Today, civic participation occurs at many levels. We make impactful decisions about our community every time we make a purchase, vote, post on social media and, of course, volunteer. We think any awareness we can bring to the many resources that might spur individual action for good, falls right in line with what we’re up to at HandsOn.
January 20, 2022
Welcome to 2022!
With the new year comes new resolutions to better ourselves. Whether it be to work out, read more, or eat healthier. HandsOn challenges you to take time this year to resolve to grow in our community. Learning more about your neighbors, an issue area you are passionate about or helping others get involved.

It's not too late to add a resolution to help grow our community! Start by volunteering, maybe you're ready to make the commitment to become a Volunteer Leader, consider a year of National Service, or get your company involved in volunteering!

We are also making the resolution as an organization to keep providing resources and opportunities to grow community together and to celebrate the steps along the way!
We want to hear from you! What types of topics do to see us focus on in 2022? Let us know in this short, 3 question, anonymous survey!
Thank You AVNET
It is always a treat volunteering with longtime friends. AVNET has been one of our supporting partners since the beginning.

For Fall Into Service the team from AVNET went all out at Lowell Elementary School in Mesa. They built benches, painted a space themed activity path ground mural, gave both teacher lounges full makeovers, and spruced up a few other campus murals. Thanks AVNET!

The activity path was so stellar our team made a TikTok to show it off!
Community Corner
  • Did you know you can get free at-home COVID-19 tests in the mail or from your local library?

  • The Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation is looking for volunteers to help out at Taliesin West.

  • You don't need to run 26.2 miles to volunteer for the Mesa Marathon.

  • ICYMI - January 17th would have been Betty White's 100th birthday and people have been donating to local animal shelters and rescues in her honor.
HandsOn Greater Phoenix
Physical Address: 1125 E Southern Ave | Suite 200 | Mesa, AZ 85204
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4107 | Mesa, AZ 85211