The First
The Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
October 2022
Featured Forum Articles
African Forum:
"The Moral Imperative of (Catholic) Peacebuilding: Lessons from Nobel Peace Prize Laureates"
-Teresia Hinga

European Forum:
"Between Disappointment and Relief:
The German Church on the Synodal Path"
-Katharina Klöcker

North American Forum:
"The Culture of Clergy Abuse and Possibilities for Resistance"
-Kate Jackson-Meyer

Asian and Oceanian Forum:
"Australian Plenary Council Mandates Greater Roles for Women in the Church"
-Hoa Trung Dinh

Latin American and Caribbean Forum:
"Grito da Terra, Grito dos Pobres"
-Maria Inês de Castro Millen

Junior Scholars Forum:
"Engaging Homosexuality and Transgender Identity Through an African-American Catholic Lens"
-Craig A. Ford, Jr.
For these articles and over a decade of global scholarship, visit the CTEWC Forum.
Virtual Tables
The Latin American and Caribbean regional virtual table meets periodically with members from across the region. This VT functions as a leadership group that serves the region by creating connections among ethicists in Latin America and Caribbean, promoting their work, and supporting collaborative projects across countries. One of the current tasks of this group is to find new voices in theological ethics in the region in order to support them. On another note, a group of young theological ethicists in Latin America are in conversation to create a new VT shaped by junior scholars who will focus and collaborative projects and ways to support one another. To be in touch with the Latin American and Caribbean virtual table on any of these efforts, please contact the coordinator, Alexandre Martins (
Asian-Oceanian Regional Report
Upcoming Events

An Asian Regional Dissemination of the Fruits of the Global Project “Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries” to be held on November 12, 2022, (1:00-2:30PM Philippines/ Hong Kong; 10:30AM India). The Asian regional team will present the results of the Vatican project “Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries,” organized by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral and Human Development and its Migrants and Refugees Section. The project involved listening to the stories of those in the existential peripheries such as migrants, indigenous peoples, Dalits, Christians in interfaith families, streetsweepers, homeless, sexually abused children, victim-survivors of domestic violence, catechists, LGBT persons, and the deaf.

Association of Moral Theologians of India (AMTI) shall hold its 32nd Annual Meeting and Conference on October 21-23, 2022 at Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Bangalore. The Conference shall delve deep into the theme: "Towards a Synodal Church: Moral Implications."

Dharmaram Vidya Kshtram, Bangalore, India in collaboration with Chavara Central Secratariat announces an International Conference "Towards a Synodal Church: Moving Forward" on 12-15 January, 2023. The Conference seeks to examine how the Church becomes synodal in a profound way with real fruits borne in the lives of its members.

Call for Papers
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology issues a call for papers for their December 2022 issue on poverty. Read the call for papers and submission guidelines here; submissions are due by 15 December.
European Regional Report
New Appointment

Congratulations to Suzanne Mulligan, CTEWC Planning Committee member, who was appointed the next editor of the Irish Theological Quarterly. She will take up the post in June.

Invitation to the international conference “Theology: Biographical – Contextual – Intersectional“ 20/21 of October 2022 (Franz-Hitze-Haus in Münster, Germany). You can look forward to: intense discussions, speakers from different theological and biographical contexts, an experimental conference design with a mix of presentations and workshops and poster presentations.

"Spiritual Resources for the Future," the International Congress of the European Society for Catholic Theology, August 30th – September 2nd, 2023 (Theological College of Pécs, Hungary). The congress provides the opportunity to theologians and other scholars to reflect upon the past and current situation of Europe and to unfold the future-oriented moments of the Judeo-Christian tradition for the continent. Congress participants are invited to approach the conference topic from their own theological or other academic perspective with the aim to bring the potentials of theology, religion, and spirituality to the light through challenging discussions.
Calls for Papers

Call for Papers for the 21. WORKSHOP ETHIK, Intuition und Intuitionen in der Ethik, 13.03.-15.03.2023 Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus, Wiesbaden-Naurod. Der Workshop Ethik ist ein Diskussionsforum, das Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen aus verschiedenen Disziplinen über grundlegende Fragen von Moral, Gesellschaft und Politik ins Gespräch bringt.
Dr Peter Admirand and Prof Thia Cooper are inviting submissions for a Special Issue on “The Future of Liberation Theologies” for the open-access journal, Religions. This Special Issue asks key questions such as: Where should liberation theologies direct their attention? Whom and what are we continuing to exclude? Where are the hidden and not so hidden places where domination continues? In what ways must theologies of liberation also be liberated? What have been their failures and unfulfilled promises? Most importantly, how can they shape or contribute to a more just world, especially for the voiceless and broken? Submissions are welcome on any connecting theme and are due by January 15, 2023.

New Publication

Moralismen. Formen und Strukturen einer neuen Sensibilität” (Jahrbuch für Moraltheologie 6) edited by Konrad Hilpert and Jochen Sautermeister.
The sixth Yearbook of the German Association for Moral Theology (AG Moraltheologie) analyses different forms and dynamics of moralism and illustrates these on the basis of selected debates such as #MeToo, Racism, Veganism, Gender, and Hate Speech.
Latin American-Caribbean Regional Report

4º Congresso Internacional Doutrina Social da Igreja: Tudo que é humano diz respeito à Igreja: A melhor política à luz da doutrina social da Igreja. Dias 09 e 10, 16 e 17, 23 e 34 de novembro de 2022. Inscrições aqui.

Nuestros compañeros Aníbal Torres y Pablo Blanco, participaron en el ciclo de conferencias "Desafíos del Siglo XXI a la luz de Fratelli Tutti" en Montevideo, Uruguay. Video completo.
El Instituto de Cultura Universitaria (ICU) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA) ofreció el seminario internacional “Sinodalidad en la vida de la Iglesia” con los temas.
1) El proceso sinodal en España y la experiencia del Sínodo Arquidiocesano de Buenos Aires: Video completo.
2) El Sínodo de los jóvenes de cara al Sínodo mundial, y la Asamblea Eclesial Latinoamericana y sus aportes como continente de la esperanzaVideo completo.

A Sociedade Brasileira de Teologia Moral (SBTM) publica o livro: Cruzar fronteiras: uma urgência para a ética teológica (Aparecida: Editora Santuário, 2022) com textos de membros da CTEWC-LA.


André Luiz Boccato de Almeida; Carolina Mureb, "Teologia e Sinodalidade a partir do Papa Francisco. Uma reflexão teológico-moral sobre o sentido da eclesiologia do Povo de Deus em chave sinodal" Encontros Teológicos 32, no. 2 (2022): 253–274.

Alexandre A. Martins; Mário Marcelo, "Teologia Moral no Brasil a partir da caminhada da SBTM" IHU online (23 de setembro de 2022).

Alexandre A. Martins, "Theological Bioethics and Public Health from the Margins: Epistemology and Latin American Liberation Theology in Bioethics"The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 22, no. 2 (2022): 239–255.

Amarildo José de Melo, "Igreja e política em Minas Gerais no século XIX A participação de Dom Antônio Ferreira Viçoso na “Questão Religiosa" Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 82, no. 322 (2022): 349–376.

Marta Luzie de Oliveira Frecheiras, "História Da Teologia Moral: Uma Síntese A Partir Do Concílio De Trento" Atualidade Teológica 26, no. 69 (2022): 96–114.

Elismar Alves dos Santos, "Da ética do bem viver à ética do bem agir" Revista Eclesiástica Brasileira 82, no. 322 (2022): 408–423.
North American Regional Report
Online Discussions

Emily Reimer-Barry joined sociologist Tricia C. Bruce in the online conversation "Abortion: Where Do We Go From Here?" at the invitation of the Associate of Pittsburgh Priests on September 7, 2022. The recording is publicly available here.

The Global Synod on Participation, Communion and Mission offers an historic opportunity for teaching and learning around a variety of topics in theology and religious studies. Kathleen Maas Weigert, Sociology Professor Emerita at Loyola University Chicago, and Maureen O'Connell, Professor of Christian Ethics at La Salle University and (for the duration of the Synod) Director of Synod and Higher Education Engagement with Discerning Deacons:
·      Wednesday, October 12th, 4 to 5 PM EST - Register HERE
·      Thursday, October 13th, 12 to 1 PM EST - Register HERE

Recent Articles

David Hollenbach, "Religious Nationalism, a Global Ethic, and the Culture of Encounter," Theological Studies, September 2022. 

Tobias Winright, “Review: Defend or defund the police? It’s more complicated than that," America Magazine, September 9, 2022.
Job Opening
The Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University (JST-SCU) invites applications for an assistant or associate-rank position in Theological Ethics to begin in Fall 2023. More information about the position is available here; applications are due October 15, 2022.