ Paula King

The choirs had a very busy Lenten Season and Holy Week. Many hours were spent on preparing anthems and special music to bring to the community. Music major students from Bridgewater State University joined us for our Easter Sunday program as special guests. A brass quartet of Trumpet, Saxophone, French Horn and Trombone helped to lend a joyful sound combined with our Bell Choir. Performing some challenging pieces, they definitely deserve a huge applause for all of their efforts! 

New members are always welcome for the Chancel, Bell and Children's Choir.

We are in need of new members due to some dedicated singers/ringers relocating or taking on other responsibilities. If you are interested in joining us, please email Paula King, JWUMC Music Director, at paula.jwumc@gmail.com

A Happy Easter Season to all,

Paula King

Stewardship in Action ~ Tom Hoke

As part of the ongoing video initiative by the Stewardship Ministry Team, we would like to share with you our second and third video. Welcome to John Wesley was produced to introduce a website visitor who may be looking for a church about how we worship. Christmas Eve at John Wesley features our community open house, family service and traditional candle lighting service.

Under the leadership of Tracy Jaekel, we have set a goal to develop 24 different videos over the next year. We will soon be opening a website page where the videos will be posted for easy viewing by our parishioners and the community at large.

Please enjoy Welcome to John Wesley by clicking the link below.



Please enjoy Christmas Eve at John Wesley by clicking the link below.


Hospitality and Welcome ~ Maryellen Geoghan and Lianne Carbone

I would like to thank everyone who participated in the Potluck Maundy Thursday Reflection.

So many spoke of doing potluck dinners in the future. A great thing to do during those cold wintery days.

Also, a big shout out to all who have made coffee hour a seamless success.

From my heart, thank you.

Grateful always,


Co-Chair Hospitality

Men's Breakfast ~ Matt O'Connor

Hello Men of John Wesley!

On Tuesday, April 16th at 7:30 am in the Fitzgerald Room: "Wizards of the Airwaves!" Church members Mel Trott, KC1ELB, and Henry Brown, K1WCC, will explain their fascination with ham (amateur) radio at the next Men's Breakfast. Please join us for an hour of food, fellowship and conversation and bring a friend! If you have questions or would like to help with the breakfast, please contact Matt O’Connor by clicking the button below.

Contact Matt O'Connor


Prayer Chain 

It is an email confidential prayer chain list. The prayer requests are sent out, and the team prayer warriors are asked to pray for those requests. We generally keep them on the list for about a month unless they are requested to continue. If you are interested in joining in praying for others, please contact Karen Camp (508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com).

Prayer Team

On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, there is a prayer team to pray for those who would like to have confidential prayers for themselves or as proxy for others. If you are interested in joining as a prayer team member, please contact Karen Camp (508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com).


“Hello! Welcome! Thanks for coming to JWUMC!” Greeters are the first impression to our church. 

If you are interested in being part of the JWUMC welcome, please contact Karen Camp (508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com).

Bible study 

There will be a study group on Monday nights at 6 pm in the library. Watch for more information as to what we will be using & when it will begin! If you are interested in joining, please contact Karen Camp at 508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com.

Card Ministry 

If you know of someone who’s ill or could use a “thinking of you” card, please contact Karen Camp (508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com).


The library is available to everyone! Go ahead in and browse! Perhaps you are interested in a different translation of the Bible. There are many available. There are several concordances. There are many choices of Christian fiction. There is a copy of Mr. Sievert’s book for you to borrow. There are also some sample of books in a basket in the fellowship hall. If you have some books that you’d like to donate, please contact Karen Camp (508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com).


Keep an eye out for an update on an upcoming spring presentation.

It would be great if you could add her to your prayer list! Questions? Please contact Karen Camp (508-737-1636 or nerakpmac13@gmail.com).



$20 EACH

It’s not to early to start thinking of gardening. Are you interested in having a garden plot?  

They are approximately 12’ x 8’. We have it rototilled for you and it is fenced in and lots of sun for great produce. We have tools available to use. You can plant whatever you want and keep what you need and/or donate any access to the church. All we ask is that you keep it neat and weeded. If you had a plot last year, please let me know if you want to continue with the same one. Thank you.

Contact Sharon

At (508) 457-0950, 508-274-9127 or smulcahy1@comcast.net

New England Conference Events:

A 6-week book study on climate change and theology

This six-week inter-church book study on climate change and theology is offered by the Green Church Movement of the New England Conference. We will be reading the book: Refugia Faith: Seeking Hidden Shelters, Ordinary Wonders, and the Healing of the Earth by Debra Rienstra.

Peggy Drew, who is a member of the NEAC Creation Care Task Force will lead the online study, which continues weekly until May 8. Peggy is A UMC Global Ministries EarthKeeper, and a lay servant at Main Street UMC in Nashua, NH. She has an MA Spiritual Formation and MA Theological Studies. Participants are expected to be present for the six sessions and have the capacity to read an average of 40 pages each week. To learn more or register, contact Peggy Drew at peggydrew21@outlook.com

Outreach/Missions ~ Bonnie Valade

Changing our World for the month of April

Changing our World for the month of April, we will be collecting change for Allison who is doing mission work in the Middle East. She is also coming to visit us in April.

The collection of food is ongoing for the Food Pantry. Their numbers continue to rise, and food donations are much needed. The most needed items are Apple Juice and Saltine Crackers. 

Thank you all for your continued support for our neighbors in need. 

Deuteronomy 15:11 " For the poor will never cease to be in the land: therefore I command you, saying, you shall open your hand wide unto your brother, to the poor, and to the needy".

Bonnie Valade

Birthday Wishes for April: 

Let us celebrate life among our church family. 2nd Tamica DeGrace ~ 4th Wendy Blomberg & Frances Shibata ~ 5th Betty Smith ~ 10th Marilyn McFarland, Bary Bernhardt & Carmen Espinosa ~ 11th Pearl Jurentkuff ~ 13th Karen Camp ~ 15th Charles Bresnahan ~ 16th Jennifer Orne & Cyndy Jones ~ 21st Steve Adams ~ 25th Noreen Byrne ~ 28th Carolyn Reynolds

It's a great thing to have a birthday, a gift from God. Please give your birthday information by recording it on the calendar on the Fellowship bulletin board.

John Wesley United Methodist Church, 270 Gifford Street, Falmouth, MA 02540

(508) 548-3050 



John Loewen, Sexton

Eloise Harmon, Treasurer

Bill Dorfner, Director of Children, Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Lyndsey Melchiono, Church Administrator

Paula King, Director of Music Ministries

Myles Lowery, Audio Visual Coordinator

Rev. René A. Perez, Pastor

An Invitation to Believe

Jesus is the Son of our Lord

God sent Him to prepare the way

To redeem us and to save us;

For this be thankful when we pray.

We are forgiven by His grace

From each one of our sinful ways;

His love is always there for us;

We must give thanks to Him with praise.

He said, “Peter, you are the rock

Upon which My church will begin.”

And He wants us to build our faith,

To be vanquished from all our sin.

Who do you believe is Jesus?

He’s God’s only begotten Son…

Messiah, Who with grace and love

Came to earth to save everyone!

Joy Stosz

March 3, 2024

Based on a sermon by Pastor Rene

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