Fall Wellness Activities
It is September and the start of our Biometric
Screening Season. The on-campus screening dates (Sept. 15 - Nov. 30) are open for scheduling at the
Quest website (use registration key CWRU).
Registering for an early fall appointment is suggested.
This is the third year we are asking employees to participate and you may be wondering why.
- Most importantly, it provides valuable information about your current health status. We hope you will share these results during your next health care provider visit.
- The aggregate data received each year helps us determine necessary programs and resources. For example, if a decrease in physical activity is noted we will work on adding more opportunities to be active at work.
Please note that all the results are de-identified so we do NOT see any individual results.
Today is September 1st and the
Health Risk Appraisal and
Tobacco Attestation Form are now available within HCM. Please make sure that you complete them prior to November 30th if you wish to receive the $25 monthly Wellness Premium Incentive in 2016 (available for all faculty and staff using one of our medical plans). The Health Risk Appraisal is available at
www.case.edu/hra. The Tobacco Attestation Form is available within
HCM Main Menu
- Self Service - Benefits - Tobacco Attestation Form (click on your answer choice and then the save button).
You may
confirm that all
wellness activities have been completed by going into
Main Menu -
Self Service - Personal Information - Wellness Summary
Once there is a check mark and date next to each of the three activities, you will know that your participation has been documented in the system.
If you have any questions about participation, the monetary incentives or the program in general, please contact us at