December 2020 | Issue 1
A Letter From Wellington Recreation
2020 has been a year of adaptation, challenge, and a renewed sense of why it is important to get out of the house, especially if you have children. As a recreation department, we are busy planning programming and resources that will keep you and your family engaged and safe. While we do not know what next year will hold, we do know we are dedicated to getting back to recreation, as a community, in a way that follows all public safety guidelines. You can look forward to online resources and programming throughout the winter and if permitted, in person activities in the spring. We are currently seeking a fitness instructor to partner with as we navigate recreation during this time. If you or someone you know may be interested, please email

With new staff in the department, we are taking this season to intentionally engage with residents to plan new programming that aligns with your wants and needs. Join us on Wednesday, Jan. 13 at 6 p.m. via Zoom for a Recreation Community Forum. You will have a chance to share your thoughts and experiences directly with the department as well as learn more about upcoming programming.

You can also share your feedback right now by taking the quick survey below!

Be Well,
The Wellington Recreation Team