We welcome you to worship!
Sunday, May 31st - Pentecost Sunday
Prelude - Come, Spirit, Come - click below
Introduction to Worship
HYMN - Spirit of God Descend Upon My Heart click here
Children's Message
Spirit Song - Bell Choir - click here
Gospel Reading and Sermon
Freely, Freely - Kids Choir
Prayers of Intercession and The Lord's prayer
POSTLUDE - Every Time I feel the Spirit - click here
I recorded worship this week before rioting broke out across the country, so I feel the need to add this addendum to worship. My home-state of Minnesota and the people I love there have been heavy on my heart. Also heavy on my heart has been what led up to these riots. The killing of George Floyd (after too many other similar incidents). I ask you to include in your prayers today (and when you worship) all of the communities that are being devastated by these riots and for the people working to keep others safe in these communities. I also ask you to keep in prayer those who need to fear for themselves and their children simply because of the color of their skin. As people of God and people who believe all life is sacred, we cannot accept this. Lord in your mercy. Please, please, please hear our prayer.
We thank you for the support of our church during this time. You may make a one time donation by clicking the button below. You may also set yourself up for online giving.