Revenue Cycle Management

KPG Newsletter  Special Edition: ICD-10 Update
August 2016

Kathy Puziak PMP CMPE

  ICD-10 Update - Get ready for October 1, 2016
by Kathy Puziak CMPE PMP

Hard to believe but fall is just around the corner and with it the one-year grace period for Medicare expires. AND, the annual update to ICD-10s for next year takes effect.

Medicare Grace Period Expires

We have been in a one-year grace period with Medicare Part B claims since ICD-10s became mandatory on October 1, 2015. During this time, Medicare has not been denying or auditing claims solely on specificity of the ICD-10-CM codes as long as the provider submits a diagnosis code from the appropriate family of codes. This grace period has been followed by all MACs (Medicare Administrative Contractors) as well as some of the commercial payers. However, the one-year grace period is schedule to end on September 30, 2016.

ICD-10-CM Code Updates

At the same time that the grace period expires, we are faced with the first annual ICD-10-CM maintenance update. Let's break the update down, starting with code additions and changes for ICD-10-CM:
  • 1,974 new codes
  • 425 revised codes
  • 311 deleted codes
The new code set can be downloaded from the CMS website. The 2017 GEMs have just been posted to CMS.
You don't have to purchase a new set of ICD-10s. Use the file from CMS and Group Management constants spreadsheets to upload new codes, expire old codes and set effective and expiration dates. 

Need help? Contact KPG RCM at We can make the process easier for you.

  RCM ToGo - Solutions with a Custom Fit

by Dave Smeltzer, 
Vice President, KPG RCM ToGo

In May we announced the arrival of RCM ToGo, LLC. With the addition of the new entity we provide hosting services for Group Management as well as expanded services in the form of IT technical support and services as well as greater portability for our clients. As part of this expanded service, RCM ToGo offers a reliable, robust, Customer Relationship Management system to track and solve the issues that stand between you and an improved revenue cycle.

Our new server resides in a HIPAA compliant facility in Dallas, Texas, It provides RCM ToGo clients a secure, sophisticated alternative to maintaining an in-house server. Combining this with the expertise of the RCM ToGo team allows you to leverage RCM ToGo as your IT department, therefore letting you focus your energy and efforts on managing your practice without having to worry about data security, and day-to-day solutions to Group Management and IT problems.

Do you need solutions tailored to your specific requirements? RCM ToGo has the expertise to solve problems and provide solutions tailored to your specific needs. With our team of former IDX/GE experts, we are uniquely positioned to work with you across the whole spectrum of challenges that face an organization every day, from managing multiple practices, developing advanced workflows that incorporate automation to expedite work efforts, to report management that focuses on  We are just a phone call, instant message or email away.

Outsourcing to RCM ToGo allows you to focus on practice management and high value tasks, optimizing the return on investment of your in-house staff's time and talent, especially when it comes to AR and patient care.    
RCM ToGo = Solutions and Value for You
  •        HIPAA compliant hosting services for Group Management
  •        Support Analyzer and MS SQL Reporting services
  •        Full support for GE's EDI services
  •        Support for conversions and interfaces
  •        Expert staff with in-depth technical knowledge
  •        Tailored solutions designed to fit your needs and practice

Contact Dave Smeltzer at (630) 391-4778 or to see how RCM ToGo can provide you with the tailored practice management solution you need to improve productivity and reduce your IT burden.