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St. Francis House News




Heaven on Earth - by Rev. Michael Cox

Every Thursday morning, I try to visit the St Francis House. I sit in the café with a cup of coffee and wait to be invited into conversation. Last week, a woman came in who had just discovered this glorious place, a place for clothing and household items yes, but also a place of rest and healing. Pulling up a chair next to me, she told me all about a miraculous experience she had while in the hospital. Close to death and in a coma, the indescribable beauty of heaven was revealed to her. Smiling behind a plate of donuts, she described a place that looked and sounded like nothing she had ever imagined. Until she came to the St Francis House. “When I walked in, it felt like that time in the hospital. Like I was experiencing heaven on earth!” As she shared her understanding of heaven, comparing it to how she feels while visiting the St Francis House, her joy and excitement were contagious. As a street minister for Operation Nightwatch, I speak to many people who are in crisis as a result of suffering and trauma. Like the clients of the St Francis House, I come for restoration and renewal. Sometimes coffee and donuts can open the door to heaven! “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me (Revelation 3:20 NRSV).”

Planned Giving

We are thrilled to introduce our Planned Giving Program. Two wonderful estate attorneys have offered their friendly services should you be interested in including St. Francis House in your financial or estate planning. Donors who engage in Planned Giving know that by strategizing and coordinating their giving with the rest of their financial planning, they may be able to save on taxes now, give more, or save on estate taxes later. Please contact Laura for more information.

Volunteer Spotlight - Martha’s Workers

For almost 40 years, Martha’s Workers have been trailblazing a legacy of stewardship for us all to follow. Co-founded by Nancy Moriarty and Cairns Dempsey, this enthusiastic group of St. Anne’s parishioners gathers weekly to make over 500 sandwiches for five grateful organizations, including St. Francis House!  Two St. Francis House long-time volunteers are also Martha’s Workers – Monica Bradley and Karen Brookman!

Spring Monthly Giving Campaign

Please consider becoming a St. Francis House Sustainer with a monthly recurring donation at the following link.  Giving as little as $20 per month goes a long way!! 


Current Item Donation Wish List:

  • Men's jeans (all sizes)
  • Men's shoes (all sizes)
  • Diapers (size 5 - 6)
  • Sandwiches

Prayer Requests

2024 has been dedicated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. “Prayer is the first strength of hope. You pray and hope grows, it moves forward. I would say that prayer opens the door to hope. There is hope, but I open the door with my prayer.”

We have recently added an email link on our website for you to submit your personal prayer requests. Let us pray for you.  

Submit a prayer request


206-268-0784   info@stfrancishouseseattle.org

