Mental Wellness Newsletter

April, 2024

April is Stress Awareness Month

For students, learning and practicing stress management techniques can improve their current academic and personal lives but also lay a foundation for a healthier, more balanced approach to challenges in their future

academic and professional careers.

Stress awareness month is an excellent opportunity to promote mental health awareness and provide support and tools for students to help deal with stress.

Here are some ideas for highlighting Stress Awareness Month

in different school levels:

Elementary School

  1. Storytime: Read age-appropriate books that discuss stress and coping strategies. Books like "Lucy's Blue Day" and "Ruby Finds a Worry" can help young children understand mental health concepts.
  2. Feelings Check-In: Incorporate a daily feelings check-in during morning meeting times. Use a feelings chart to help students identify and express their emotions.
  3. Art and Creativity: Encourage students to create art or write stories related to stress management. Discuss age-appropriate, healthy ways to cope with stress.
  4. Outdoor Activities: Organize outdoor playtime or nature walks to promote physical activity and relaxation.

Middle School

  1. Classroom Discussions: Assign time during class for discussions about mental health. Share tips for stress reduction, coping mechanisms, and building resilience.
  2. Daily Announcements: Use morning announcements to share mental health tips. Encourage students to practice self-care, spend time with loved ones, and engage in creative activities.
  3. Guest Speakers: Invite mental health professionals or school counselors to speak to students about stress management.
  4. Mindfulness Practices: Teach mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or guided imagery, to help students manage stress.

High School

  1. Workshops and Assemblies: Organize workshops or assemblies on stress management, anxiety, and mental health. Invite community experts to discuss these topics with students.
  2. Social Media Campaigns: Use school social media groups where students can discuss their experiences and learn from one another.
  3. Peer Support Groups: Create student-led support groups where students can discuss their experiences and learn from one another.
  4. Physical Well-Being: Promote healthy habits like exercise, proper nutrition, adequate sleep intake and water consumption.

Further Reading Suggestions:

What is Stress?

Coping with Stress- Center for Disease Control and Prevention

I'm So Stressed Out Fact Sheet

7 Steps to Manage Stress and Build Resilience - National Institutes of Health

Helpful Practices to Manage Stress and Anxiety - National Institutes of Health

Coping with Stress - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

WISP in the Community

Wellness Together!

WISP, in partnership with Kaiser Permanente, concluded a four part parent workshop at Meadow Homes Elementary. The workshop focused on the basics of mental wellness; knowing the signs of a mental health concern, how to have conversations with your family and care providers, and linkages connected to resources. The series culminated with presentations from community-based partners La Clinica, the BrightLife Kids App, Monument Impact, and Contra Costa Crisis Center. Parents were able to walk away with the skills and resources to address their mental health concerns.

Northgate Invites WISP to their annual Wellness Day.

WISP was invited to the Northgate High School Wellness Day. WISP Liaisons were able to host the "Vision Lounge," a quiet space that allowed students to create vision boards.

MDUSD Allied Health Career Fair- WISP had the opportunity to discuss and field questions with high school students from Ygnacio Valley, Mt. Diablo, and College Park high schools at the third annual MDUSD Allied Health Career Fair. Over 300 Health Pathway students from all three schools were able to come and learn about a variety of nontraditional health careers including becoming a mental health education liaison for WISP!  

May is Mental Health Month

Celebrate Mental Health in Your Schools During the Month of May:

  • Host a Wellness Fair: Hosting a Wellness Fair is a fantastic way to promote mental well-being, reduce stigma, and provide valuable community resources.
  • Host a Q&A with a Mental Health Professional: Invite students and parents to write anonymous questions about mental health conditions and self-care.
  • Lime Green Spirit Day: Lime green is the official awareness color for mental health. Coordinate a day where students and staff wear lime green to celebrate and honor mental health awareness.

SAMSHA Mental Health Awareness Month Toolkit

May is Mental Health Month 2024 Outreach Toolkit - Mental Health America

Resources & Toolkits

The Wellness in Schools Program

Mental Health Resources and Supports Hub

The Wellness in Schools Program has created a hub for Mental Health Resources and Supports. This hub is for students, staff, and families to find activities, curriculum, resources and toolkits related to mental health. Please be sure to explore the Resource Page.

Access the WISP Virtual Wellness Center Here

The Soluna and Brightlife Kids Apps are live for California youth

The California Department of Health Care Services on January 16th launched two new health services offering free telehealth to families with children up to age 25.

The new services include BrightLife Kids a website where families with children up to 12 years old can find mental health coaching and resources, and Soluna App a mobile app that offers mental health support for youth ages 13-25.

The two new services offer free, one-on-one coaching sessions, information on emergency resources for those facing mental health crises, a “searchable directory and live care navigation services” that can help users connect with resources available via their health plan or at their school and tools to help manage stress. Please visit both sites to learn about additional resources that are available.

Upcoming Contra Costa County Events



WCCUSD 2024: Parents as Partners Conference: This conference brings together parents and provides information and training through interactive, engaging workshops that will help them support their child's academic achievement.

Parents as Partners




Miles Hall Youth Summit: The Breaking Barriers: Empowering Black Mental Health Summit explores whole person (mind, body, spirit) wellness with interactive sessions, mentorship, and community celebration of young Black people.



Upcoming Contra Costa County Trainings



Various Dates & Times

Fred Finch provides high-quality trainings to people who provide services to children, youth, and families facing challenges.

April Trainings Calendar



Various Dates & Times

Lincoln Families offers CEU eligible trainings at no cost if you provide care and/or services as a staff member, caregiver, or volunteer working directly with foster, adoptive or probation-involved children, youth, and their families in Contra Costa County.Please visit this link to see their course offerings for April:

April Trainings Calendar



Contra Costa Crisis Center 211 Database Training: In-person 211 database trainings. 211 session covers: different ways to search, how to create an easy access list for frequent requested resources, and much more. 211 database training is provided at no cost.




Contra Costa Crisis Center Suicide Prevention Training: A brief overview on suicide prevention in which participants will learn how to compassionately discuss and how to help someone who may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Target Audience: students, parents, and community partners.




Breaking the Stigma: Black Youth's Mental Health & Our Schools: Panel discussion which will bring together experts that work across education, mental health, and community activism to share how schools can work to address mental health stigma so Black students can heal and thrive.


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