National Substance Abuse Prevention Month
Substance Abuse in Older Adults
When you imagine someone with a substance abuse problem, what pops into your head? You might be surprised to learn that there are about 2.5 million older adults in the U.S. with a drug or alcohol problem. Learn more about warning signs to look for and treatment options.

Welcoming Spring by celebrating Passover and Easter!
Whether you're celebrating Easter this weekend, or Passover during this next week, the Cypress Family wishes you and yours peace, love and tranquility.
Turning Tragedy into Opportunity
Our clients, their families and our caregivers all help to make the Cypress family a great one! Gerda Weissmann-Klein graciously agreed to let us share her story spread the word on non-profit Citizenship Counts. Read her story here.
Latest Trends in Healthcare
Health Futures - Taking Stock in You is a weekly radio show focusing on older adults in our community. Each week, expert guests are invited to join Bob Roth and share their wisdom and resources to help people live happier, healthier lives.
Bob Roth's monthly column is focused on the Opioid epidemic currently sweeping through our country. Understanding how people become addicted to opioids is the first step to addressing the problem.
What's going on in April?
Check out the busy events page.
Congratulations to Agatha Edwin for being awared Caregiver of the Month !
Join us in congratulating Agatha for being awarded Caregiver of the Month! Agatha has such a kind and caring demeanor she brings comfort to those in her presence. She is always available to help out the Scheduling Team as they need it. As a great example, Agatha popped into the office and graciously agreed to assist the marketing department with a totally unrelated request. We're so grateful to have Agatha on the Cypress Team!
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