From the Iona Collaborative
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Small Church Voices!
Here at Iona Collaborative, we believe in the power of small. Through our Lilly-funded Thriving in Bi-Vocational Ministry and Thriving Bi-Vocational Congregations Programs, we are learning so much from the small-church leaders and congregations in our cohorts about how to adapt, travel light, and use what we have to share the Gospel in our rapidly changing world. We think everyone should hear this good news!
We are launching Small Church Voices to celebrate all the exciting ways small congregations and their leaders are innovating for the Church of the future. Every month, we will feature inspiring stories from small-church leaders or congregations in the Iona Collaborative network. We'll also spread the word about upcoming opportunities for conversation and continuing education through Seminary of the Southwest and share some small-church resources you can use right away. We hope you and your small-church friends and colleagues will join us on this new adventure. Please forward this newsletter widely and send us your own stories about the power of small.