Revenue Cycle Engagement
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KPG Newsletter
March 2015

Kathy Puziak PMP CMPE

G E Centricity CLIVE 2015 


Orlando  Florida   

April 29 - May 2, 2015

KPG Revenue Cycle Services will be at GE Centricity CLIVE 2015 in Orlando, Florida from April 29 thru May 3, 2015. Many of you will have heard Kathy Puziak speak at conferences in the past and know her sessions are always popular. This year she is speaking on a topic that came out of discussions from last years attendees: how do you measure productivity in the billing office?

Plan to join Kathy on Friday, May 1 at 8 AM at CLIVE for " Optimizing Your Billing Office Staff".

Stephen Stoyko from KPG Revenue Cycle Management will be speaking on Saturday, May 2 at 9:45 AM on "Appointment-to-Payment: Using Process Mapping to Increase Practice Productivity". Stephen brings his expertise in process improvement to address questions we are challenged with everyday in the revenue cycle.

We look forward to seeing you at GE Centricity CLIVE 2015 in Orlando. Follow the link to register! 




"According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two! Does that sound right? That means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."

~ Jerry Seinfeld


  Your Virtual Account Manager

by Kathy Puziak CMPE PMP  


Centricity Group Management� customers no longer have the safety net known as an Account Manager. We came to depend on this great group of dedicated people to coach us thru the new releases, to guide us to the correct resources, to answer questions on how the product functioned and to assist us in pulling together state and regional user group meetings. They were there to hold our hand thru the challenges that every practice faces in dealing with their practice management system, the industry and the myriad other stakeholders we deal with each day.


Without these forums, we at KPG RCM are seeking alternatives to help you continue to grow in your knowledge and use of Centricity Group Management. Hence to be Your Virtual Account Manager.


We will put tips and tricks in this corner. We will also be sending out a survey to ask you what you miss most about your Account Manager and how we might help get the state user groups moving again.


In the meantime, visit our website,, where you will find some useful documents including this FAQ to demystify the customizable fields in Centricity Group Management (GPMA/IDX/Groupcast). Click on this link to download this informational document and share it with people in your organization!

Project Management 101

by M. George Puziak PMP  


This is the first in a series of articles focusing on Project Management basics.


We often fail in our projects because of our lack of understanding of what it takes to complete a project successfully. By incorporating a few basic principles, you can bring your projects in on time and within budget!


We often think Project Management is for engineering or software projects. On the contrary, the principles of Project Management can be applied to all types of projects and we in health care would benefit greatly from learning to use these in our projects.


 Complete Article