CCCOE WISP Mental Wellness Newsletter

December, 2023

As we reach the half-way point of our second year as a program, we would greatly appreciate your feedback on how we have been supporting you and our education community. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. Your feedback is instrumental in helping us understand your needs and challenges surrounding mental health in our school communities. In turn, it enables us to make informed decisions on how we can improve our services. Thank you for your time.

WISP Feedback Survey

Prioritizing Mental Well-Being During the Holiday Season

For many people, this is the season for celebration, connection, comfort, and joy. For others, the holidays can heighten the feelings of stress, loneliness, and anxiety. Please take the time to prioritize your mental well-being and that of your loved ones. Reach out, connect, and offer support. Remember, it's okay to seek help and take a moment for self-care. This holiday season, let's spread not just cheer, but also compassion and understanding for mental health.

Tips for Supporting Your Mental Health During the Holiday Season

Supporting your mental health during the holiday season is crucial, as it can be a time of increased stress and emotional challenges. Here are some quick tips to maintain your well-being during the holiday season:

  1. Identify Your Holiday Triggers: Be aware of people, places, or things that can cause you stress or remind you of past traumas.
  2. Allow Yourself to Feel: It's perfectly okay to experience a range of emotions during the holidays. Give yourself permission to feel whatever comes up.
  3. Practice Self-Compassion: Treat yourself with kindness and engage in self-soothing activities that bring you a peace of mind.
  4. Stay Connected: Connection and meaning are critical to our mental health. Make time for your important relationships and connect with yourself through self-care. You can even connect with loved ones who are no longer with you through a family tradition or personal remembrance ritual.
  5. Ask for Help: If you're feeling sad, stressed, anxious, or depressed, don't hesitate to reach out for support from friends, family, or mental health professionals.

Remember, it's important to take care of yourself during the holidays. If you find that stress is becoming overwhelming, don't hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional.

Support Through the Season

The collective awareness and promotion of mental health resources can foster a more compassionate and understanding community. It encourages open conversations about mental well-being and destigmatizes seeking help. As we celebrate the holidays, let's remember to spread awareness about mental health resources,

making this season a little brighter for everyone.

Please check out our special "Support Through the Season" section on our resource hub where you will find links to articles and videos that provide tips for taking care of your own mental health through the holiday season!

Please review our Family Resource Letter to share with the families in your district.

From all of us on the WISP Team, we would like to wish you and yours a

healthy and peaceful holiday break.

We look forward to collaborating and serving the needs of our

Contra Costa School Community in 2024!

In Partnership,

Ade Gobir, Program Manager

Moira Anwar, Administrative Asst.

Edmund Arnold, Liaison

Ali Cannon, Liaison

Kevanne Dobbs, Liaison, Homeless & Foster Youth

Katherine Estrada, Liaison

Mary Lucido, Liaison

The Wellness in Schools Program

Mental Health Resources and Supports Hub

The Wellness in Schools Program has created a hub for Mental Health Resources and Supports. This hub is for students, staff, and families to find activities, curriculum, resources and toolkits related to mental health. Please be sure to explore the Resource Page.

Access the WISP Virtual Wellness Center Here

Upcoming Wellness in Schools Program Events



Suicide Prevention Training: Working Together to Save Lives: The Wellness in Schools Program will be providing an opportunity to increase one's knowledge and understanding of suicide, to recognize warning signs, to identify risk and protective factors, and to increase willingness and ability to intervene with a person at risk for suicide.




School Based Mental Health Collaborative: This collaborative is an opportunity to unite school based mental health providers, counselors, wellness staff, administrators, district leaders, and local community partners. This is a key venue for capacity building and establishing linkages between school districts and a variety of mental health supports in Contra Costa.




Parent Liaison Collaborative: The Wellness in Schools Program is launching a Parent Liaison Collaborative for the 2023-2024 school year. The goal is to establish a nurturing network for parent liaisons across all Contra Costa County school districts, focusing on improving mental health communication between parents and schools. This collaborative is for school partners who support caregivers and families.


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