Training Center
news & updates

May/June 2024

Welcome Summer! Before the dog days of summer chase us back into air-conditioned homes, revel in the cool mornings, the greetings of your neighbors and the sheer joy of your dog, breathing in the scent of summer. Walk easy, train often and enjoy every minute.

Summer Camp Registration is OPEN: Why You Should Sign Up

If you've ever trained with me personally at Redfern, you know I'm plain-spoken. It's for the benefit of both you and your dog. I want you both to get the most you can out of every class, every single time. It's why you came.

If you have a child, and you're wondering what they might enjoy camp-wise this summer, I recommend our Kidz 'n K9s Day Camp. Of course, it's my camp, and yes, I want to see it filled, but I have other motives as well. Before I made the switch to full-time dog training, I was a teacher. Truth be told, the basics are often the same. Be kind, be consistent, get your students excited about learning something new, and lead by example. Both dogs and children benefit from this approach.

Back to camp. Our kids' camp offers students a week-long introduction to hands-on dog training. They learn new things. They are responsible for their dog. They get a real sense of accomplishment when they see what it means to work as a team with their dog. They feel and recognize empathy for their canine partner. These are all essential people-skills that last long after their week with us.

I know much of our world is experienced via screens: television, computers and phones. And everyone loves a funny animal video. Camp gives kids the opportunity to experience the joy of working with a dog, another being, one-on-one. It's heart-warming to see the bond between dog and child. And you'll be amazed at the show your children put on at the end of the week. It's the best summer memory, with a lifelong positive impact.

And that's why your child needs to come to camp. Read all about Kids 'n K9s Day Camp and register here. Our camp runs from Monday, July 29th - Friday, August 2nd. Spots are limited, so sign up soon.


Redfern Canines is proud to sponsor The Pennsylvania State Working Animal Foundation

( and the Working Animal Wall of Honor.


Kidz 'n K9s CAMP


Don't let your kids miss out this summer. Our popular Kidz 'n K9s day camp returns for one week only, July 29th - August 2nd. Register online right here!

Local Dog Show Fun!

Check out Harrisburg Kennel Club's upcoming shows:

Performance Jamboree June 13-18

Featuring AKC Scent, Fetch & Fast CAT Trials

Lebanon Valley Expo

Click here for more details.


Summer Dog Safety Review

  • No hot cars. Ever. 80 degrees outside means 120 degrees inside the car, even with the windows rolled down.
  • Always have fresh water available for your dog. They can get dehydrated too.
  • Avoid strenuous exercise during extreme heat. Use good judgement when taking your dog for a walk or run. Keep in mind the temperature of the asphalt. If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for Fido.
  • Need a more in-depth review? Check out this article on summer safety by the AKC.

Come Join Us: June 1, 2024

Pennsylvania State Working Animal Foundation Open House

The Foundation celebrates the lives of working animals across the Commonwealth. Join us June 1st from 9-3 at 210 Andersontown Road, Mechanicsburg, PA.

* Working Wall of Honor

* food trucks

* working animal demonstrations

* animal meet and greet

For our second event, we'll be in downtown Harrisburg at the Capital on June 11th from 10-2. The Third Annual Working Animal Appreciation Day will once again gather working animals and lawmakers together to celebrate these amazing animals, and the public is invited!

Portia's Piece:

Minding Our Manners: A Brief Review of Redfern Rules

It's been great seeing so many new canine teams at the center these days. I love when I'm asked to stop in and do the occasional demonstration; it keeps my skills tip-top, and besides that, it's just plain fun.

Since we have so many new faces, I thought this would be a good time to review the center's guidelines to keep everyone safe, happy and ready to learn something new.

  • Vet records. We need to see that your pup is up-to-date on required vaccinations. Email record, or bring proof to your first class.
  • Housekeeping. Potty your dog in the grassy area outside before class. Take breaks as needed during class. Deposit bags in the metal can outside the center door. If your pup has an accident, soak up the urine with blue center towels and place them outside, spray the area with Nature's Miracle, and leave it. Use paper towels to clean soiled carpet, and deposit feces bag outside in the metal can.
  • Class Cancellation - if needed, you will be notified via email 2 hours prior to class.
  • Equipment Needed. No extendable leads. Short is better than long. No pinch, prong or electric collars. Treats should be soft, small and tasty. Use a treat bag, or canvas hardware tool bag. No plastic bags, and no pockets.
  • Give each other space. At ALL times, maintain a distance of 2 feet between dogs, both in the center, and in the parking lot before and after class. Our motto is safety first.



Go Fetch!

Designed for all breeds by the AKC, the Fetch program is your chance to have fun with your dog doing something most dogs love to do: fetch!

There are four levels of proficiency to achieve in the skill of retrieval. It's great mental and physical exercise for dogs, and even though some are natural born to it - hello Labrador Retriever - almost any dog can choose to participate in the Fetch program and succeed.

For more details on the program, visit the AKC here to learn more.
