January 2021

Looking ahead to 2021:
SBIR/STTR funding looks as strong as ever.

This funding has historically thrived through multiple administrations as well as serious economic downturns — and we don’t see any major changes for 2021. But it’s never too early to get in touch with us to talk about your plans.

Remember: We're here to help you before, during and after the award.

BBCetc helps you secure SBIR/STTR funding. But we can also help you during the process, like guiding you through the administrative review and each agency’s unique and often-changing requirements. And we can help after the award to make sure you move forward effectively.

SBIR/STTR proposal budgets may not be fun, but they’re fundamental.

Preparing a budget isn't necessarily rocket science, but not everyone has the time, patience or the right CPA gene. But they need to get done. Take the BBCetc Budget Quiz to see how budget-savvy you really are.

We've never believed in half-baked, cookie cutter advice.

Figuring out how to make the right decisions before, during and after the award is granted is definitely not a one-size-fits-all proposition. At BBCetc, we always deliver guidance that's specific to your project and your needs.

What happens
after the award?

Tip #7
Ask for help now — before problems
can’t be fixed.
Let experts help you with the details so you can concentrate on what you do best. Just because you’re the one starting the company doesn’t mean you should be expected to know everything.

Watch for our funding alerts!
Our timely alerts will remind you of current and upcoming opportunities from multiple agencies — and their deadlines. If you see one you want to pursue, get in touch with us right away so you have plenty of time to make your proposal as strong as possible.

Learn the advantages of being a SHARPhub company.
The Sustainable Heartland Accelerator Regional Partnership Hub (SHARPhub) is an initiative of BBCetc. If you’re a researcher in Kansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota, SHARPhub can help bring your life-science technology to market.

Find out more at sharpideahub.com

Health & Human Services
SBIR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Not Allowed Funding Opportunity Announcement 

STTR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Not Allowed Funding Opportunity Announcement 

SBIR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Required Funding Opportunity Announcement 

STTR Omnibus/Parent Clinical Trial Required Funding Opportunity Announcement 

Announcements Open: 11/9/2020
Announcements Close: 1/8/2021

Department of Education 
Proposals due: 1/21/2021

Department of Commerce
Topics Release: 10/15/2020
Proposals Due:  1/13/2021

Department of Defense
Topics announced: 12/8/2020
Solicitation opens: 1/14/2021
Proposals due: 2/18/2021
NOTE: Dates have changed from original schedule

A214-001: Identifying and Enabling Emerging Technology Leaders
Topics Announced: 11/24/2020
Solicitation release: 12/8/2020
Proposals due: 1/12/2021 by 12 p.m. ET

Topics Released: 11/12/2020
Solicitation Release: 12/11/2020
Proposals Due: 1/15/2021

Topics Released: 11/9/2020
Solicitation release: 12/14/2020
Letter of Intent due: 1/4/2021 5pm ET
Proposals Due: 2/22/2021 11:59pm ET

FOR DOD, DOE and Homeland Security (DHS) submissions:
Be aware that there are three steps:
1.   Topic release
2.   Solicitation release
3.   Proposals due

For all THREE agencies, we strongly recommend that you reach out to the agency Point of Contact DURING the “open” period between topic release and solicitation release. Once Solicitations are released, none of these agencies will talk to proposers.


Upcoming Training and Events
For the time being, most training is either canceled or being done virtually. Check the BBCetc Events Calendar for updates.
About BBCetc
BBC Entrepreneurial Training & Consulting, LLC (BBCetc) works with technology-based entrepreneurs and companies across the U.S. on strategies to advance their R&D efforts to commercialization. The BBCetc team is nationally recognized for its success in helping clients secure federal funding through the SBIR and STTR programs. BBCetc services include research grant assistance, SBIR/STTR training and proposal development assistance, and grants and contract management.

Contact us: www.bbcetc.com / 734.930.9741 / info@bbcetc.com